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Belfast News-Letter

Literary Notices

... ;1iterarlQ Xdirtts. THE ART JOURNAL for November. London: J. S. Virtue. % Belfast: J. iIartan, Waring Street. Trnx subjects of the plates in this number are hardly so attractive as usual. Linnell's picture of Rest affords one, and Turner's somewhat affected Bird- cage-aiscene 'from Boccaccio-the other. John Linnell's name is well known to all lovers of land- scape painting, although he is ...

Court and Fashion

... Moral auzb fuai1xnan. THE COURaT. i OSBORNE, MONDAY.-His Royal Highness the Grand 'Duke of Baden left Osborne this morning, and visited Portsmouth Dock-yard on his way to London. The Duke of Devonshire and Lady Louisa Caven- dish arrived at Chatsworth on Monday from Hard- wick Hall, Derbyshire. The Marquis of Hartington was expected at Chatsworth on Monday, from Canada. The Duke of Newcastle ...


... I ; fil: THE COURT. OSBORNE, FEB. 19.-Earl Granville is expected to- day on a visit. There is no truth in the report that. her Majesty proposes shortly to go tosLondoD. VICEREGAL COURT. His Excellency entertained the following at dinner on Wednesday:-Earl of Granard, Viscbunt Dangan, Lord and Lady Massey, Viseountess' Netterville, lon.' !Miss NettervillI, Hon. Mrs.' White, Han. P. 'Howard, ...

Court and Fashion

... giDurt an? f.1 as4icra- - -THE COURT. WINDson CASTLE, THuRsDAy.-Her Majesty,, ac- companied by the Princess Louis of Hesse, Prince Cbristian- (of Denmark), and Princess Alexandra, drove out yesterday afternoon. His-Royal Highness Prince Louis of Hesse also'aceompanied her Ma- jesty on horseback. The Queen and her Rbyal Highness Princess' Louise walked and drove this morning. Prince Christian ...


... at Jane of Naples, by Herr SBlzer, is the title of in a new opera which is to be produced at Vienna. ft Mr. Leech's sketches have been so successful at I st the Egyptian Hall that he is at present engaged in t id painting another set of subjects from Punch. d. Mr. Boncicault has brought out a new sensation id drama at Drury Lane. The piece is called The Re- in lief of Lucknow. at A ...

Court and Fashion

... .Court anb ffasizan. -I THE COURT. WiNDsor CASTLr, JurN 10.-The Queen, accom- panied by their Royal .Highnesses the Princess Alice and Prince Leopold, drove out yesterday afternoon. Major-General Seymour was in attendance. Her Royal Highness Princess Alice, attended by Lady Churchill and Lieutenant-Colonel the Hon. Dudley de Ros, went to Holland House to-day, andvisited Queen Marie Amelie. ...


... n -^A BlIBON SAW. a A saw, similar to that now in use at the Woolwiah dockyard, is also closely inspected, and the perfect manner in which the most intricate patterns, or even n flowing letters, may be eat out by its operation ex- it cited great surprise. It, is, however, in the great facilities which it affords for cutting out patterns or h moulds that the value of this excellent machine con- ...

Court and Fashion

... I goart aab Ifasljioly. THE C0O URT. BALMOnAr,, AUGUST 26.-HeT Majesty, with the Princess Helena, drove in the neighbourhood of the castle, attended by the Hon. Mrs. Bruce. Henry XV., Prince of Reuss, the Reigning Count of Stolberg-Vernigerode, and Privy Councillor Intime have arrived at Thomas's Hotel, London. Henry IV., Prince of Reuss, Prince Nicholas Ho- henlohe of Weltenburg, Prince Carl ...

Court and Fashion

... ?? aixb 'f, as?icyll. -- L ~~THE COU RT. WINDSOR CASTLE, SATUrODAY.-Her Majesty, with the Prince of Wales, Prince and Princess Louis of .Hesse, Princess Helena, Princess Lonise, Prince Leopold, and Princess Beatrice, and suite, consist- ing of the Lady Caroline Barrington, Lady Augusta 1 Bruce, the Baroness Von Schench, the Baroness Von Grancy, the Hon. Mrs. Brace, Colonel the Hon. Sir ...

Court and Fashion

... CuXrt lmb IasIiorn. THE COURT. Wrixson, MAincE 12.-The Queen, accompanied by her Royal Highness the Crown Princess of Prussia (Princess Royal), walked and drove in the Home Park this morning. Their Royal Highnesses Prince Alfred and the Princess Alice arrived at Buckingham Palaceyesterday morning, attended by Lady Caroline Barrington and Major Cowell. Prince Alfred paid a visit in the ...


... -, .. INE T, ?? . ?? O EX IBIT ?? THE INTERNATIONALi EXHIBITION. THE 0OUP. D'CCIL. MoNwAY, the intejior ?? as gay and as thronged as . it could Well-be without inconvenienca.' To 'realise the whole effect of the coup d'lsei, the visitor, should seat himself in one of the galleries overlooking .the nave,,and from that point of view look down uypon the brilliant side courts and the 'stil more ...

Court and Fashion

... 9-aurt allb ?Jfas4ian. , THE COURT.. The Queen was expected to arrive at Cobnrg, from Rheinhasrdtsbrunn, on Saturday last. The. cirole of the Royal family is now somewhat diminished in number, as, besides the departure of Prince Alfred B and the Crown Prince of Prussia, the Prince and V Princess Louis of Hesse took leave of her Majesty BS on Tuesday last, and arrived in Darmstadt next day, H ...