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Advertisements & Notices

... MEBTINGS, AMUSEMENTS, &c. WED)IESDAT, OCTOBER 16. leeting; of Free.Chlureb Presbytry-2 noon. GompertE's Panorama of Lordl Elgin's tour through Japan and China-Masonic Hail - S P.M. Qspen'sThatrO- The Foster Sisters, qThe Invisible Prince, and Mliscief Making '-7.30 P.M. HowlAl's Operetta-House- John of Paris, Bom- bastes Furioso, and Perseus and Andromeda- 7.30 ?? Newv Royal ...

Advertisements & Notices

... Pt _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ (to on A M E S A I T C H I S h N. tft J WATCHMAKER, JEWELLER, AND an SILVERSMITH, an 15 BANK STREET, E1INOUEOII, OF respectfully solicits an inspection of his new and exten- an sive STOCK of WATCHES, CLOCKS, & JEWELLERY, ha ill of ire Neoest Designs and best quality. Really Good Silver W\atches, capital Timekeepers, froni £2 2s to £5 5fr. All Ladies' Ibld Watches, elegant ...

Advertisements & Notices

... OURNAL OF JURISPRUDENCE. J No. LXVII. FOR JULY, Price Is 6d. CoNTEvNT.-Business in the Court of Session.-Pro- posed Publication of Outer House Reports.-Notes in the Inner House.-The Money Market Review and the ''Judgments Execution Bill. - New Books.--The Montb.-Digest of Decisions in Court of Session and S English Courts. Edinburgh : T. & T. CLAnK, 38 George Street. PR ] Just Published, ...

Advertisements & Notices

... - - .. ?? I PRO BoxoP-.Ylopi; KIiC-9, AMUSEMTENTS, &c. FOR THE ;k- FRDAY, JAN. 1id. IWeetsn of City Parodhial 13oard- T. .N Neotion by the Unirersity Count dl three non'profes- sioual Examincrs in the Fnicltv of Medicine. Dividend payvable to the Sharelhilderl'of the English and- Scottiqh law Life Assoeiation, at. the. Offices of the Association in Edinburgh and Glasgoly. Philosophical ...

Advertisements & Notices

... ( -t PRO BONO PUBLWO. ? UEETINGiS, AMUJSEMlENTS, &c,, ()R Tl;WEEK. TlhuRsDAY, Jt .n Neeting of Glovernors of (ieorgeoEHeriot's EHotsit4I.-i2 noon. . Divideml payable on the Capital Stock'6!''tgRoyal 13lank oE Scotland.- Dividend of 10 pci' cent, payable to the Shareholder, of theo Scottish Union F'ire anld Life Insurance Com-. paIy. Queen's Thcatre-1'RftomiWO of Cinderella or the (Glaze ...

Advertisements & Notices

... In Octavo, Price 1Os 6d, T/HE DIVINE FOOTSTEPS T IN HUMAN HISTORY. The Author of this remarkable book has conceired a great idea, and, with much patience, and study, and calculation, has earnestly, and, on his own system and views, successfully worked it ?? AIM- cwy, 9th June 1862. W. BLACKWOOD & SoNs, Edinburgh and London. NEW ISSUE. Just Published, in fine Cloth Limp, 1s 6d ; in Extra Cloth, ...

Advertisements & Notices

... AT LEITH FOR ADELAIDE, SOUTH AUSTRALIA. ?? A 1 Britiele Clipper Barque IMAGDALEN, 430 Tolls per Register, Capt. ANDREWS, ist ?? oil 0thel Bertl, ?? wvil l lbe despatclled oil SATURDAY 27TII DECExBER. For Freight or Passage, apply to AMACGREGOR, SINCLAIR, & CO., Leith. Leithl, 17th November 1862. C OUGHS, ASTHMA, AND lNCIPIENT J CONSUMPTION ARE EFFECTUALLY CURED BY KEATING'S COUGH LOZENGES. ...

Advertisements & Notices

... 3MEETINGS, A-MUSEMENTS, &c. FRIDAY, OCToBnE 24. 1eeeting of the Electors of St Cutlibert's Vard-Corn l1:irket-7 P.r. GIlalp rtz'ii Panoraina of Lord Elgin's tour through ?? and China-Maasonic Hall- 3 P.M. antI S v. m. Exibil iti'ip of Rosa Bonleair's Pictures lat MIr Hill's (4thlerc, t07 Princes Stleet-10 A.M. to 5 P.M. SIt(4\)R, G AZZI'S EVENING LECTURE will Ie ,? Yr ire( i t the QUEE STREET ...

Advertisements & Notices

... MEETING, AMUSEMENTS, &o. WEDNESDAY, AUaUST 18. Queen's Thentre-'Nine Points of the Law, A Smack for a Smaek, ?? ' Persees and Andromneda' -7 P.M. lgowar(l's Operetta-House-The Dove Cot, and ?? Lurline -S P.,l. ?? Silver Gord Loosed-On view at Hill's Galleries, Triinces Street-10 A.M. till 8 P.M. FREE CHURCH OF SCOTLAND. CHUrEp cH AND MANSE BUILDING C FUND. COLLECTION ON SABBATH, I7In ...

Advertisements & Notices

... MEETINGS, AMIUSEMENTS, &o. THURSDAY, JULY 17. Qneens Theatre - The Chimney Corner, A New Military Ballet, The Spoiled Child, and It enilworth-7. P.M. Soward's Operetta-Hotise-Extravaganz% of The Colleen Bawln, The Enchanted Isle, Grand Ballet, Visitors to the Exhibition Accommodated ?? past Seven. i tHill' Galleries, *'The Silver Cord Loosd-nveatHl' alri, Princes Street-1O A ...

Advertisements & Notices

... ?? 1JUSHING and PINKING done bsy a i1 ncewely-invented Machine, which, for rapidity and beauty of workmanship is unequaled. At MISS FAIRGlIEVE'S, MILLINERY and ITNDERCLOTIINXG AaREHIOrS9. 99 PRISCES STREET. TU I T C H I E a C R A I E S, LATE J. & J. RITCHIIIE & COY., CLOT'IIlERS & MJE.VS ME ER~S, No. 4 GEORGE STREET, EDiNIlURtI:1, beg to announce to their numnecous Friends and the Public that ...

Advertisements & Notices

... MEETINGS, AMUSEMENTS, &ic. FRIDAY, SEPTEMBER 19. esi Meeting of Free Church Teachers' Association AUNormal School, Moray House-6 P.M. ,ns Theatre-The Fairy's Father The Peep o' Q Dv, and Mischief Making-7 P.M. E ds ?? Paul Pry, Maritana, foasd Biy O'Connor'-7.30 P.m. ITlhe Silv er Cord Loosed-On view at Hill's Glaleries, rrioces Street-10 A.M. till 8 P.M. SATURDAY, SEPTEMBER 20. ...