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Daily News (London)

Advertisements & Notices

... T HE SALE PRICE of the DAILY NEWS ALL oVER ENGLAND and at the RAILWAY STATIONS. essrs. W. H. SMITH and SON nowvSELL the DAILY NEWS *t al the Railway Stations at TlIREElF.NCE per SINGLE COPY, acd will SUPPLY al COUNTRY BOOKSELLERS and NEWS- AGENTS on such terms as will enable them also to SELL the DAILY NEWS at the marked price of THREEPENCE per gIN ;1,3 COPY . 8C, Strand. riALCUTTA, calling at ...

Advertisements & Notices

... OSOTTI'S LOOKING GLASSES amd GILT N9 bECOSI ATIXE V ?? CI t 5, repuied for superior quality and po~erftios in vorkeanship. Trho Londou and Paris Look- ng~glaos ManufSaetory. l~tabllshed 40 years. Extensive show roost-', w th prices in plain tSgores. Entrance, 39S and 399, Oxford-street, W. lITLLIAM S. BURTON'S GENERAL FUR- / NSlHING IRONMO.NGERY CATALOGUE may be had Gratis, and free by post. ...

Advertisements & Notices

... 2. REG13NTESTREET, LONDON. bl mpeia MMajety Napoleoun's, ILVPExR~SMITBS. Electro- Siltver Platere, Dresaing-cilsa Manuftactttrei'5, and Cnstlers, Qileefrle Cutlery iWorks, Sheffield, have the honorr to announce tat D0MMI4NCED Bt SINESS at the WVEST-END of LOh-DOh', by opening PREMlISES et 22°, tEO~ENT *5TREETI, ' with alarge collection of their mnufsactlres, and they hope to receiv~e. ...

Advertisements & Notices

... T SALE PRICE of the DAILY NEWS ALL OER ENelIAND) and at tite RAILWAY STATHONS~. V n. ii. SM 'ITH and SON Dow BELL the DAILY NEWS I' ?? Stations lit ttalI TH! IERPENOE per SINGLE COPY, ,ad ?? SUtlPLy all COT'UNTR Y BOOKSELLERIS and NEWS- AGENTS en such terms as wtill enfable them also to SELL, the DAILY NEWS ait the tuarked in-ice of TIIFEEP'ENCE lser si~NGLE COPY. 1511, Strand, F OR CALCUTA ...

Advertisements & Notices

... ARL aid SONS, 17 and 18, Cornhill, rospect- fully solicit a visit to their magnificent establishment. The ground floor is more particularly devoted to the display of line gold jewelery, gold and allvor watches, and line gold chains. The silver plate department is In the gallery of the baihling, and consists of every article requifsite for the table and sideboard. In the mugnificelnt show-rooms ...

Advertisements & Notices

... GEO. 8MTH AND CO.'S PURE EXTRACT of CALVES' FEET, .. JFor Invalids and CllnArY Use. Hold in 6d., i&, 2e., an 48. puaketa, by aSU ChOml Dt xrocert -O. =ENFA6CTORY. 22, LITTL POFTL&1fDT., Rgu~- W. In Maroh, 1S826 A P P I N B R O T H E R.S .l.Vj. Wlln commence business at THE WEST-END OF LONDON, OPENIING PRMI:StbES, at 222, I NENT-STREIT. TIheir City Bu;ineaa will continue to he curried on ? ...

Advertisements & Notices

... ANTEAUX et CHALES pour la Saison 1862. M Mlessieurs. SEVWELLprientos lealiaes de visit'r leurs nmaga- sine oai ?? tr,,gvuoait un ASSORIA0'' IENT dto NOUVEAUITS les plus rechercies en M ANTELE'S. cismq lues, et paoletots. Ces confections ?? i 1; derniore mlod le Paris Strout livrrcs fi uwi priY trls ouodlqse, pilr ulne dame I'ranqvaiso qui pendant 55 visite rceente les a puisuC. daes leg ...

Advertisements & Notices

... CoLUAN LOANS-Tie FORTIE TH DV- Ihc Nc'lx oni the SX xper CENT. LOANand the THIRTY- ,IRSthe IVI VEND o he hIttER per CENT. WOAN, both fall- ing due cit the B0th installtt 1trl b I weedil b t Tulestits from Fhl ridpays eopthed betondeli the hulls of Ten pitt TWO, et the Co otis g-hOuO of IJARING BROTHERS and Co. os. Bishop~s-gate st15et Within, wvere lists say as sual bue obtaitied, H H ILIAN ...

Advertisements & Notices

... (-IRYSTAL PALACE-Open at 10.-Admission ThJ'1ii Ihey to Frislity, (mne Shilling. SATI7R DAY CONCERT, BfalL-at ano it; chiildreni unatlce I, hiilf-price. {Irchele~tral Band awl Great Organ Performlancos daily at In- ternist; fronte ?? un1til 5 o'clock. tireat Exhibition of Pictorca for t1tv aile of ?? works. Victoria Ciosn Galleryan~d Battle of fld,-inuann, liy Denig-es. All the Fine Arts Courts ...

Advertisements & Notices

... K INGS' OWN MINIATURE BROUGHAMS. Mcssrs, W. KINGS and Co, think it right thus to call attention to their valuable introduction, for while several hun- dreds have been turned out from their establishment with com. plete success and universal satisfaction, W. K. and Co, are aware that much disappointment has arisen to purchascrs of the in- ferior copies of their well-knownu carriage. They ...

Advertisements & Notices

... W]THOLESALE TEA. and COFFEE TRADE. -Co be DISPOSED OF, homediatelY, sitider the meet -tot ily explaile'l, On Old-establisohcd DULSINES$ in tile CiRY of Londonti withi a lar& alit i politable toiletry conlhexion. Thie raitietrsaveraige about £ 00,000 per sanaua, and. thle capital rc- Ijaired oil totingy Ill will bo ?? to Messrs. EDWIN' 7FOX and BOUtSFIELD, 41, Coletman-stn et, Bank, London, E.C ...

Advertisements & Notices

... eat ire ill. ith iii, I- tto -at ip, :la, re, Ity ito i- I- ce, i's ro. re- at ed ic nid PRIZE MEDALS for SILKS, SHAWLS, . MANTLES, SEAMLESS GLOVES, &c. GRANT acid GASK invite an Ilspiectiou of the various articles exhibiited by thees at the International Exhibition, as well as at their Establishmenit, vitici have obtained prize melals froom her Manjesty's Clumsssiole, a, ?? (, ?? CASHMERE ...