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Advertisements & Notices

... AtCE'S INICKIEL ELECTRO-PLATE 4 j5 ca tit of Polre Silver over Niekel. Mauufartured lb* R. aud 3 SLJACK. It has stood ?? years' test, 50d Ytili' ?? superiority over all others for durability ard sileer hike appearance. Craet Frames, from 18s.; Corner hc5ss, AS to. set formisr eieht Dishes ; Tea and Coffee Sets, iS~.E 'r~F A aSO~tgVI IN Si LVER ELECTRf-PLATP Electro Strong ling & Plated Plated ...

Advertisements & Notices

... ILIIAM S; BURTON'S GENERAL FUR- , NIStINGS rntON.ONGERYC.STALOGIIE may behd t gatis Slid free by post. It oontains upwards of 500 IUustrations e£ his Uimnited Stock of Sterling Silver and. hicctro-I'late, Nickel ihver agid Britannia Metal goods, dish covers, hot-water dishes, stovecs, fendere, marblo ohiueney'-piscs, kitchen ranges, lmnp, gasehiars, teaL-tra~ys, urns, &nd kettles, clocks, ...

Advertisements & Notices

... T RUST and AGEXCY COMPANY oP XUBTRALA3IA kLimited). Capital, 250,0)0. LOANS on DEBENTURES.-The Direetore are now Nrepared to receive LOANS on Debentures for Investment on Aortgage of Fr hold and other Property in Zustralia and New Zealand Rates of Interest, Nature of Security, and Forms of Applica- tion may be obtained from the undersigned, either personasly or by letter. By Order, * lAMES ...

Advertisements & Notices

... PUBLICAkTIONS. I1PEW WORK by the AUlTIOR oef FLEM&ISH INTElRIORS. Now readyv in 3 volt., with illustrationS, Sle. 6i., DED, WHITE, AND BLUE. SKETCHES OF MILITARY IIFE. Bvthe Author of Flemish Interiers, &o. ust and IBlaekett, Publishers, 1i, Great ,tmarlboroughst5eet. No w ready, inSvols., with portrait, 3S. 6d. bound, HE PRIVATE DIAIVY of RICHARD, DUKE X _ of BucKiNGuAN nd~ CH1aINOS. KC ...

Advertisements & Notices

... ElANI)EL FESTLVAL.SPECIAL TICKET a NOTICE.-From the ovhwhelirsng Number of Applica. tions fog Tickets received T1'S DAT, it becomes requiuite to :lAtimate to persons at a distanceWAO APPLYfor TICKET8 by POST, that it is new esseotic l that their Applications should MOT STIPULATE for BEANIS in certain BLOCKS, as, in the vmt of the specided blcics being fall, delay must srise in coomunicating ...

Advertisements & Notices

... Ff'IETOWN ad PORT of LOWESTOFT.- I T To NPNES, IRONFOUXDHIIS, and Others-T b SOLD, a valuable lonj LEASE1I0LD1-RSTATE,1'n'-the Corn- n morcial-road, Lowelltoft, Suaffolk, otimprlsting essgiaeer's factory, 'N foundry, and work andrsmith's shops, with wtirshosssea,-office3. andothercommodiouss buildings, and -premises wel1aidapted for 1 jscbusinessocianan~ineer and irisnfonnuder; sntlh business ...

Advertisements & Notices

... 0& ENG1 SH OPERA , COV&NT1 Et GAxRDEN, 'noaer tile Management of Miss LOUSISA To , Ar. W. IIRRIUSON. THIS EVENING, to 01 p715 with THLE LILY OF ICILIAENEY: Mimses seametce S-1it Pvii Jessie 3I'Lean, and Top3-am; 0 ,,S e, ~ lndH Dao l, atoy, Lyall, Walt- F le~d'Ir'IV ~ntmou To conclude with GULLIAVER; vsr~;a; nduetor, Mr. Alfred Mellsn.-Oom. el HEATRE F G~YAL, HIAYMARKET. - 0 MR. ...

Advertisements & Notices

... Ma. HARVEW ONd DZAMM6 __ ~~bllshe~~dPe~tfr~~eP ?? tamp. * Ma. J. ~IP AN~IS WPT; or,o Ther'Cotton nFfficle-TalseioMan. fl' chester Life 1-bs~serommeneedinW.- eC- ASSELL'S PAMILY PAPEIRZTindl'e ?? -The preentseond einottheseasufacturing drititsinvestswlth ?? andbl atrttio al, ?? airandthorohpier sometime past been oxolusively~ea- ~ by all booksellers sand newsavn- dora, and at a] Uwoy ...

Advertisements & Notices

... AMDVERTISEMENTS. - EMIGRA&TXer. 1HRAPEST PASSAG M.5.-New Gold Fields In BrltishColumbla U and New Zesaland-fflrltla ,vzi~ b= , 151 108. Newa Zos. leald, 151 l/u.; Ausret, UL Ue.; Capep, Al~ea Brs;. met Poll Natal, from lii. l6s; Now YorJk, Ut Si. Sd.; end a, It Io a Free land grantsl anaassisted passages. Wa~rrasle taken. For eotreua, contrainng full particlar as to saf i ng of stlps ho, apply ...

Advertisements & Notices

... WIILIAM S. BURTON'S GENERAL FUR- NISHlING IIIO2NIOXNGERYQ CTALOGUE mayb t had gratis and free by post. Itcontains upwards of 500 Illustrltionlt of his illimited Stock of Sterling Silver. and Eleotro-Plate, Nickel silver and Britannia Metal goods, dish covers, hot-water dishes, stoves, fenders, marble chimney-pieces, kitchen ranges, lanmp, geaseliers, tea-traya, urns, and kettles, clcks-, table ...

Advertisements & Notices

... PUBLICATIONS. In 8vo., tO IR. SPENCE$S AMERICAN UNION MXs ((Thira Edition) may be now obtained at all Booksellers in the United lingdom. Riehard Bentley, Publisher in Ordinary to Eer Majesty. NEW NOVEL BY COLBURN MAYNEt ESQ. Nowo ready at all the Libraries, in 3 v0ts, WHICH DOES SHE LOVE? By COLBURN MAYNE, E6Q. Also, Now Ready, in Three Vols., TEE3 CASTLEFORD CASE. By FRkNCES BROWN. Hurst and ...

Advertisements & Notices

... PUBLICATIONS. HUMSP AND BLACICETT'S STANDARD LIBIUIR Y. On Feb. 26, 5s., bound and ?? bv John Gilbext., A 4DELE. By JULIA KAVANAGH,. Anthor of Nathalie, 'Frcnach Women of Letters, ?? forming the New Volume ofE Hurst and Blackett's Standard ILibrary of Oheap E iitions of Popular Modern Works. Hiurst and Blackett, Publishers, 13, Great Marlborough-street. NOTICE. The Second Edition of A ...