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Aberdeen Press and Journal

Advertisements & Notices

... TO-.Jf0lWOI1-. COUNTY OF ABERDEEN. CODT RTIOUSE ACCOMMODATION. jA eetiOng of Ithe CPEAt E fon thle sbctof CotHusAc ~ at berdie5, ae reqestedto lit in te Coun, Y HALL, RECRD UttiAt~eS, Kig SteectoAberdee ,si Tfuor! DAT he 2d intint at wo ocloc uftrnOIni.eCE11 1 NjB'RliL BUfNPeTeCicekkof Sufply. Aberdeen, 15 Ot., Octbe,2.62 A NIE ADJNURN EDEA MEETING of theQURE ]JL SESSIONS of the XEACH Fo ...

Advertisements & Notices

... NOTICE TO CORRESPONDENTS. ALL Conm1bicatillns, and mtit e ofinole ofligo Wi iontoodedi for b publication~ reqoirsh to be authelltiet' by thle n n W(dress of tho xTriter. Unless this is attended to, Corrcs- l)OndeIts owy rest oSollred that nio atteintionl villbe poid lo their colli'm tion, ls ° INiQVIlERt FINTIAY.-Ans' One of three verdicts may be given ill a criltilial trial ill Scotlawl ...

Advertisements & Notices

... S,,ttisb, Northern junction Railway Company. ~TOTICE 1S HEREBY GIVEN, that the FIRST I j~ TAFI)II~'OlBDINARY GENERAL MEETING of - tihis COMIpk~ WilI lIe Ibild in the BOARI) Room of the SCOT- rsINOarjiTIE ItN COPAnNi. Guilli Streot, Abel'- cln.oil 'I'fURllDAY.' tile 14th curna wleo'clock Noon p 5 B~~~~~~~y order, Ap] IRVI[NE KEMLPT, Seceotary. Aij,crfll'on, 1'1 Angu4ls, 18620. ROYAL ...

Advertisements & Notices

... ,a Second Cabiu PalrOn s tal!talo in tblo sllendid Poop of this EM I CR A TI 0 TO Tillt GOLD PIELDS OF NEW Z1LAND . P IIENDE1SON .v CO.'S Celebrated Line ot Packet Ships from Glasgow TTAGO, NEW ZEALAND, Direct.4 To bo'e Desiatelleil (o S.ITURDAY, 14th JUNE, tIe 9 MagnicelCzlt Fet clai-o Shipl S00 Tons R'oiotor, 150U Tons Burthon, A Rt1,galr 'wler to New Zealand. r This ,Icndid Ship oifs a ...

Advertisements & Notices

... WESLEYAN MISSIONS. HE A' NjflERSkRY SERVICES of the Alrimn. tsr ~ aor~s''ri 19h Otobr',1512,tire Rev'. F. J. lows, Londn, wll Peach t ElconAM.,and six, Two P.., hcRev 3.REACHER~ Will i1,j b held oil 11hoD~r 2ithr October', which will be addiressed o 'the PRcv. Dr. JoOBOx nifd liev'. S. Cox, of Sunderlandi, asa cp-optatioll from the Parco1t, Societyl cant other' Ministers. Chair to be takeon ...

Advertisements & Notices

... SrECIAL NOTICE. Carpets & Eousehold F]urnishings. RATT &, KEITH desire to call the attention of l P l'arties Fiirsishisg to this now (IsaPrlasit Branci of their Thlo stock isj tie lartgeqt in thle N sith, ad will amlly toPsy thbe Irililbe of iO etri sh, iTe Carpets 1re sel ¢stod fron tdln host Mslukrs, isioro Goi elgcsfilYseliel Rich Velvet oILC lririsol aLII Tae lest ;iaks of ¢c ols, ...

Advertisements & Notices

... fT ARVEY'S SAUCE.-C AU T oN.-ThC EX admirers of this celobratet Sxinco ore particularly re- liacsted to observe that ench bottle bears the well-known label, siged Elizabotli Lazenby, This labol is protected by per. peItuall inIunction in Chancery of tho 9th J ully, 1838, antd without t nonle eaill ho genluine. E. LAZEXIY & SON, of 6, Edwards Streot, Portmsan Square, London, DS solo ...

Advertisements & Notices

... PURE. WATER. SELF-CL1ANSING WATER FILTER, x S leyi.,tered lfav/ 4,1 ISM. P t Ilnvenlted L(andmlIiiiufalctiuroel by W.It. ELLIOTT & Co, CC) .zIclDVER. Ehl, Fl l . r i.s fittedI witb a Silver- t'hztczl AiTci.Ciro zii' Top, Dld WAll IIANTED.-PTiic5,;s-5'4; 7,4 l7 i' tIll. 21/. 20', Uke-. C l'.a5 A qcnt o ctadF II. N IBiLEFrT. Edinhourgli; ol t mav he oAtalined through any eospiclable ...

Advertisements & Notices

... plist Delivery in each Department, TON THlE AUTUMN AN NTR RAE p -1L..HAY, &- Co., ill announcing the Delivery I' 1 ,1)BILIPfirst iiortiool of thleir' Pureliilsellfor tule Secasua, he 'Ito11il TtropoetfUl IIllitOl ejr-cial LatolltiiO to thle U11derilotad, ~~~.0 tnto.~ ~ ~ ~ ~~~~~el il, Ails h REN 1111355 ~tNGE VSNow Stites, and thle beet Dv. Do. Do. lii 111,1 and 20-Sol ti loot year m110 2s '2 ...

Advertisements & Notices

... ABERDEEN ASSEMBLIES. HEFIRST ASSEMBLY wvil] be held in the VIMusic HALE BuJILDINGS, oh TuESDAY the 14th January.L Dancing will conconicri at Nine o' ALEX. 1'. HOGARTH, Esq., Ron. Sec. ch Aberdeen, 31st Dec., 1861, slit COUNTY OFl ABERDEEN. S TE Heiceby Request a SPECIAL GENERAL VT N S S T'T. N G of the DPUiITY-LIBUTENANTS, L A N D 11 0 L D EIR 5, COAMISSIONERS of SUPPLY, and JUSTICES ...

Advertisements & Notices

... NO ItOITE SMOKY CHIMINEYS. IMPROVED PATENT S C IUBllNN 1V TO P S ill oaro S1110kV ChinlleVO Ty I ichetlar thrirl pIoitionls hi' unlder highl lei~ling. 01I intll 010 1111) Cnac~ i ltulO lulCld 1si h1i' i'hil. Tof boillsg tall RIF 511(11 11.or losmns(1 Il l.ltl t - .Tl. ~IO 11R Ulm wirnl clirrvll : oliIetwdlVl 11rOVelit (101Il id draughit, and do C-PO yllit.I :ldliit n1,11, 01' th10sillkIO1O(f ...

Advertisements & Notices

... Iadics' Outfitting Establishment, 183, UNION STREET. TAMES LITTLEJOHN respectfully intimates that be suP I1. LAD ~S' MARRIAGE OUTFITS. LADIES FOREIGN OUTFI'TS. BABY LINEN, iu eouildote Sets, and otherwise. GENTLEMEN'S and tYOUTHS' SHIRTS, all kinds- licady-miado adti to measure. The abovo are muade of the best miaterials and worlmanship. All kinds of Ladies' ai CiUblirren's IVOl'S and SHOES. ...