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Freeman's Journal

Advertisements & Notices

... SERMONS. A C~lAP.ITY SERMON will be Preached in the CtT}EDRAL, KILLARNEY, on TO blOR- ROW (Sunday), at the last Mass, by the Rev. JAS. O'BRIEN, P.P., St. Mleiael's. Limerick, In aid of the New Monastery and Schools. Donutlons from such as cannot attend will bo thankfully received by the Right Rev. Dr. Moriarty, the Rov rreaecer, or any of tae Clergy of the Peirlsh. RANCISCAN tRePHAN AGE. FI ...

Advertisements & Notices

... TT RE. ROYAL, DUDBLIN. ATl. Ah Rls las' the honoa r to announce an arrange- mentevalt witt~ M L essee an d Directr ot hetor of her Me- jes ~Ei~. LondondSon. f8or abort ser ies of ITALIAN ?? nm u g TUESDAY, Otoberth, loot, with the follo ?? Artisto9 o' her M ajesty's Theatre:- ItDLE. TITIENS, M-MDLE. LOUISE MIC ALE, F FIORO, l-iDME. LEMA1RE. a. MAD PAJLT.PLINSA CaSrat, SSGNOR BADIALI, HERR ...

Advertisements & Notices

... G ATES, FINDERS, FIRE -IRONS, of the beat class for Drawlngroomso, Parlouro, Bed- rooms, &c., with Kitehim RPanges, and all kinds of Building Ironi0ngon~y. MIAUIRICE BltOO{S, SACliVILLtR1eLACE. 1Bi(SON'S REMEDY FOR TOOT CHAd:lE jli AND NEURALGIA, Sold lin Bottles, 2s. Cd., Is. amid CiL; post free for 10 stamps. Fee for Extrietlon, 2s, Gd.: Stopping, is. W. LEDGER ER11SON, L.M., Denuist and ...

Advertisements & Notices

... TIHE QIJEN'S ROYAL THEAMRE.- T*, r Performances to comrnmnco at Seven o'Clock.- Iree List entirely suspended, the Preas ?? ap- pe rance of Miss ;t SIMPSON (Strand Theore), London; sod the renowned Burlesque Comcdian, Utr. E. StIERI. DAN-Mis LIZZIE WILMORE-Mr JOHN NEWTON.-. TIIlS EVENING (Saturday) July 19th, 1862, the perform- sucse will commenee with the celobrated Drama, er.titled WALLACE. ...

Advertisements & Notices

... HOUSES AND LANDS. 0 RCRS AND SPIRIT MFR- T CIIANTS.-WANTED, a good RETAIL HOUSE, in tile City or Suburbs, for which a Fine will he given. Address B. D., MOfc of this Paper. for two days. 028,14 37O LET in NELSON. STREET, a comiforta-. ble HOUSE, No. 6, BIXTrooms, basement atorey, end dtable. Apy on the premnises, or at No. 6. 0 B LE, N. 6, L ERMOUNT T SRFwt~aho~en~ebotabd Apply to Mesr ...

Advertisements & Notices

... WINDOW GLASS for Dwelling-houses, Out-ofoes, Conservatlories, ft., with a large assort- menS of Plate Glass Mirrors. MAURICE BROOKS, SACKVILLE-.PLACE DUBLIN. HOUSES AND LANDS. 5J ANTED, by a Solvent. Tenant, a HOUSE, VT \with a good rare (and gate entranco to rore the more elhirable), on the East Side of Manor-atroet, or the Lower ?? of Prussla-street. Address A. E, house, sting terms and ...

Advertisements & Notices

... SERMONS, T. MARY'S INDUSTRIAL TRAINING S SCHOOL, STANIIOI'E-STREFT. under tile care of tile religious Sistera of Charity. On SUNDAY, 14th Deceiber, 1862, imunediately after the High Mass, commencing at Twelvo o'Ciack, at which the Arcbisblop vill proside, In the CATIIEDRAL, MARL1BO1ROUQi{ STRlEET, thle ANNUAL SEIIMON for the support of the above Instlittion will be Preached by the Itev. ...

Advertisements & Notices

... MERCANTILE SALES. Auctton of 'Vhisey, Brandy, id Champagne. FOR SALE BY AUCTION, at the Bro- F ker's Saleroome, COMMERCIALBUILDI8NGS, on TO- 101tRROW (Friday), 10th Octoberafterthe Sugar Sale. 7 Hogsheads Whiskey, J. J. and S., Stored May, 1800. 7 Sherri Elide do do do Doe. 1859. 5 Do Butts do do do June, 1868. 4 Do ?? do E. BandS. do Jan, 1860. 10 Do Butts do do do May, 1887. 10 Cases Brandy, ...

Advertisements & Notices

... LANDED ESTATES. COUNTY OF THE CITY OF DUBLIN. LANDED ESTATES COURT. In the Matter of 1 rFJHE HonourableJudge the Estate of 1. Longfield will sell, at th1 Matilda Bunn, wife of Landed Estates Court, Dublin, CharleasieredythBunn, on TUESDAY, tbe ath day of adronistratrix, with May, 1562, at the hourof Tve the will annexed of 9. o1ock, noon, in one lot, that Eyre Massy Eigle, dwelling hoease, ...

Advertisements & Notices

... r-}1E, QUEEN'S ROYAL THEATItE.- I Last Four Nights of the celebrated Burlesquo Actress. Ojisa LI.ZZIE NVILtMOI'E.-Rlo.ngalgement of A111i C. IICK ilr Four Nights.-* First appearanco of the celebrated Daji- .ieo', Miss ()LIVIA SIIAIIlPE-.Mr JOHN NEW I'0S.-T[IIS JVEINING (NiA(duebdlay), June I25:, theo prfornianes, will conmllanef Tyit an original Drama cntitled TilE MYsrsiy ; or, tho balikei's ...

Advertisements & Notices

... Ti'iE QW fN'S ROYAL THEATRE,- I PEMI7. iT of thlie treat Tragedian, Mr. JAMES ANDER. 80N, rnd I 15 Isl appearasore but Or.o --Fifth appearance osf i JUIjA Sl'. (GEO1:0i--11r. IV, ELLERTON and Miss L. l,'iL'4itOE-Tt~iS EYENING (Friday), Soptembor 5th, titr sekci ices wrill romnienrulo with SIakspejre's celebrated 1 MEof lSG LEAR.--Lear, Mr J Anderson - Earl of Renljt, s ; Zrl b+ Earil of Gl ...

Advertisements & Notices

... TBHE QUEEN'S ROYAL THEATRE.- Third appearance of the accomplished Vocalist and Actress, Miss ROSE HIOlWARD, and the distlngalshai Aiao- rtian Actor, Mr. 11. WAT1KINS-MIss LIZZIE WVILMOIRE and iiss OLIlVIA SHARPE.-TIiS EVENING (Wednesdiy), July 2rd, the performances will commence with (third tims) the grand scrio-comnic Drama entitled THE IIIDDENlHAND.-- Major Ira Warfield, Mr Vivash; Danald ...