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Advertisements & Notices

... LIIFE POICY, £37' To be SOLD by AUCTION,- By J. W. ANDREWS, On Thursday, the 5th day Of June, 1862, at Four for Five o'clock in the afternoon, At the ?? Hotel, Woodbridge, A POLICY of INSURANCE on the life of the Rev. AW. W. ALDRICH, of Boyton, Suffolk, who is now in the 63rd year of his age, with the BONUS mow about to be declared. The premium isjust paid. Further Particulars and Conditions ...

Advertisements & Notices

... In the County Court of Suffolk holden at Halesworth, In the Matter of WILLIAM GRAY, of Frostenden, in the County of Sunfolk, Woodman andt Farmer. NTOTICE IS HEREBY GIVEN, that at a Public Sitting of the Courtheld on the 18th day of Decem- l ber, 1861, the Court granted to the said William Gray an Order of Discharge, and directed the same to be de- I ivered to hint after the expiration of ...

Advertisements & Notices

... MODERN IANAH; lEA GlES5 l~lounsler AIB:EllT :BLO(3K., (Successo r to Menssieser Auyuste Lalonde) formerly Pro- fessor at Paris, and duxrbin many years ProfesefO5 of Modern Langyuayes inw .Enylend, DEGS to announce that he has established himself B in this town, andwvill devote himself to instruction in the FRENCH, GERMAN, ITALIAN, & SPANISH LANGUAGES, Privately and in Classes, at Howe, in ...

Advertisements & Notices

... GaR.E.AT EASTERN RAILWAY. CHEAP EXCURSION TICKETS, TO LONDON AND BACK, ARE ISSUED AT CERTAIN OF THE COMPANY'S STATIONS Every FRIDAY, available for the Return Journey on the Wednezday or Wednesday Week following the date of issue. FOR FULL PARTICULARS SEE HAND BILLS and the PUBLISHED TIME BOOKS of the COMPANY By order, J. B. OWEN, Secretary. Bishopsgate Station, London. FREEMAN (LATE SARONY), ...

Advertisements & Notices

... SUFFOLK: WICKHAM MARKET, PETTISTREE, BARSHAM, AND RINGSFIELD.-First-class Landed Investment in Farms, c3ying in the best Corn Districts in the Country, contiguous to Railway Sba- tions, and wvithin short distances from important Markets. MR. B. RIX is instructed to SELL BY AUCTION, at the Great White Horse Hotel, Ipswich, on Tuesday, the 1st of July, 1862, at three for four o'clock punctually, ...

Advertisements & Notices

... Lady wishes a Re-engagement as GovERNEss or A.. COMLPANION. She instructs in English, French (acquired abroad), German, and Music.--Address, MA., Mr. Anness, chemist, Westgate-street, Ipswich. WANTED, by a respectable middle.aged Person, a vv Situation as HOUsEKEEPIr to a Single Gentleman or Widower. Can be well recommended.-Address, H.A., Post-office, Ipswich. OH0USEMA .D.-A Young person, ...

Advertisements & Notices

... FREDERICK FISHfi U SJUFO LK HO USE, IPSWICH; solicits attention to a very large and choice selection of Nemv Patterns in Carpets, Damasks, French and English Chintzes; Lerzo, Musliad Lace Curtains; and every other requirement for house decoration. Wholesale and Retail. 40 and 48, Tavern Street, April 5th, 1862. NICHOLSON'S PATENT DOUBLE-ACTION HAYMAKING. MMAZ 1YZANUTACTURA1D BY . T'HESE ...

Advertisements & Notices

... :Loans or Investments. THE BRITISH MUTUAL: Loan, Investment, oinl Discount ComIpany, T QANS of from £25 to £1,000 upon approved Per- J.dsonal or other Security, re-parable by easy isistal- ments extending over any period not exceeding TEN YEARS, may be readily obtained, on advantageous terms, upon application to Mr. GEORGE TURNER. Autioneer, 8, Museum Street, Ipawich. Investmenats. Persons ...

Advertisements & Notices

... VOTES FOR EAST SUFFOLK. VALUABLE COTTAGES AND GARDEN GROUND, At Butley and Silspe, To be SOLD by AUCTION, By Mr. HORACE DARKEN, On Thursday, September 4th, 1862, at Two for Three o'clock in the afternoon, at the Crown Inn, Wood- br very Substantial Brick-built COTTAGES, and T Forecourts, with Outbuildings and Yard in the rear; also about 40 Rods of enclosed LAND, in the parish of Snape, as now ...

Advertisements & Notices

... 1g02. SUFFOLK. rV HE Committee of Accounts will meet at the Times 1and Places undermentioned, viz.:- For the Bury Division, on Monday. the 29th day of December instant, at Twelve o'clock at Noon, at the Caol, in Bury St. Edmund's. And at Ipswich County Hall, on Tuesday, the 30th of the same month, at *Ialf-past One o'clock in the Afternoon, for the Eastern Division of the County. W hen and ...

Advertisements & Notices

... Frampton's Pill of Health. Price Is. la4d. and 2s. 9d. per box. TIHIS excellent Family Medicine is tire inost effective T reetedy for indirgestion, bilious and livercomplaints, sick hradflehe, 103s of appetite, d rorvsiness, giddinesa, spasmns, ?? all diaorders of the glomnach, and boorcslt andfor elderly people, or where an occaslonal apertent Is required, nothing can be better adapted. For ...

Advertisements & Notices

... ?? Aspall, nlFfolk. BROUGHITON H:ALL. THIRD SPRING SALE OF FRAT AND SURPLUS STOCIK, To be SOLD by AUCTION, . By GARROD and TURNER, On Monlday N ext, 7th April, 1862, by direction of M~r. W. S. GRIMIWADE, upon the premises, Q2 Fat Shorthorn Oxen; 3V 2 Yotmg Cart Horses; 1 Two-year old Cart Colt; 2 Promising S-year old Carriage and Cob Colts; A good X eight carrying Cob; A small Cisesnut Pony ...