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Advertisements & Notices

... SPIDaiTowT I S H HOS P I T AL. 00 T 1 5Grace the Duke of ,SUTIIERI,AND, K.G. Tbc 16ST31 ENNiVESISARY FESTIJVAL ,Ct. Auidrow's Day) will ?? ,rlebratcd. onl )IONDAY, Dec. 1, 150.t5 the Free- lmonSfl' Tavecrm. SOFTAE OO all The folliui ie ozrn a few Dna)e frm0 t ogito Stewards : - 1115 Cj-rtwo thle Duke of Bne-1 The Re..olt enedy, M.A. r clench, Kt.G) . Garey,£a . LI. lfsilla G oc tile lkokof ...

Advertisements & Notices

... T ESALE PRICE of the DAILY NEWS ALL OER ENGLAND and at the RAILWAY STATIONS. IV~w. . H. SMITH and SON now SELL the DAILY NEWS St all the ?? at TB REEPEN CE per SINGLE COPY and will SUrPLY all COUJNTRY ItOOKSEtLLERl9 and NEWSJ- AGEN TS oil euch tereis as will enable them also to SELL the DAILY NEWS at the marked price of THPEEPENCE per SINGLE COI'Y. 18, Strand. -j3 oBAY Dir-ect, the splendid ...

Advertisements & Notices

... ORCHARD and COMPANY.-BALL an& EVENING DRESSES in Tulle, face, and Tarletan, lb. newest styles, and a beautiful general assortment, including a variety of FRENCH GRENADINES, at 12s. Sd. and 18s. (Al. the Dreas, or any quantity may be had. Inportera of the unisfia- mable Tarlatans.-ARGYLL HOUSE, Xegent-street, 251 to26l- ('RCHIARsDand COMPANY..-Elegant MOIREl 'fANTIQUES, Black and Coloured, from ...

Advertisements & Notices

... T HE GENERAL STEAM NAVIGATIONS I COiiPANY'S powerful and first-claus STEA MSHIPS leavefron St. Katharine'sWiharf for- HAIBURGI, every Wednesday and Saturday morning, THPF BERLIN, JOHN BULL, CALEDONIA. COSMOPOLITAN. or COUNTESS OF LONSDALE. Chief cabin ,22; fore, AI Gs. HARBUEGH. Sunday morning. ROPTEEDAeiI.-The COLOGNE. LEO, anld WATERLOO every Tuesday, Thursday, and Saturday at 11 morning. ...

Published: Sunday 20 July 1862
Newspaper: The Era
County: London, England
Type: Advertisement | Words: 5813 | Page: Page 2 | Tags: Advertisements & Notices 

Advertisements & Notices

... Too PROVINCIAL MANAGERS AND OTHERS.-HeEsrs SHEPHERD and CLEqWICK being the Sole Proprietors of the Drama called THE FLOWER GIRL; OR THE CONVICT MARQUIS. and understanding that an imitation of the said Drsma hoe been played in varions Theatres under the title or THE VIOLET GIiY, thc eanne boing in every Scone and Incident identical itbs tbe oforenid Drama, horeby caution Managere against ...

Published: Sunday 26 January 1862
Newspaper: The Era
County: London, England
Type: Advertisement | Words: 4462 | Page: Page 1 | Tags: Advertisements & Notices 

Advertisements & Notices

... '00YAL ITAL1IAN OPERA, xi) ~~COVEXT-GAgDEN. PROSPECTIVPi ARRABNGEMENTS. EXTRA NIGHT. To-mortow (Monday), April 28tb, will be revived Meyerbeer's grand Opera DINORAJ. Dinorab, Ndme Miolan Carvaiho; Up Capraio, Mdille Didiee; naa Capirai, Mdllo Ruderedorf- Heel, M. Faure; tin Caceiatore, Signor Tagliafloo; Un Mietitone, Signor Ncri Baraldi; and Corentilno, Signor Gardont (his firet appearance ...

Published: Sunday 27 April 1862
Newspaper: The Era
County: London, England
Type: Advertisement | Words: 287 | Page: Page 15 | Tags: Advertisements & Notices 

Advertisements & Notices

... Spring Edition, Tbird Thelandl, price 25 6d, by poust 2s Sd. Bc' ) AlLY'S TUJRF GUJIDEi' is without IZIP exception the very beat gude to thbe Turf, past aud present. ?? lfssi'in ~Adcf frrtees Ball's Tarf Guidde 's iseuperior to EBaff' in its beat day.-Hotspur, 'DaiG ?? DAILY Br5OrnSEs, Publishers. Cornbill. AILY'S MAGAZINE for JUNE contains a Ji pORTRAIT of the EBar of STAMFORD aud WARRINGTON ...

Published: Sunday 08 June 1862
Newspaper: The Era
County: London, England
Type: Advertisement | Words: 1736 | Page: Page 3 | Tags: Advertisements & Notices 

Advertisements & Notices

... HER DAJESTlESP THEA-TRE,- H FoulnIGilrs ONLIS. RtEDUCE D-PRI CES The Lesee has the honour to announee that, to afford tbe Pablic and, Visitors to London daring the olosing week of the Great InteratiUonal Exhibition, an opportunity of witnessing a few Popular Operase, inter. preled by the gifted Artistas of Her Majesty's Theatce, he hae determined on giving a Special Short Series of Four Nights ...

Published: Sunday 26 October 1862
Newspaper: The Era
County: London, England
Type: Advertisement | Words: 5082 | Page: Page 8 | Tags: Advertisements & Notices 

Advertisements & Notices

... D R. CULVERWELL'S LAST NEW WORK, OURSELVES. price Is., by poet Is. Id., of Mann, 39. Carnhill. On Speroosisrobma, Syphilis, Stricture, Hremorrholds.,4Gtte, 40. Marriage Impediments removed, and Healthy Offsprng eeared. Dr. C. may be consulted daily till Twelve, at Thhe Poet-office Turalsh Bathe, 19, St. Mortip t-le-Graed; and fromt OUR till Nine p m. at 3, Great lrlbeoiougb-stuletri W. D-R. ...

Published: Sunday 19 January 1862
Newspaper: The Era
County: London, England
Type: Advertisement | Words: 6191 | Page: Page 2 | Tags: Advertisements & Notices 

Advertisements & Notices

... T'HE GENERAL STEAM NAVIGATION XL ComPANY's powerful and first-class STEAM SHIPS leave frou t. Katharine's Wharf for- HAIBSRUGH, every Wednesday and Saturday morning, THE BERLIN, JOHN BULL. CALEDONIA, COSMOPOLITAN, or COUNTESS OF LONSDALE. Chief cabin,2, fore, lis. HARBURGH, Sunday morning. ROTTEHDAMis.-The COLOGNE, LEO, and WATERLOO evari Tosoday, Thursday, and Saturday, !t.-llXnorning. Chinl! ...

Published: Sunday 14 December 1862
Newspaper: The Era
County: London, England
Type: Advertisement | Words: 5863 | Page: Page 2 | Tags: Advertisements & Notices 

Advertisements & Notices

... rVEE JOLLY BEGGARS.-ThIs New I Cantate, tbh words by BURNBS the music by GEORGE lINLEY, Ia being nightlY performnd in London witb the greatest ncaess. re Pebllshcrs beez to eall the attention of CHORAL SOCIETIES, pROVINCIAL MtUSIC M[ALLS, 8t3, to the adaptability of this Work ar sither large or smell Companies. Complete Pianoforte end Vocal l0re. bendeomell b~ound, and vvith Portrait of ...

Published: Sunday 25 May 1862
Newspaper: The Era
County: London, England
Type: Advertisement | Words: 4680 | Page: Page 1 | Tags: Advertisements & Notices 

Advertisements & Notices

... SPORTSMAN'S GAZETTE, Ot,,r Sporting Rileadrers woi please to Observe that the ~porting Io~rmat,,on iS SO arranged as to be sepa- ratedl from RR ERA, and ?? in a F7olutn0 by, itseUJ ir desired. SPORlTIG G OOaR SPONDENCE. J- T. JACa0soN,7Mr !,eorqe M Partin, Garraft, near Tooting, Surre. Eod- oyreeoyo If a re uskhappen to be made, the adveroarie, may add three to their oeores, ?? cJ'. A. K, D ...

Published: Sunday 09 February 1862
Newspaper: The Era
County: London, England
Type: Advertisement | Words: 192 | Page: Page 3 | Tags: Advertisements & Notices