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Liverpool Mercury



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Liverpool Mercury

Births, Deaths, Marriages and Obituaries

... BIRTHS, MARRIAGES, & DEATHS. ^ No Notlee of Birth, Marriage, or Death can he Ls verled uulcas asothenticatei by the name and addreft Of the sender. BIRTEHS. DoAtta-April 23, at Hadasaah.grove, Aigbtrtb, Mmr. J W. Doane, of a son. Gou YurApri 24, it killfbsrk, West Derby, the wife of Hr. Thooag Gatilburn, of a dang .cr. HoLua,1-Aprll 24, at 4, Upper Dakoistreet, the wife of Mr. Franois ...

Births, Deaths, Marriages and Obituaries

... BIRTHS, MARRIAGES, & DEAT If * No Notlae of Birth, Marriae, or Death can i eerted unless authenticated y the name and midreg, of the sender. BIRTHS. COLLAS-May 1, at 55, Chatsworth-street, Edge.hUI, thb wife of Captain William Collas, of a davghter. Goanoa-May 18, at 48, Nureery-street, the wife Of Mr. t* Gordon, Upholsterer, of a sOnI.* LBADDsaarnt-May 12, the wife of a. W. Lealbeater, ...

Births, Deaths, Marriages and Obituaries

... MARRIAGE OF THE PRINCESS G, ALICE. IA TREATY between her Majesty and the Grand Duke fod of Hesse for the marriage of her Royal Highness tb the Princess Alice Maud Mary with his Grand 1 Ducal Highness the Prince Frederick William n Lewis Charles of Hesse. Signed at London, August 14, 1861. Ratifications exohanged at wi Darmstadt, September 10, 1861. tel In the came of the Holy and Blessed ...

Births, Deaths, Marriages and Obituaries

... BIRTHS, MARRIAGES, & DEATHS. 0*t No notice of Birth, Marriage, or Death can be In- sorted USdIoS authenticatod by the namne amus addres of the mender. BIRTHS. Cosmooq-Nov. 16, the wife of Mr. William Cotton, Spital- fields Wallk, Cheter, of a daughter. 6ieltDON-NOV. 19, at PAthtoI-viOW, Rook Ferry, Ohechire, Mrs. Samuel Gordon, of a son. KHARNE-NOV. 18, at Vernon Lodge, Gateacre, the wife of ...

Births, Deaths, Marriages and Obituaries

... BIRTHS, MARRIAGES, & DEATHS. N* o Notice of Birth, Marriage, or Death can be In. serted unless authenticated by the name and address of the sender. .BIRTHS. Bowese-Marob 11l In ldeivile-plaoe, Birkenbead, Mie. T. H. Bowen, of a Aaughter. ROmit-Marob 11, at 28, Huekiasoa-street, the wife of Mr. James Rome, of a son. SLACH-MaSTe 11, at 119, Upper Beae-street, the wife of Mr. Thomas Asmstrong ...

Births, Deaths, Marriages and Obituaries

... DEATH OF SIR JOHN' INGLIS, TE HERRO OF LUCKNOW. ?? Sir John Earaley Wilmot Inglia, ?? colonacl of the 32ud regiment, and coin- mander of the troops In the Ionian Islands, died at Ilonburg on Saturday. It will be remenbered that this dislingnisbad t fficer Was in omrumand of the garrisoa at Luoknow, and defit dtd that ?? with a very small forco of EogliFh soldiers, already enfeebled by ...

Births, Deaths, Marriages and Obituaries

... BIRTHS, MARRIAGES, & DEATHS. *,No Notice of Birth, Marriag~e, or Death can be in- serted unluss authenticated by the name and addrese of the sender. lEobsrtahl, at BiBroHwrlow-street, the wife of Mr. RoetPrlao; of a daughter. ScOTT.-Hardh 10, it Montreal, the wife of Mr. Thoms 15. Scott, architect, late of Birkenhead, of a eon. WooDs-March 26, the *iife of Ur. Thomas Woods, cut- owner, of a ...

Births, Deaths, Marriages and Obituaries

... BIRTHS, MARRIAGE8, & DEATHS, ?? No Notise of Birtb, darrlia, or Death can be in- sertrd unless authentlated y the name and address of the sender. -BRTHS. MAvnoMn 1jusne 24, the wife of Mr. P. Macdonuell, of a daughter. MARRIAGES. FoRTUrq-BArn-4une 25, by license, at St. Peter's, Evertoe, by the Rev. George French, DA Mr. Willilm Fortune, master mariner, to Mary, daughter of the late Mr. Janmea ...

Births, Deaths, Marriages and Obituaries

... BIRTHS, MARRIAGES, & I)EAT1IS, % No Notiee ot Birth, Marriage, or Death can he in. serted unless authenticat ed by the namse and address of the sendor. BIRTES. AsnwuN-March 27, at Plas Llanerch-y-Mor, Holywell, the wife of Willam Henry Ashwin, Esq., of a daughter. BoYD-March 27, at Claughton-road, Birkenhcad, the wife of Mr. David Boyd, of a daughter. HOLLAND-Ftb. 7, at Port Elizabeth, Algoa ...

Births, Deaths, Marriages and Obituaries

... BIRTHS, MARRTAGES, & DEATHS. r** No Notice of Birth, age, er D l ea be tn sorted unless authentiaed by tho name and addrem of the sender. BIRTHS. DAVrZs-4uIy 2, at 227, flenalngton-torraOe, Uppor Per. Iaement-atreet, tke wife of Mr. William Davies, of a daughter. GirrTms.Jnly 2, at 28, Crasmwellstreet, Everton, the wifeof Mr. John Cake Gtne, of v eon. Huoenao-.une 25, at the Poet-offico, ...

Births, Deaths, Marriages and Obituaries

... BIRTHS, MARRIAGES, & DEAT aU. No NotIoe ofi Birth, Marrige, or Desth can be in. Varied unless b55t tcticated by the avon and address of the sender. BIyRTHS. Ammv-Oct. ll, at 49, Seacombe-Btreot, the wife of Mr. 'Ihcmca AsMoist of a eon. 'TzGnALD-Oct. 1,at No. 27. Troughton-stroat, Edge. bill, the wife of Mr. Edward Fitzgerald, the younger, or LIG0-Oet, 18, at Sheweill'-raod, Trannwere, the ...

Births, Deaths, Marriages and Obituaries

... =a BIRTHS, MARRIAGES, & DEATHS. No Notice of Birth, Marriage, or Death c,, Ilein sortedl unless authenticated y the name, ano wldroe of the sender. BIRTS. BROCEsa-SePt. 15, At 15, KenYOn-terrace, Birkenheed, Mrs. William Brockie, of a daughter. FsumvomBspt. 14, at Aughten Hoess, the wire of Mr. Richard PhilpOtt, Of a daughter. QuuaEGGs-Sept. 16, at 90, Cheater-street, Birkcenbead, the wife ...