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Belfast News-Letter

Court and Fashion

... I r ?? ? - ? I ?'Gourt I UO I as Ion. THE C OURT. WINDSOR CASTLE, WEDNESDAY.-PrinceArtbur, at- tended by Major Elphinstone, arrived this morning from Greenw-ichh Park. Earl Granville, Viscount Sydney, and the Bishop of Oxford arrived yesterday afternoon at the Castle. The Biihbp-of Oxford left this afternoon. The Dean of Christ Church arrived -to-day. THE LATE PRINCE (CONSORT. [FROarTHE COURT ...

Court and Fashion

... ?? Milan flusIji0m? II THE COURT. tr THE QUEEN IN SCOTLAND. W BALOIOLI.o , TuESDAY-The Queen' walked out yes- a! terday. Their Royal Highnesses Princess Alice and cc Princess Helena rode on horseback. tc BALxroAnL, WEDNESDAY.-TbIe Queen drove out bi yesterday, attended by the Duchess of Atholl. h, BATMOIRAL, MAY 8.rThe Queen drove and walked bi yesterday. sc Lord Francis Osborne, son of the ...

The Press

... Adt a I PERSONAL LIBERTY IN THE FEDERAL STATES. [Era Ho THE TIMEs.] A s5ocEiNO story has been published in the Newv York World. It appears that about three months ago the wife of Dr. Brinsmade, residing at New Or- leans, left that city on a visit, to the North. She travelled with a perfectly regular pass from General Butler himself; she was under the escort of the sur- geon of the ship in ...


... FASAION. THE COURT. OSBORNE, FEB. 26.-His Royal Highness Prince Alfred is expected to arrive at Osborne to-pight from the West Indies. His Highness Prince Dhuleep Singh has left London for Brighton. Viscount Palmerston left -London on Wednesday for Osborne, Isle of Wight. The marriage of Lord Southampton with Miss Ismay Nugent, daughter of Mr. Walter Nugent, and grand-daughter of the late Sir ...

Court and Fashion

... gourt allb tiasbion, : THE COURT. BALxMonL, TnUESntY.-The Queen, accompanied by her Serene Highness Princess Hohenlohe, drove out. Their Royal Highnesses Princess Helena and Princess Louipe rode. WINDSOR. CASLE, SATURDAY.-The Queen, accom- panied by their Royal Highnesses Princess Helena, Princess Louise, Princess Beatrice, Prince Arthur, and Prince Leopold, arrived- at the Castle this morn- ...

Court and [ill]

... Court allb fj ast IIIon. THE COURIT. OSnonNE, MONDAY.-HCr Majef ty's health has not suffered from the trials and fotigu es of the journey and voyage, but remains much thl 3 same. VICEREGAL COURT. The following had the honor of dining with his Excellency the Lord Lieutenant on Monday last:- Lord Listowel, Lady Caroline and the Misses Las- celles, Sir John and Lady Maxwell, the Misses Max- well, ...

Court and Fashion

... G'Oul anll fsbhion. THE COURT. TIIE QUEEN IN SCOTLAND. iBALUonRA, FIDxAv-lfer Maj esty walked yes- terday Morning, and drove Out in tire eveilng wvith her Royal Highlness Princess Helena, attended by Lady Augusta Bruce. SATUiruA.,-Tlre Queen walked yesterday morn- ing, and drove in the afternoon, attended by the Duchess of Atholl. Viscount and Viscountess Palmerston entertained the Russian ...


... . INVENTIONS AND MO6DELS. THEa invention of a compactly folding umbrella does not forbid the same creative faculty to which it owes lati its portable form from planning a dock. There is bee Mr. Sedley, the inventor of a chair which obeys every ME movement of the reclining form by the agency of a nec crank plcdwthin convenient reach of the right ciii hand. 'This chair is to be seen at the ...

Court and Fashion

... Golitt aub fl astlam THE COURT. OsnoRNE, WEDNESDAY.-Hcr Majesty drove out yesterday, attended by the Countess of Gainsboreugl. Field-Marshal his Royal Highness the- Duke of Cambridge arrived yesterday evening on a visit, and returned to London to-day. Hon. Mrs. White has arrived in Dublin, from Eng- land. Lady Redington has arrived in Dublin, from Eng- land. The Earl of Meath has returned to ...

Court and Fashion

... I s court anue fastion. THE COURT. OsBonuE, FrtDAY.-The Queen walked yesterday, attended by Lady Churchill. His Royal Highness Prince Arthur, attended by Major Elphinstone, left Osborne this morning for the Ranger's House, Green- wich Park, where his Royal Highness will reside for some time. VICEREGAL COURT. DuBLIN, MONDAY.-HiB Excellency the Lord Lieutenant and suite attended Divine service ...

Court and Fashion

... - X aturt nI 4ia51izll. THE COURT. OsnOaxa, APRIL 7.-Her Majesty walked and drove in the grounds to-day. His Serene Highness Prince Loeiningen arrived at Osboene yesterday, and left again this morning. To-day is the birthday of his Royal Highucss Prince Leopold. Prince Alfredem- harked to-day on hoard her Majesty's ship Rolla, under the command of Lieutenant Charles Nelson and will cruise in ...


... DOWNPATRICK UNION AGRICULTURAL I- SOCIETY. i Iii irTHUBSDAY last, the Vannual exhibition of farming stock and implements given by the Downpatrick Union Agricultural Society waas held in the usual 31 place-the Old Brewery-yard. -The weather was a very favorable, and the turn-out of stock large, all things considered. If there was any falling off, it was in the number of exhibitors in the ...