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... - - (Fraenz err Specal CorrespcItoclet.) It is little more than half a century sine stock-breeding on scientific principles was first attempted. Before that time this important branch of rural industry was shamefully neglected. The stock was allowed to increase and multiply after its own fasllion, and although there were one or two exclusive families amongst it, for the most part it consisted ...


... EDGTASTON CBRYSANTREMUM SHOW. I This sbow was held yesterday, and considering the limited aeconnodation at the disposal of Mr. Gilbert, of the Navigation lun, 1 oeeloy's Road, where it was held, vas a perfect success. It will be remombered thata similar exhibition ;rsa hold at the same place last year, when an inlletus was given to the cultivation of this much ?? winter flower. Most of the ...


... SOCIETY OF ARTISTS EXHIBITION. With the approach of autumn the Society of Artists ri making preparations for their annual exhibition of pictoM The rooms in New Street are already crowded with haei packing cases filled with works of art destined soon to be arranged in seemly order upon the walls of the ringe of galleries. In a few days the hangmen will beein thgir important labours, and in ...


... THEATRE ROYAL, While the mechanical adjuncts of theatrical representa- tion play so important apart in the estimation of the play- going public, it is scarcely surprising that dramatic liter- attre itself should languish and degenerate as we find it, and that, s Ia consequence, melo-dramatic revivals, or adaptations, in which a ghost scene, a water cave, a house in section, or a masquerade, ...


... THE MIORMIONS. The MIrmnons have been holding their annual fair and conference at Salt Lake City, and the attendance is said to have been the largest ever seen since their first organisa- tion. Visitors from the East who hanpened to be present declare that the exhibition of agricultural and mechanical productions would have been creditable to any of the old States of America. It is a mistake ...


... THE IRWERNALVIONAI. E[IEIB[TrON, (From the TiMes.) The work of dismantling the interior of the buddil, has at last really commenced, and is being prosecuted with a vigour which bids fair to leave nothing biut the empty walls in the course of another fortnight or three weeks. All the minor articles were got rid of during the days of sale, and the great trophy articles, which no one in his ...


... No. 8. BU1TON,. AND MISCELLANEOUS ARTI6LES IN METAL, SADDLERY, &c., &c. Amorg the various trades of which Birmingham is the ickuowledged centre, there is not one which has undergone a greeter change, or which has more stimulated the inven- tive powers of those engaged in it, as to new metheds of manufacture and the discovery of new materials, than that of button malcing. The gilt metal button ...


... THE FOREIGN COURTS.-ITALY. (SIXTH ARTICLE.) As in ItaLy every road is said to lead to Rome, so at the International Exhibition it would seem as if every avenue terminated in Italy. No matter from what point of the building tho visitor starts, or in what direction he wvends his way, the Court of the newly- fledged kingdom of Victoi IEmmanuel is certain, at some point, to cross his ipath. ...


... THE STOURBRIDGE GRAMMAR SCHOOL The third musical reunion of the Stourbridge Gramlmvar School Choir was held in the new school onl Tliurelay evening, and on the same occasion tho annutal diktrilbitie5 of prizes took place. The visitors began to arrive fearly an hour before the proceedings commenced, and in a sliort time all the available space in t!he room was occupie'l, izossini's famous ...


... D., Deal, a pleasant writer, and one of the judges at the late Rose show, writes thus of that exhibition, in the current number of the Cottarle Gardener- A Rose Show in Birmsingham ? Anything so poetical in so matter-of-fact, practical, smoky a metropolis of iron as Birminglmmn? Yes, truly, and what is more, a Show which in point of beauty of arrangement, excellence of flowers, and general ...


... TEE SCHOOL OF ART. EXHIBITION OF THE STUDENTS' WORKCS. As the annual meeting of subscribers to the Govern- nient School of Art will be held to-night, we take this opportunity to offer a few comments on the works of the students, now on view at the Society of- Artists' Rooms ini New Street. Exhibitions of this description can scarcely' be considered fitting ?? for elabo'rate re- view; nor, ...


... THE FOREIGN PICTURES. No. IL As might naturally be expected, our French neigh- bours occupy thegreatest share of the foreign galleries; and had they adopted the same limit as that selected for English art, the wvhole building would have proved iisufficient to contain the pietures they might, and probably would have sent us. With all deference to those critics who regard a hpreference for a low ...