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Belfast News-Letter

Court and Fashion

... I (Irmirt anb flj a.51piall. THE COURT. t OsnonNa, FInAvY.-HEr Majesty drove out in the i grounds this morning. n FROOnORE - HEn MAeis'rY.-We believe that, ,f though members of the Queen's famtily may have the ] advantsgo of enjoying Frogmoro as a residence, yet t Y the place itself will still remain in her Majesty's I r possession. Many reports have been current that r r Frogmore has been ...


... ROYAL BELFAST BOTANIC AND HORTICUL- TURAL COMPANY'S WINTER FLOWER 0 SHOW. YESTERIDAY, the Royal Belfast Botanic and Horticul- tural Company (Limited) held their frst Winter show of chrysanthemums, fruit, &c., in the Music Hall. The show opened at one o'clock. True to the usual fate of flower shows, it met a serious drawback in the unfavorable weather. A rainy day is now looked for as an ...


... FASLHONt FASIHION. T HE COURT. The Queen remains at Osborne, with the Prince of Wales and the other members of; the Royal family. The King of the Belgians left Buckingham Palace yesterday, on a visit to Viscount and Vicountess Palmerston at Broadlands. PARIS, JAN. 18.-Lord Cowley had,the honor of being received yesterday by the Emperor, to deliver a letter.written by the Prince of Wales, on ...


... * THE COURT. It was only after the decease of the Prince Consort that it could be known how great was the amount of business performed by his Royal Highness. No one can be more painfully acquainted with the fact now than our bereaved Queen herself; for the Prince, it seems, really performed the duties that would devolve on the most confidential secretary to her Majesty. Few people have an idea ...


... lat It is settled that, when her Royal Highness the 'ct Princess Alice's marriage takes place, she is to re- id, side at Frogmore till the Prince Louis comes into his jaI inheritance, so that her Majesty may not be deprived ed of so great a stay and comfort as her Royal daughter has proved. -Court Journal. he DEATri OF MAJOR-GENiRAL SIR Tnos. H. FRANKS, kg K.C.B.-We regret to have to record ...


... F A I R S . Araim FAIR.-Monday, the usual monthly fair of Antrim was held, and the show of stock in almost every class was considerably in excess of the demand, which was moderate. The supply of fat beasts was large, and prices ranged from 38s to 52s per cwt., sinking offal. Springers of good quality brought from £10 to £14 each. Store cattle were in good de- mand, but those exhibited were ...

Court and Fashion

... : I lurt aO , Xa*,r. THE COURT. WINDsoR CASTLE, JUNE 5.-Her Majesty, ac- companiedby Princess Alice and Princess Helena, drove out in a carriage-and-four yesterday. The Queen and her Royal Highness the Princess Louise walked and drove in the grounds this morning. The Princess Alice and Princess Helena, attended by Lady Caroline -Barringtont, ont ...


... ' 9__ . 1 -* iowNPlATIsC JULY FAR.-' Tlhe monl f-ialr :of this town was held'on Tuesday last, but was not so well attended as that of June 'or May. Good. beef was Yery scarce, and was rapidly bought:-up, -pricee ranguig from 50i 'o 60 per owt., sinking tho oral. 'The bsiness in store ciidle was rather dull, at rates .arging froim-£6 to £121 eaib. There w'w a 'li8ge supply of sheep in the- ...

Court and Fashion

... ?? jifi nfbrnn I' THE COURT.' OSBONrE, JULY 9.1-7The Queen, accompanied by Prineess Helena, drove out yesterday.. The Countess ?? and Lord Charles.FitzRoy, were in atten'- dance. ?? hleld a Privy. Council toiday:&at Osborne at three o'loo'ok, at which were present Earl Gluanville, the Duke of Argyll, and Lord, Stanley of Alderley. Earl Granville had an nadience of the Queen, and reainiied dat ...


... THE ROYAL AGRICULTURAL SOCETY'S SHOW. To convey anything like an adequate idea of the unusul eidell'encibs in the livestock deartmeut 6! ,thie, show ,ould demand a whole side of onr paper. Indeed, the Prince of Wales and PrincetiNapoleon, who, with. their respective parties' of' ?? tlsi'hed -visitors, made-k touaifr Uthe showya'rd'on WideAi day mnorning; foundit no light tasktoa' lai c6-oven ...

Court and Fashion

... .court Itub $action. ? THE COURT. of Her Majesty and the Roval Family will leave Windsor Castle for Osborne either on Saturday next At. or the Monday following. It is expected that the ei be Court will not return to Windsor from Osborne until of at after the 10th of February. Her Majesty will then St sh reside at the Castle until the middle of May.-Court j1 [e- Journal. ey Tar Lonn LIEUTEN&NiT ...

Court and Fashion

... c GouXt ?? fastgalt. I THE COURT. OSDORNE, MIONDAY.-Tbe Queen, attended by Lady A. Bruce and Lord Charles FitzRoy, drove out this morning. The Princess Alexandra, Princess Louise, and Prince Leopold also drove out, attended by the Hon. Mrs. Bruce. Lord ?? Burghley have arrived at Brown's Hotel, London. Lord and Lady Ashburton left Bath House, on Monday, for Nice. Lord and Lady Taunton and ...