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Daily News (London)

Advertisements & Notices

... IrESALE PRICE of te DAIL NEWS ALL To~uH YI NGLAND and at the RAILWAY STATIONS. ilessrs. W. Ii. SMITH and SON now SELL the DAILY NEWS ,toil the hiailway Stations at THREEPENCE per SINGLE COPY, ,ad Wi1l SlUlPLY ati CO1JNTRY BOOKSELLERS and NEWS- ANSonl sueh terms as wvill enable them also to SELL the ItAILY NEWVS at the marlked price of THRREPENCE per 61GBCOPY. 1S6, Strand. CIALCUTTA, callhing ...

Advertisements & Notices

... PROVIDENT CLERKS' MUTUAL LIFE PASSOCIATION. Established 1840. Every description of Life and Annuity business transacted daily. Annual Income . ?? . 47,000 invested Fund. 100,000 WY. T. LINFORD, Secretary. 15, Moorgate-street, B.C., June 1, 18G2. T.EGAL and GENERAL LIFE ASSURANCE Li SOCIETY, No. 10, Fleet-street, London, June 10, 1862. The Proprietors of this Society are requosted to TAKE ...

Advertisements & Notices

... >j[ESSRS. MECHI and BAZIN'S LIST.-Tle LLV1 quality may be judged by their display under the Easters Dome of the International Exhibition: also in the Cutlery De- yartment, Class XXXII., and in the North Gallery, Class ICXXVI, Photographic Albums, Dressing Bags, Dressing Cases, Despatcl Boxes, Tourist Writing Cases, Pocket-Books, Purses, BagatelleTables, Chess-boards, Brushes, Combs, Toilet ...

Advertisements & Notices

... C'IIENFUEGOS and VILLA CLARA (CUBA) ?? ~~~RAILROAD. SEVEN lEiE, CENT. BONDS. The HALF.Y FARLY IN TEREST oil the above Bonds, due onl thel Is June, will be PAIDI on MONDAY. the 2ad June. and ?? sticCeedingdlay, ait thle Counting.hoitsu of Meesrs. J. Henry Sehribdur and Co No. 145, Lean ~lecilall-street, between the horns of Eleven sal Tw'so o'clock. The Couponsmustitbe left for examination two ...

Advertisements & Notices

... IETROPOLTAIN and PROVINCIAL BANK (Liiiatcd), 75, Coruhilil, EU.. ?? Capital1, C700,0)0. C1101BENT AtCCIU NTS Jopiwd Will h arsns Introduced to the Bauiz., i~d bitivrest ait two icr CCt. villwed on -oBtl ie if itt hII annv ibvlow cL0 1 iale II,u p5 cvnt. if drawsns be ow The agonc'N of cc-unils and foreign Banks, andi the London business of prosici iiis illreo odrtakvii ol molderate trites. ...

Advertisements & Notices

... I NTERNATIONAL EXHIBITION, FtURINITURE C IFRT, Clasg 30. SILVERI EQtULIBRY.U.I CiIAIR-SEDLEY'S PATENT. The ELulibriusm Clinirs anD- COiules will fie found to supply a very great want, ate really comlortible, and are contideutly offered tit at price which plices them within the reach of all. 'lhese Pantert Chairs cad Conches cats be seen as above, and at the Crystal lPlace, Sydenlhin ; also at ...

Advertisements & Notices

... B RECKNE1:L'S SKIN SOAP, the beet for producing a clear and healthy akin in la. packeta of our tablets, or eight squares. May be obtained of all dealers in town and countrY. N.B.-Each table and squarets stamped with the name of BreekneelL By appointment to her Majesty, manu- acturers ot Wax Bpermaceti, ParadLIne, Stearine, Cor posith and Talrow cundeaI ogents to ?? Patent Candle Company ...

Advertisements & Notices

... TIER~ MAJESTY'S THEATRE. StJ I ?? NIGHTS OLy. REDUCED PRICESi. SATU RDAY nextl 0tber 25, IL TROVAXO1E: Titieno, )NDiA, October `7, LUCIA DI LAOERM1OOR. Lucia, Moliess Tit';es Kigar do' 5Ci.-sr Ging~lnIi. W~3l> ) ?? ;u, lI PURi.ANI. Gluglini, Forme3, Radlt1, 11550. Elvira. NI file TitleOS'. FRIDA).Y, October 31, LUCREZIA BORGIA. Titters, Le- SATURDAY. Novembler 1, TITIENS as'1 NORiMA. ...

Advertisements & Notices

... EI~E SALE PRICE of the DAILY NEWS ALL 3 OVER ENGLAND and at the RAILWAY STATIONS. -es. W. H, SMIITHI and SON now SELL the DAILY NEWS * *ithRailwilyStations tit at all the TlEIEPENCE per SINGLE COPY. nd ill SjUPLY all COUXNTRY BOOKSELLERS and NEWS. AGENTS on sutch tereas as will enable themn also to SELL the DAILY NEWS at the marked price of THREEPENCE per SBNGLE ?? 18G, Strand. OMBAY Direct ...

Advertisements & Notices

... ] jAPPIN BROTHERS. Establisbed A.D. 1810. 1MIAPPIN BROTNERS, 222, REGENT- M ?? W. APPIN BROTHERS, 67 and 68, KING M \NVILLIAM-STRlELT, CITY, APPIN BROTHERS, QUEE N'S PLATE M A al CUTLERY WORKS, SHEFFIELD. XHIIBITION of ARTICLES of DOMIESTIC JD UTIllTY.-VILLIAMI S. BURT ON Invites inspection of his display of FIJRNISIlNG IRON.MONGEItY, real Silver and Electro Plate, Table Cutlery, Bedsteads, ...

Advertisements & Notices

... rVESALE PRICE of tile DAILY NEWS ALL. 3..o`,VER, ENGLAND and at the RAILWAY STATIONS. Messrs. 1%. 1 E. SMI Li11t and SON now SELL the DAILY NEWS at All thu IlafilmarStationsq at THIONEEPINCE per SINGLE COPY, an~d ill STPPLVall coUNTRY BOOKSELLERS and NEWTS- AGYson such terms as% will enable them also to3 SELL the DAILY NEWS at the markedI price of VI22EEI'ENCE per SINGLE COPY. ItS, Strand. ...

Advertisements & Notices

... I,U¶E SA&LE PRICE of the DAILY NEWS ALL' T*vi E:NGLAND and] at theltAIWAY STATIONS. 3t, lv. iI. SN1li, and SOc ruow SELL the DAILY NEX8 p iothe TIN11'I*NCE per SINGLE COPY, I j~g pt'LY all COUNTRY B(OOKS'ELLERS and ws goArl, Ei11h tories as %viil onitble tlnem als to S eLT, the' CNhn at the nmarked rceo u Brd Rpi o~~iGI.E 300s, Strond. ?? Dirc-t (under englgeD1e`,1t, to E M. ofC011el0 fsdli;c1 ...