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Daily News (London)

Advertisements & Notices

... THE GOVERNESSES' INSTITUTION, 34, .3.. Sobo-square-Mrs. WAGIOIN'v, who has resided many years abroadi, iepe, tfully invites the attention of the nobility, gentryend pricipalsi of schools to her REGISTER of ENGLISD and b illltj.N G Eitsit tSS}ES, TEACiHERS, coMPANloNS, TUTORS, and PiOFESs(1iS. School property tranoferred, and ?? initroduced in England, France, and Germaa y. (\FFICES to LET.-A ...

Advertisements & Notices

... ROYAI4 2XCHANGE ASSURANCE CRIORPOATIOXt.. 1-! . 1720 IChmrtr of K ing George the First, loliust cor ;med iy Special A ets of Parnlalt. Bict OGinc, ItR n si Exclieige, London Branch29, Pall-mall, IoTA VIP WIITSRqGoenr OEORGE IAIRIKES BARCLAY, Req., Sab-Governor. Sir J vii.N liENRY l'ELLYa, B .eputy-Gover uor. Henry Dalarrldge, Eqg. WVilmot Holand, Esq. Robert Baca,-q. The Earl of Leven and ...

Advertisements & Notices

... T ESALE PRICE of the DAILY NEWS ALL OER ENGLAND and at the RAff WAY STATIONS. Mesr. . HI. SMITH and SON now SELI the DAILY NEWS ata ?? tations ait TTIRREPENCE per SINGLE COPY, and will SUPP~LY all COUNTRY BOO&SELLERS and NEWS AGENIS oin auch t..rass asa will enable them also to SELL the DAILY NEWVS at the marked price of THREEPENCE per SINGLII COPY. 1S6, Strand. ULACK BALL PASSENGER LINE of J) ...

Advertisements & Notices

... O aRCHARD and COMPANY, ARGYLL IIOUSE, 25C to 2G2, REGEN'T-STREE,' Pbillicly announlce their NEW STOCK of FRENCH and ENGLISH MAN UFACTURES in SHAWLS, SILKS, superb co- louied andblack Moire Antiques. 'ic Royal Poplin, black and celou'red, surpassing ovary ether dress for the autumn, extra lenigth, thrc guineas cthe dress: Seotch Wool Plaids and Aber- dccii Wiinseys. The Patio Mantle, Clonk, and ...

Advertisements & Notices

... RIE SALE PRICE of the DAILY NEWS ALL J. OVER ENGLAND and at the RAIElWAY STATIONS. messs. VH. SMITH and SON now SELL the DAILY NEWS at ?? 1ZO 2 THREEPENCE per SINGLE COPY, 'dwll SUPPLY all COUNTRY BOOKSELLERS and NEWS- GnEGNS on ?? terms as Will enable them also to SELL the DAILY NES at the marked price of THREEPENCE per DISf-r COPY. ISO, Strand. fALCUTTA, caling at Madras.-The well-'known ...

Advertisements & Notices

... BUCHAN'S SUGACOATED SARSA- PAIIILA PILLS.-It is a well-known fact that sarsa- peril la i the greatest purifier of the blood In the world. Keep your blood pure, the bowels regular, and defy the doctor. These pille strike at the root of each disease, and are for the.cure of every ailment Incidental to man, woman, and child, such as all eruptions on the skin, indigestion, bilious, liver, and ...

Advertisements & Notices

... Now OPEN. A P PIN and CO M A P A 1N Y W APPIN have added EXTENSIVE NEW SIlOW-EOUMS for the sale of their CELEBitATED MANUFACTURES. CUTLERYadEETt-IVRPAE loT THIEIR5- WELL.KNOWY X L3T-ENI) SE, 01PrOSiTE TO TIIE rANT~iEON', OXF¢)ltD STRELET. Royal Cutlery Vorks, Sheltlol, Novesber, I3bl. 1 A A P P I N B R 0 T H E R S, ±L 222, ItEGENT-STREET, LON DON, and G7 nalI 68, KING WILLIAM3 -STREET, LONDON- ...

Advertisements & Notices

... PANISE[, PORTUGUESE, AMERICAN, y RENCH, GERMAN, and all other COUPONS now be- coming due payable abroad, are now being PAID, and drafts granted at ?? ratee, at the Bankin~g-offlce of Messrs. JA.M SPCEELMANN end Co. 796 Lonabard.Street. NOTES and FOREIGN MONEY. town;also *1F OMItE N MfONIES, at theBskiIfl0,7,LD. bard ?? diepartment, upetohs.till!r~ n o ADMS'EMANY end Co. ICTORIA (AUSTRALIA) ...

Advertisements & Notices

... SALE PRICE of the DAILY NEWS ALL OVER ENGLAND and at tile ItALWAY STATIONS. J * W 1. SMITa and SON now SELL the DAILY NEWS xdii e tb ?? at a11 Taiu l tPENCE per SINGLE COPY, Sed will P COUNTY BOOKSELLERS and NEWS- AGNT3 oo as w']S ?? them also to BELL the AILY NEWS at the marked price of TliREEIENCE per SINGLE COPY. 186, Strand. 0CIJTTA, eal g at Madras.-The well-known au lpper a~uxiliary ...

Advertisements & Notices

... [Advertisement.] HARRIAGE- WU, A. DECE.A ED WIFE'S , S .STS.B. , .: To noU Y1111TOR Or TAB DAMLY ENid:. Sm,-The Committee of the Marriage TAw Reform As 30cih-tion nre desirous of a igain sbntnitti c tO public atceeintln the tollowing greatly abridged Stetdtnent Porasts and Opinions,. t tending to show the Scriptural lawfulness of marriage with a deceaaed wifee isiser, and the consequent ...

Advertisements & Notices

... LESSANDRO GAVAZI will LECTURE at A3 St, jale's-hali on ITAYT BIOROWI EVENING, Nov. 14. at ilellit ?? s s ail,,and 2s., at tlI hlll and leading Ihbiarius. VRYSTAL PALACE.-Oponl dailh at 10.- k Admissionl this day' and T Imoo.One Shl1irg-, SAT- DAY, SECOD Wl II S}R CONC_ RT, tle. Ycisj. lr. Thomas Youngt, Watiillelre Joacrhio. I1ahf-a-Crowli; childrenl under 12, Orchustral Pand and Greot orgna ...

Advertisements & Notices

... NSINGTON, KIGHTSBRIDGE, and J~. ~ftit'Lr~ JuNCTO? RAILWAY.- alasi ExtenS5ot' sf tue. 'metropolitan Railway to Kensington and ,S ,50jglt,.bRisIc; lt5c0loiatolttiiof Cosipsiiy,or 1'owers of Con. R structiats to _eIr ,-1so1Litof Railway Cortpany; AerasigetnentsasUt to C-Ipitall aui ?? Ars-sssnggeniseua wlt tise Consaissiossersa,~ ofla ?? and P'sblic Buildings, and Consasis atl atoersof V~elsForIt ...