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Births, Deaths, Marriages and Obituaries

... MARRIAGES. On the 19th inst. at the Parish Church, Mr. Georpe Greg- son to Miss Jane banister; Mr. John Romer to Miss Alice Hilton Mr. William Gillett to Miss Margaret Ferguson Mr. Anthony Wright to Miss Ann Thompson; Mr. William Tap- sell to Miss Emnma Foulsham ; Mr. Robert Siddall to Mfiss Winnifrad Shansey. Mr. James Mc.Thewan to Mliss MarY Neal; Mr. Hoeny adeson to MhFi Ann Robinson. On ...

Births, Deaths, Marriages and Obituaries

... old, lid BIRTH. bar On the 6th inst,, at St. Bees, the wife of the Rev. per 0. H. Heslop, of a. daughter. MARRIAGES. On the 5th inst., at the Parish Church, by the Rev. T. Johnson, Mr. Christopher Houghton to Elizabeth, third _ daughter of the late Mr. Henry Wilkinson, cotton manu- facturer, of this town. On the 5th instant, at the Parish Church, Mr. Joseph u Hull to Miss Alice Caldorbank. MO ...

Births, Deaths, Marriages and Obituaries

... Coo 1.tO .P. fort~hu utdi to s1~d`SX ?? f tho late eamuel Frema, ,Q AkC1~XP.~HR~t~~N. -On: the10htn't. ?? O~~a.4ry, by rho It.,. Mr.-J Ec113 AartW~it~fl~AOUWOO:n.-On ?? ?? S~j'uP..elrh AhrM, ruicl to t h. ?? Jo. W klot ~ E.Qo lroohyi arhCrch. 1c eg y h I 1. I Al, 1 d, orrnc ofi Rh r cony ue ?? eono Si~oer t 'UleO. . SatoIerl bl R. ch ton Aay lrabet. Dbu Waulter o 'O6 O tosHour-OIC.- edr o ...

Births, Deaths, Marriages and Obituaries

... BIRTHS, MARRIAGES, & DEAT fig. No Notice of Birth, Marriage, or Dfath can be In. scrted unless authenicated by the name and addrema of thae sender. BIRTHS. 3rsUCHUNov. 18, at 1, Montpelier.crencent, Now Brighteon Mrs. Ricbmond H. Tucker, of a Bon. WALsc-Nov. 16, at 15, Great Riolhmondstroeet, the wife of Mr. Thomas Walsu, victualler, of a son. MARRIAGE9. HAwEss-NOV. ii, at Everton1, aged 41, ...

Births, Deaths, Marriages and Obituaries

... BIRTHS, MARRIAGES, & DEATHS. ?? No Notice of Birth, Marriage, or Death can bo in. sorted unless authonticated by the name and addtres of the sender. BIRTHS. Frizreimev-Nov. 20 at 15, Crescent, Waterloo, the wife oi Edward H. jitzhenry, M.D., of a eon. TATE-Nov. 21, In Camden-street, Birkenbead, the wile of Mr. Norman Tate, F.Cas, analytical chemist, of a ion. MARRIAGES. FoseaeH-ARst~oaoldBY ...

Births, Deaths, Marriages and Obituaries

... BIRTHS, MARRIAGES, & DEATHS. 9 No Notice of Birth, Krriage, or Death can be In. serted unless authenticatot by ihe havae and addre of the sender. th.124 d drs BIRTH8. ARcc1RR-Dee. 81, at 82, Hpellow.i1ne, Kirkdale, KM J. B. Archer, of a daughter. C atMrM , -an. 2, Ellen, wife of Mr. John Oampbell, of Sesforth, of a daughter. GEuSONr-jsu. 2, at 78, Sobio-atreet, the Wife of Mr. Joseph Gsown, of ...

Births, Deaths, Marriages and Obituaries

... BIRTHS, MARRIAGES, & DEATHS. ?? No Notlee of Birth, Marrias., or Death can be lI. serted unless authonticated by the name and addrem3 of the gender. BIRTHS. El. IAYD-MNarch 10, a etMosevIew, Ormakirk, Mrs. George H. Ireland, 01 a son. Joya8-Slarob 9, at 29, MAeketzie-8trett, the wile of Mr. John IL Jones, of a daughter. NaPF-March 9, at 10, Wgentworth-street, the wbfe of Mr. Edward Neep, of a ...

Births, Deaths, Marriages and Obituaries

... BIRTHS, MARRIAGES, & DEATHS. ?? NO Notceo of Birth, Marage, or Death bm, be in- serted nuless antthentioated by the aine and nddrem of the sender. BIRTHS. BICZ7INT 16EeSept. 4, at 2. Rodney-street, the wife of F. t. Mlckerntetb, Esq ,of ra aon. C-11-SCIPt 5, at 46, Cbatham-street, tho wile of Mr. John Clarke, of a daughter. LoeBS-Sept. 8, St Wigginby, In the pariah oV Akton. . Oumberland, the ...

Births, Deaths, Marriages and Obituaries

... BIRTHS, MARRIAGES, & DEAT HS, IV o Notioe of Blrth, ariage, or Deatb San be in. serted unisa authenticated by the name an4 addreds of the sender. BIRTHS, BRoADUsas-June 12, the wife of Mr. T. Broadbent, hatter, 18d, St. James'3-streot, of a son. IVANe-June 17, the wife of Mr. B. L Evau 3, 99, Chms. worth.street, of a daughter. NORVAL.June 17, at 8, Thoniaston-3treet, Great Homer. street, Mrs. ...

Births, Deaths, Marriages and Obituaries

... BIRTHS, MARRIAGES, & DEATIS8. ,, No Notice of Birth, Marriage, or Doath can be in. sorted unless ?? by the name anrd vadress of the Dendex. BIRTHS. DAvims-May 30, at 120, Fal1d-street, Everton, the wife of Mr. George Davies, of a son. Mo fofay 28, at 0, Pobnet Anne street, Everton, the wle ot Mr. Thomas 3orse, of a son. FoTer-May 30, at Brotherton, Eincardineahire, N.B., the wife cf Hercules ...

Births, Deaths, Marriages and Obituaries

... BIRTHS, MARRIAGES, &DEATHS. N Ito Notlee of Birth, Iarriagr, or Death can be In- serted unless autheatlcated by the name and addreu of the sender. BIRTHS. DoPsos-July 18, at 18, Proapect-vale, Fairfield, the wife ofidr. D. Dopson, of a danghter. Kmrsrs-4nly 24, Mrm Thomas Kempster, Pembroke- place, ot a eon and beir. BURLAGES, DAvszs-Wsira.July 22, at the Brrnswick Chapel, Bir- kenhead, by the ...

Births, Deaths, Marriages and Obituaries

... N -- j l1 J]jj I 'NARI I1IA1 G l 8 ii 1' A1i i N, to Notice of Birth, Mlarriage, or Duath can nie in- a eert.d unileos authentitated by the naeril ain addrema Cf tht. euradcr. e BIRTHS. Amiloxt-Aui 19, at 184, St. Jameba'.-srerettho wLfeofllr. ,t J .ln Ai p ior, of a bon. If DiAis Fnilae-July 4, at Buenos Ayres, Mrfl J. H. Darby- d Ilhne, ti s daughter. n GACIUILL-AUir. 21, at 68, South-Atreet ...