Births, Deaths, Marriages and Obituaries

... AVNo Notice of Marriagesi or Deaths can be finserted OneslJOSO ?? through a Blookseller or News Agent, or delivered peroisalllif our Office, so a guarantee for their ?? of Births are charged for ao advertieitents. BIRTH. Oil the 17th inst., Mrs. W. Martin, of The Larches, Strittsr Road , of, soi. DIED. Oi lndy the 18th lnst., ?? Barthologed' Chuerch, Sr (bytelittet.I elds c Wiliate mr of the ...

Births, Deaths, Marriages and Obituaries

... September 23, at St. George's Church, Hanover-square, by the Rev Charles Hall, rector of Terrington, John Hall, Esq, eldest son of James Ha il, Esq, of Scarborough Hall, Yorkshire, to Mary Amelia, eldest dauchter of William Bradley Waimman, Esq. of Carr Head, Yorkshire. September 24, at Sculcoates Church, Hull, by the Rev T S Bonnin, Mr Alfred Martin, nurseryman. Cottingham and Hall, to Annie, ...

Births, Deaths, Marriages and Obituaries

... Isirm Oetober25; at Wo'rnham Manor, Lincolnshire, wife of Major, Taylor, of a daughter. ' arrtages. Ootober 23, at St. James's Church, Clerkenwell, London, Ur Charles Wu Olover, son of Mr James Glover, of this town, to Lucille Ferrand, of London. d October 24, at Sculcoates Church, Hull, by the Rer TBS Bonnin, umr Joseph Pyle, master ariner, North Shields, e. Harriet, daughter of Mr George ...

Births, Deaths, Marriages and Obituaries

... IffT No Notice ?? arriages or Dejath can ho inserted =1sse s -5 &hrolughj Bo I30tllecr Or 3iewv Agent, or delivered tiernnally 0 I nor Office, as 3 guarante for their ?? Fpblii are eharged for as adycrtisheents. LIRT1H. onl the 24th ildt,, at Btickk'iehi.: upte)n Hall, Pjrcl:.o:, th: R.t W. tJbolson, Eq., of at dalo'ilter. MARRIED. ( tlhe 24tlh in-t., atSt. G.,- .t flic Macbr's.'l, Qiexn.z4;:. ...

Births, Deaths, Marriages and Obituaries

... ga No Notites ec Marriages or Deaths can e Inserted unimes eent throh a. Boolnkeller or News Agent, or delivered PieonAY 3t u Oloe, as a guarantee for their authenti~c~ii -oI3Of Births are charged for as advertisements. MARRIED. On the 24th inet., at the Unitarian Church, .Nwhll Hill, (bi John Green,i Job, son of Mr. James RoPer, of Palmer l'Ilce. ledge Boad, to Ann, daughter of Mtr. John ...

Births, Deaths, Marriages and Obituaries

... BIRTHS, MARRIAGES, & I)EATHS. * No Notice of Birth, IMarritge5 or Death can wo In- serted unless aruthenticated by tho name and sddrese of the sender. BIRTH. DonALDSON-NoY. 3, at 9S, Tatlow-street, the wife of 6V. Donaldson, of a daughter. MlARIArsq1. CLARRE-11OLDEWO0t. 80, at Myrtlp Ftreea Ohape by the Rev, Uusgh Stowrell Brown, Mr James OlarktioGlkw Idartha Blolden, both of this town. D ...

Births, Deaths, Marriages and Obituaries

... BIRTHS, MARRIAGES, & DEHTHS. ¶,5No Nottue of Blrtb, Mrrwlage, or Death can be in. serted unless authenticated by the name and addrese of the sender. BIRTEHS Jomson-Sept. 12, at Lark-iaue, Algbuith-road, the wife of Mr. John W. Johnson, of a eon. Roonss-Sept. 2, at 16, Cbstbani-stroet, the wife of Mr. W illiac Rogers, of a daughter. Tioop-Sept. 8, at 31, Sumner-gardens, iirkdalo, the wife ot Mr ...

Births, Deaths, Marriages and Obituaries

... BIRTHS, MARRIAGES, & DEATHS. No ta Notice of Birth, Marriage, or Death can be in. soerted unless authenticat~ed by thle name and addrea. of the Bendor. BIRTHS. CAM.SERON-Oct. 2, at 6, Paell-miall, tbe wife of Mr. Claud Cameron, of a son. I PoTTs-Oct. 8, rat Moeeley-hill, the wife of Captain Thomas C. Potto, of this port, of a daughter. Pnsimcx-Oct. 8, at Denbigh, the wife of John Preece, Eaq., ...

Births, Deaths, Marriages and Obituaries

... I' FUNERAL OF THE RECTOR OF - BIlBIsIG¶NJN !;x Thbf;P.eral of the Roy, e4 !oaley .#eiqe, retroBblgto, dbe 'uduy ut 0heatdi on Wediesday las took place ?? the pariah church, BeeIngtont Long befato *atve o'cloek-the hour fixed for the 'rkornftil cort,6ve to leave the rectory-s large number of the parishioneirs and others assembled at the churchyard and In the neighbourhaod of the rectory to pay ...

Births, Deaths, Marriages and Obituaries

... BIRTHS, MARRIAGES;& DEATHS. TieN Notice of BitMrigor Death can be In. serted unis. authentaedy tbe name and address of tbesedr BITHS.. vua-a 20, at .1. Let'.C h~auriotitetsquarBe, Edilnburgh, the wife of Lietnn.ooshioOf~ fasn ]thewife orMal7 It LatImpgh Rectory, Curaberland, th wfe f th ov Walor rookabauk, of twin' daughters. Jian'ocz-May 18, the wife of William Henry Jefiook, High Bazics, ...

Births, Deaths, Marriages and Obituaries

... Bl RTHS-. SpsecnD-At 6 Nelson Street, Lower lBroughton, Mtan- chester, on tbe 11th inst., Mrs George Spence, of a YATOSAS-At Ridgway, neaRrLymington, lHantS, on thc 10th inst., the wife of Herbert (George Yatman, Esq., of a daughter. B~zemuM^i-- At 27 South Richmond Street, on the 11th inst., the wife of Jas. ]annermsan, drapery of a son. AancoulAl.D--At 29 Pitt Street, on the 11th inst.%f Mrs ...

Births, Deaths, Marriages and Obituaries

... BIRTHS, MARRIAGES, AND DEATHS. The following is the monthly return of the births, marriages, and deaths, registered in the eight principal tovwns of: Scotland during Sep- teber.-. During the month of September 1862, there were registered in the eight principal ?? of Scotland the births of 2575 children, of whom 1329 were males, and 1246 females. Of these, .2301 were legitimate, and 274 ...