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Advertisements & Notices

... Pe iPERA GLASSES.-T. HARRIS and SON'S n Glasses still retaiss the celebrity long awarded to them by 17 the habitats of the Opera: they possess high magnifying power, o with a large and perfectly distinct field of view, the semO of n perfection. T. }1. and Son make or alter Opera Glasses so as to a accurately suit ncar-sighted eyes. A variety of the newest form :o and fashion for this season. ...

Advertisements & Notices

... [Advertisement.) BANK OF If W SOUTH WALES. At the HIALF-YEARLY GENERAL MEETING of the Pro- prietors, held at the Banking-houee, at Sydney, on the 30th of April lastI S WILLIS, Esq., President, In the chair, The following report was read: Annexed Is the balance-sheet of the bank for the half-year ended on the Slat ultimo, by which it will be seen that The net prodt for that period, after ...

Advertisements & Notices

... ClONT-RACT for IRON CABLES and IIWI14JING CHAINS', i&e. Dllt'jAiTNL.N OF Ti~STou]:KECtEP-FO.GNEILAL OF TiHE .NAVt', SOIIEUtSET-5'LACAI JULY 17. 1862, The Conlinissiotict'c tar executing the ottico of Lord High Aditdini's of tho United Kitiigeoin af Greet Britain and Ireland dto tLREIAY Gl~ ?? onl T1UESDAY, thle 12th Aullst octat Yw%~o o'clock, they will be reedy to treat wtieli te~~ch ...

Advertisements & Notices

... ECIIETARY to, tle, REFORM CLUB. SCA.NI2IDATi5S ure Ibwlueted to forward their APPLICA- TION' i i~vroilng, Ototiaig inlull their prevoios professionior occi~l 3intioll, a ?? 1,v testimon~ials0 addressedi to thu Cuni- noittee foi or before 11wy itl August. Thu(- Secretary syill hle re. quired to superinltend~ thu genelrll numligement'i of tile Club, and to residti. 1XTANTED, by anl Oflior, for ...

Advertisements & Notices

... NTS, all.,1; FREIGNM0NEY.! l Davellol ]I, to plt I wlinllOt, AMVIid 1, &c, 0111[101CLI CIA 'Al, N0T . 1f i. 10 AIoli pAliik111 LIt :iIl ?? '0',lhal.I 117)7 117 Po th Oi IEMA 1h0 0111 C11, XT NEPNATIONAL 'EX~IBITION, 1IS2.1 L3[INI. ?? i.V~iNwill 1.O OPENED onil .11117 l)AY iiit.i howm 'i t11lel Ea~ei, Wolii Sil1loll li Nwt,,iIhel PIllitrlwo, ADA3io. LiI 9llEL3 EN N sotil Cii,, 1tunkimc Nihl l ...

Advertisements & Notices

... ~HE SALE PRICE of the DAILY NEWS ALL T~OVER ENGLAND and at. the RAILWAY STATIONS. Messrs. W. 11. SMITH an I SON now SELL the DAILY NEWSS at all tIn, Railwray Stations at ?? per SINGLE COPY, Iaru will SIUPPLV all COtiNTOIY BOOKSELLERS and NEWS- A~iESS ,N'l such terms am will enable theul also to SELL then DAILY NEWS ait the mscrkcd price of THREEI'E?CE per SINGLE COPY. 100. Stranid. MESSRS. ...

Advertisements & Notices

... T HE SALE PRICE of the DAILY NEWS ALL OvER ENGLAND end at the RAILWAY STATIONS. Messrs. W. H. SMITH end SON now SELL t he DAILY NEWS at all tie Bailway Stations at THIl tEiPENCE per SINGLE COPY ndwl* l SUPPLY ilu COUNTRY BOOKSELLERS and NEWd - AGENTS on such terms as will enable them also to SELL the DAILY NEW'S at the marked price of TrEEPENCE per SINGLE COOPY 1 188, Strna. C ALCUTTA, calling ...

Advertisements & Notices

... CASH ADVANCES MADE, without delay, by the LONDON INVEST'ENT COMPANY (Limited), BOA, M~oorgate-otreet, on deposiS of deeds. ?? of sale, or other ap- provedl security, repayable by easy inatalments. Deposits re- ceived on; such terms as may be sgread upon. Prospeciuses and forms scult free on appllcatiou. N.B. . U conmmnnmcatlonsors treated ns strictly ronfideatlaL. ANDREW JAMtES RtOBY, ...

Advertisements & Notices

... EWxGRANADA BONDS. 'Vihe DIVIDEND )1-kitG,~ u nte e eetjr N001, o tE ?? Be O thti ?? Repuilie of Nose Granada at IS. lid. te anonte J>rferrold BoildO at Is. 2i. will be 5AI on. per £17,th1 iisait '°r anily day alfer (Tulesday and Friday PAIDted beten the Iseus of io and 2, att tce Counitingiihouse oefx cgeptIe'W RTiiERS and Co, 8, Bishlopsgato-street Within, where ?? in s, as siesta1, bc b d ...

Advertisements & Notices

... e ANTIQUE LACES.-We have just received . SrENom abroad a large COLLECTION of rare POINTE IY ddALENCON, Volant of Guipure, Pointe d'Angleterre, &c., in addition to our already extensive Stock of Antique Lacee, as well as Modern, for Trousseaux, including Bruxelles, Tunique, n Volants, Scarf Shawls, &c. (principally designed for our house), and real Black Lace of every ?? ELISE, 17(1 Regent ...

Advertisements & Notices

... %ICULAR NOTES and FOREIGN MONEY. 'J Travelers to the Continert, Aruerica, &c., can have CIB- CULAII NOTES of £5 sash £10 each, payable at all prinoiprl towns ot~a FoBtE'IGN MONIES, at the Banking-offices, 79, Ionnbard ?? Departmnr)nt upstairsEiDNadC ADAM PIELMNN and Co. -NTERNATIONAL EXHIBITION, 1862. . 5SI fTSV EXCHANGE OFFICES aro NOW OPEN by special appeintoent ot her Majesty's ...

Advertisements & Notices

... IRCULAR NOTES and FORE IGN MIONEY. CJ nt eller:5 to tlt oltitheit, At jelca &C.,call hose tII- CU I AI1 NOTII' of C I-tII I10 eacl, pay:s.le at all pi nuit'al towns I also F)EEI(tl. liNIIOS at tile al lslig-oltticoS, 79, ?? ?? Del'0 ittnn :ltitQStr;ift l5. ~~e ADAM l'IiIN sai Co. TNTERNATIONAL EXHII3TION, 1862. J. MONEY EXCiHANGlE Ot'FICES.O are NOI' oPEN by spuecat rppniwl lelt of hec ...