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Ipswich Journal

Advertisements & Notices

... Ajldeburgh CoMporatitdon Xarshes, S TOCK WILL BE TAKEN on these MARSHES May 20th.-For Drifts apply to Mr.Newson Garrett, or Mr. Edward Bunaiss, Chamberlains. IPSWICH CATTLE FAIR. THE above FAIR will be held in the FIELD TADJOINING the BARRACKS, on TUESDAY, the 6th of May next. Applications for Hurdles to be made to ROBERT HAWES, at the Rose and Crown Inn, Norwich, Road, Ipswich. N. B. Entrance ...

Advertisements & Notices

... IEALTHi AND HAPPINESS FOR THE NERVOUS AND 1PEiiILITATED.-The proprietors of the Birmingham Insti tute of Anatomy desire to make Nnown an Infalitilie moans of Self-cure for the Nervous, Debilitated, &c., and will forward tile same gratuitously onl receipt or r stamped directed envelopo.- Addrese, To the Seeretary,Institute of Anatomy,1BIriningelitm. T'oR. KAHX'S PHILOSOPHY OF MIARRIAGE. ...

Advertisements & Notices

... People's Promenade Concerts IN the LOWER ARBORETUM every TUESDAY . Evening; and in the UPPER ARBORETUM, every SATURDAY Evening. Band of 1st Sulffolk (Ipswichb) Rifles, Conductor: Mr. 0. Gunning,l1andmaster, Suffolk Artillery. THE SUlFIhLIK AGRICULTURAL SOCIETY'S. MEFTING-, AT BUllY ST. FDYIT1 D'SN , JUNVE 4, 5, and 6, 1802; and HORTICULTURAL SHOW AND MUSICAL FETE. Grand Trial of Steam Plou9gks ...

Advertisements & Notices

... STyFFOI2E1 I OTuSE, PSI:?WIO3. FREDEIRICK ]FISHI TS MAKING A LARGE ADDITION TO HIS P REMISES, which will enable him to IMPROVE THE IS ARRANGEMENT OF HIS SHOP, and greatly help the carrying on of his increasing business in all its branches. FREDERICK FISH has been buying for some time past for the AUTUMN TRADE, and is prepared with 'WOOLLEN, LINEN, and SILK FABI3CS, as CHEAP AS EVER; and as he ...

Advertisements & Notices

... Blair's Gout and Rheumatic Pills, Price ls. lId. and 2s. 9d. per Box. HIS preparation is orne of the benefits which the ft science of modern chemistry has conferred upon mankind; for, during the first twenty years of the presententury, to speak of a cure for the Gout was considered a romance but now, the efficacy and safetv of this medicine id so fully demon- strated by unsolicited ...

Advertisements & Notices

... Now' ready, 18mo. Coloured wrapper, post free 4d. N GOUT AND RHEUMATISM. A new work, by DR. 1 LAVILLE or hO Faculty of Medicine, laris, exhibiting a per- fectly new, certain, and sauo method of cure. Trentslated by ra English practitioner. London i Fa1s. N`EwERY & SoNs, 45, St. Paul's Churchyard. To the IYoung Mfen of Estgand who sfer frorn Nertous Debilify JUST. P-UBLISEBID, - - - r11HE: ...

Advertisements & Notices

... ENAMELLED CLOTH COLLARS. NEW PATENT, 9d. PER DOZEN, In Plain or Fancy Patterns; superior to Linen, at less than cost (f IVashing, and last clean longer. CARTE R & SON, 4, TkVIERIN ST:RlEIE T, :LIPSWICH,. SPORTING. C UITS in great Variety, with every Convenience for the Field, made to Order, By EDWARD T. RE-&AD, MILITARY & GENERAL TAILOR, 9, Talvern Street, 1pswich. The Irish Linen Warehouses ...

Advertisements & Notices

... FREDERICK FISH'S New Cfarpet and Furnishing Room is the best- in the Eastern Counties and contains a very large Stock of Brussels, Tapestry, Kidderminster, and Dutch Carpets, printed Druggets, c. 4;c., ,vithout any advance upon the lowest prices of the past year. Wholesale and Retail. Suffolk House, Ipswich, October 19th, 1862. I PRIZE MEDAL Awa' ?? r th e , GLENFIELD STARCE 12 Vthe Jurors oi ...

Advertisements & Notices

... FREDERICK FISH. LINEN AND WOOLLEN DRAPER, Has ready for inspection A Choice Assortment of New Goods in the various departments of his business. WHOLESALE AND RETAIL. 1TOTICE.-FREDEPLICK Fiss having been applied to by some of his customers to take charge of their pu'chases ] 15 for the LANCASHIRE OPERATIVES, begs to say that lie will gladly receive contributions of either UOODS or CLOTHES and ...

Advertisements & Notices

... Judson's Simple Dyes, Od., Is., and Is. 6d. per Bottle. MAGENTA, I VIOLET, GREEN, ORANGE, ?? E SCARLET, BLUE, PINK, &C. A NY ON7E can use thcse Dycs, wvbich require DO other ingredient to tproduce on iltibbanos Silks, Woollens, &c ,theiulosthlcu~tliif and Fosolionable Colour i at fea t minutes. Prepared by, and emay be had (wholesale), of Daniel Jndson & Soil, Drysalters, 10. Scott's Yard, ...

Advertisements & Notices

... To Builders, Merchants, Farmers &bothers. Important Sale of Foreign Timber. To be SOLD by AUCTION, By Mr. J. T. WRIGHT, At Slaughden Quay, on Tuesday, July 15th, 1862, At One for Two o'clock, A CARGO of excellent TIMBER, &c., per Schooncr A MARIA; comprising about 50,000 feet run of Deals, Battens, and Balks. Also, about 50 Loads of Timber. Conditions of Sale as usual: approved Bills at 3 ...

Advertisements & Notices

... Dr. M31DWARD1 M.1ยง1, FEJ1hifU 31 E D I C A L B I T & N I S T, Providence Place, Diss, Norfolk, -jf ANY Years celebrated for the Treatment of Scro- At fula, or King' s Evil, in its varied stages-such as Callous Swellints in the Neclk and Arimpits, T umours on the Fingers anR Joints, vwith Distention ind Dacay of Bone- Abscesses, Cancer (or Schirrous Enlargement) of the Breast, or any other part ...