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Advertisements & Notices

... THE A TE ROYAL, DUBLIN T rost Nigli bati hoerl of thle coilebitatles 1pYMIl ANl' IIALI'('SN l,(YA EN(' I11tll.? C(MIttANYthev I its leg to I ca ~.2 tie liti icc ll.01, L' ijo noo )II lay,3) lute) .2 1H- I met'' ii hMt. W. IlA12It l! -~ 5, t Ei..- VEiIlNlNklmtĀ¾t. ,. st?:.d 1O4!~ to- it, it:til5 ic .I 7I.' LY ?? ?? i n't -t tzl 1 f , l . ' 24 ~ ItOYAIJ 7111? ?? -lI * ?? L ]T:: - S '1It% Ctt ...

Advertisements & Notices

... THEATRE ROYAI DUBLIN. iMR. FARRIS has the honor to annouree an Enagslement for TWELVE NiGIITS only. with the celebrated Artistes, Ml,. AND MRS. ALFRED WIGAN. iatc Lessees of tho Royal 01yuilpie and St. James's Thcatres. London. THIS BEVlMEN 0Wednesdfiy), February 19th, tho perrocrmsanco millh connoroce with the laughable Farce of JOIIN FODlIS -Squite Flhllowdtld, Mr Shepherd; Major iranihmau, ...

Advertisements & Notices

... 11LATRE ROYAL, DUBLIN. Mr. HARRlIS has the honour to announce an engage JT~o~ ?? onlyaith lIr. C. MATHEWS (lis fifth laut frevre for four years), assisted by Mr. and Mrs. sRAPE MATIHEWS (Iron the Lyceum and St James'sThea- jys)- ..lltS EVENING (Friday). November 7th, will be rorrerid tlhe celebrated Comedy entitled PAUL PRY!- relire r C at ; Colonel 17ardy, Mr F Mathews; 'Kilertoll. Mr Nanton; ...

Advertisements & Notices

... THFATRE ROYAL, DUBLIN. T THIS EVENING (Saturday), February Ist, the ner- ?? m1il cemmence with tue Petite Comedy of UNCLE JOIN.-UncleJohn, Mr Grasby N Nephew Hawk, MrEvorett Friend Thomas, Mr Byig; Edward Easel, Mr Crofton; An- drew, Mr Mlskeill Niece Hawk, Ire Caulileld E Eliza, 31iss L Graham. To concludo with tho Grand Christmas Pan- tomime, entitled ALADDIN AND THE WONDERFUL LAMP; or, ...

Advertisements & Notices

... MERCANTILE SALES. .Anctlou of Sugar. HOMAS BEWLEY and CO. Vill OFFE3 T BY AUCTION, at our Office, COMMERCIAL BUILD- INGS, on FRIDAY NEXT, 14th instant, at One O'ClOCk precisely, 150 lHids. Porto Rico Sugar. JAMES STOKES, WIDOW, and SONS, Brokers. Commereiel Buildings, 8th March. Auction of MIaxe for account of whomit may eoneorn. be SOLD by AUTONo FRIDAY, 1Mitrch 14, 1fi62. at the ...

Advertisements & Notices

... r ?? BE QUEEN'S ROYAL THEATRE.- T ig ererfortonecnos to commence at Seven ?? .- 7he ?? Vocalist and Actress, Miiss OSE HOW ARiD -SIr. II1. WATKINSS-Mlss LIZZIE WLMOOlE-Mies OLIVIA, SHART E-Mr. J. NEWTON,-TIIIS EVENING (Monday), Joly P ?? the perforinancee will commence with (second tioe) the ?? sans3iten Drams entitled TIlE PIONEERS Or AIEIHICA ; or, The Meld of the War Path.-Joelo, M r 91 ...

Advertisements & Notices

... HOUSES AND LANDS. 0To GROCERS, &c.-TO LET, the large T Dwoelling-bouso, large Slop, and Concerns, 33, RANE- LAGH ROAD, corner of Westmoreland-terrace, In which the Crecery and General Business was lately carried on. This is ani excellent opportunity to carry on a lcrativo business, as the Shop can at ones be re opened, thie fitures being counplete. Apply to Joeix D. VAsNSIOe, Esq., 44, Fleet ...

Advertisements & Notices

... T UFATRE ROYAL, DUBLIN. 1 SIXTH GRAND JUVENILE NIGHT. For the convenlence of persons residing at a distango and the Jurcvnle Branches of families, the performanco will nommenec at Scven o'Clock, and co so arranged that the Pantemime will terminate at Half lpast Nine o'Clock. TNilS EVENING (Toesday), Febrtary 4th, the pCr- forniancns ll commence with tho Grand Chriostmas Punto- Ieninse, ...

Advertisements & Notices

... H consequence of the sheltered aepeet of geleny, XIALVERl 1EHOU afferds S eligible Residence (or Invalds during tbeG Wtcr and Spring llonths. .&ddress.-W,' Alfred Jobnaeon Deigasy, County Wiehiow. TUD'WS ROYAL HOTEL, LUNCH, V DINING, AND BILLIARD ROOMS a II. T. JUDE begs to Inform his numerous iends rd 7ustorrers that he hls rmade a eonelderable reduction In the Prioc of his ...

Advertisements & Notices

... vpE QUEEN'S ROYAL THEATrRE.- T 1,li1el5eitiio last ?? nilghto aof the celebrated Actress, MISS IIlABIA shl ei ri thle renoweneed Psricespcl Comedian, Mr. An p, Sjl~kt)AN, acid 1M158 L, WlLMORE.-TIIIS EVENING Pt (1MV41,0,i Aoicul 11th, the perforimiancs sail! commence with Irec l'(0ei nrii ss) the, new and ?? IDIOT N2o (,F ill1E :d0117NTAIN.-l5Oqur$S ?? M1r Vivasgh , Pars) lri ~lre It NWalton ...

Advertisements & Notices

... SERMONS, fAN SUNDAY NEXT, 26th October1 1862. at tile Twelve ?? Mass, the ANNUkL CIIA- IilY SERiMON viII be preached In thoCUURCH OF ST. MARY, IHADDINGTOklOAD, by the Rev. Ni. T. BURKE, o.r., In auld of the National P'avochilal Schools. In the Even- ing, after Vespers, anotheir appeal will be umado lu ST. MiARYB i, ^ STAR OF TlE SEA, by the Rev. TIIO0AS LEAHT C.O., for the same benevolent ...

Advertisements & Notices

... NEW SILVER FACTORY, JL I GILDING and ELECTRO WORKS, By WEICGIT and Worlrwstisuip. All Orders executed on the 1ramises, whero the pracess of nisnutitcturlng may be Inspected, BEST STERLING SILVER. rER Otlsor, vith Duty. and Hall MArked, 6s. Pd., WORKMANSILIP EXTRA. Apply at the IIANUFACTORY, 26, WESTMORELANDST Church Plate of every description made to order. Vle Trade slpplied in Xeo lloork, ...