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Advertisements & Notices

... T. & R. CE 4E ET e INGS e.J OF THlE CONGREGATIO'NAL UN~ION OF SCOTLAND. The Meetings will be oetl ill L dinburgh during the Jpresent wc uk., t.:tI,NltsiA.y, 0Lf~s APRIL. A Pan'ic i, i t9 g wiltrl bo hell in An gud0it Church at 7 3W .tm Litsmi. t, Esq., Chairman. A0- dresseas trill bnc deliveredl by thc JEtcI. PsOsmte'T SteEN.~, DunBdie, 48 A tdo.Sa, ,IIeub1, and .t . Me10 JotImit, of Glasgdo. ...

Advertisements & Notices

... htEETINGS, AMUSEbtENTS, &c. TUrESDAY, Novrxxsaa 11. rh ilosophical Ins tit utio ?? Lecture by Nr Walter- house H~awkins on The Nature and Forrns of the Gigantic Extinct Animzds-Queen Street Hall- Gornnpertz'5 Panorama of Lord Elgin's tour through. Japlan and China-Mlasonic Hall-3 P.M:f. and S P.1M.. ExhiIbitiell' of Rosa Bonhenr's Pictusres at Mr Hill's Galleries, 67 Princes Street-10 A.M, ...

Advertisements & Notices

... t pre#s, jtnvai~ king~i ?? t MOURNING DEPARTMENT AT W A R E N, N OLIVER, & CO.'S contains every Article of Dross suitable for COMPLIMENTARY, FAMILY, ORt DEEP MOURNING. BLACK SILKS, confidently recommended for wear, 2s, 2s 3d, 2s 6d, 3s, 3s Gd, to 8s 6d per Yard. BLACK FRENCH MERINOES, 2s 3d, 2s 6d, 2s 3d, 3s 6d, to Gs 1d per Yard. BLACK REPS, WINCRYs, PARAMATTAS, CoBuR(:s, &e. MOURNING MANTLES ...

Advertisements & Notices

... T U R R OC K & SONS' NEWLY REBUILT PRRMISES, 33 PRINCES STREET, Are conspicuous for their Elegance and Extent, and being immediately opposite the Railvay Termini, are conveniently situate for Country Families and others visiting Edinburgh. Their STOCK is New, and well-assorted of every Article for the Toilet, of the best quality. A Large Assortment of the NEW GILT and FANCY TORTOISESHELL COMBS ...

Advertisements & Notices

... j ?? NO PUBLICO. M'tN-G~t, JSE IMENTS, &c., FOR THE WEEK. - SATUERDAY, MAY 3. ;cial,(lenetal Meetidk of Proprietors of the Nerth W; Eitili Rtaihay Co4No. 4 PrinceiStreet- 12nonn. i~l Seolttb Ar vj~'s Exliibition-Royal Academy r-. penh r A.. till 5 P.M., aud from 7 r. H. h ?? Mjajestv and H.R.T1. the late l'rince Congort on view at Mtr Hill's Fine Art Galleries. Queeu s Thie tre- The Wandering ...

Advertisements & Notices

... 6ยข~re eies QUEEN STRER-T lIALL. C H IN A, ILLUSTRATEOD BY A LECTURE, AN A CABINFT OF CURIOSITIES. AJ AC G O W A X, M.D., D. ROM CIINA AND JAPAN, will deliver a LECTURE ON CHINA, in the above IIAk., THIS DAY (FRIDAY), 1Ith April, at 3.15 rP. ; And will REPEAT the same LECTURE, in the same place, in the Evening, at Eight o'clock. The Chair will be taken by Professor SimpSON in the Afternoon, and ...

Advertisements & Notices

... . PRO BONO PUBLICO. . lMNIGS, AMUSEMIENTS, &c., FOR THE WEE. M.ToNDAY, APIIL 28. M ileelgr4of Royal Society of Arts-George Street Hall : 2 /.y. TUESDAY, APRIL 29. .-XIskesseily for the Stinoon- -Asseaubly Rooms, George WEDNESDAY, APRIn, 30. Meeting of Commissioners of Supply of the County of Edinburgh-Couuty Buildings-12 neon. DOUBLE SHEETS OF THE CALEDONIAN MERCURY. NEXT SATURDAY, THE ...

Advertisements & Notices

... BIRTHS. STEWART-At 42 Be]giave Square, London, on the 25th inst., the Lady Octavia Shaw Stewart, of a daughter. HFIRsERT-At 23 Bruton Street, London, on the 24th inst., the Lady Mary Herbert, of a son. BAKER'-AtI Park, Stirling, on the26thinst., the wife of Leonard B]aker, REq., of a son. BLAKa-At Seton Castle, on the 26th inst., the wife of the Rev. John Chalmers Blake, of a son. .HuRsT-At 6 ...

Advertisements & Notices

... VANTGELISTIC 'MEETINGS are Con- ftinnued This Week iln Sr LvuE's CuCaivr, Qu QUEE Sarnar (R. v. A, M ody Stimrt's). The hour of Aleoti'4g ThisTElenin is Eiht o'clock. Th Meting lasts oaly a aetltt Q ot` n rour. LECTURE ON THHEDlStASES OF SHEEP. A PU LI I LECTUR E on a NEW DISEASE in LAMABS, InIv decimating some OXi the finest stocks in ?? Counties, with Generlrlal Remarks onl tthc Importance ...

Advertisements & Notices

... In orown octavo, price 7s dd, EN G L I S H PURITANISM AND ITS L LEADERS. CROMWELL -MILTON -BAXTER -BUNYAN. B B JOHN TULLOCH, ?? Principal and Professor of Theology, St Andrews, and one of Her Majesty's Chaplains in Ordinary in Scotland. By the same Author, T EADERS OF THE REFORMATION. | L LTTH RR-CALVI N-LATIhAER-KNOX Second Edition, crown octavo, price 6s Gd. WILLIAsS BLACK WOOD & SONS, ...

Advertisements & Notices

... 3IEETINGS, EXHIBITIONS, AMUSEMENTS, &c. TUESDAY, June 3. Meeting of General Assembly of the Free Church-- Assembly I1ll-10 A.M. Afeetiug of Edinburgh Town Council-12 noon. Meeting of Leith Town Council-2 Surmmer Show of H1orticultural Society of Edinburgh -Experimental Gardens. Annual Meting of Ladies' Association for Female Edu- cation in India-Masonic lhall-2 ?? State Porl raits of HIer ...