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Advertisements & Notices

... FOSTER & CGO. TAvILORS &S ROBE MAKERS, OXFORD. TO THE PUBLIC. r 1 ?? ?? itlsistl' tlsat, in ennt- ' cu'c 'f t'the Stediil?551!y mtrked in)t sc in thseir pZ 5ltci. they linej found it OCle5iSitC to salitryc ntid im7prosve ci* ins Z'C1isCS. By thi* mean1s thecyhsopethe ?? to *te s~,l to merit ass inseoesccl shutre of thtat lilberal pvatr onage cq mpqr1rt thcy hare the, honour thus gratefully to ...

-OR SALE,-A very us

... eful GIG, price 5.- F Apply at Hall's Printing Office, New Road, Oxford. OR SALE,-A capital Light CAB PHAE TON, F with Head and German Light.-Apply to F. Looker, coach builder, Witney, Oxon. TWO DAYS' SALE. The substantial HOUSEHOLD FURNITURE, CHINA, GLASS, BOOKS, AND OTHER EFFECTS, T0 B E SOLD BY AUCTION, T By Mr. R. PIKE, Upon the premises, opposite Queen's College, High-street, Oxford, on ...

Advertisements & Notices

... TVpO be LET, wvith immlediate possession,-No. 20, 1. Saint jolsa's-street, Oxford.-Fcr further particulars apply to M~essrs. T. Mallam and Son, agents, High-strcet, 0.\fordl. F URNISHED DRAkWING ROOMI and BED .C ROOM to LJET, near St. Giles's Church. Board with the fam ily, if ?? A. N., Post Office, Oxford. rf'O LET,-A conlvenienitDWELLING HOUSE, i pleasantly situated in Broad-street, opposite ...

Advertisements & Notices

... GOOD NEWS FOR THE AFFLICTED. Wyborn's Gout and Rheumatic Pills. 441?st ?? llrt egicacious rensedyfoI Go'dt, R/eumtatism1, R~heumatic 0o;ut, Sciatica, Lumbeago, 3tiff hints, &tc. f H1IS valuable Mediciue, being entirevEoHTAncLn, ?? be taken ily the most delicate, wit hout any fear of the complaints affecting the stomach or braii. Prepared only by the proprietor, T. Wyborn (chemist to her late ...

Advertisements & Notices

... Clt (d ,Ppoitl Inent, it is ?? that all adver. Ta Vr- , I E omothO n O e O a 2tiofiS sibouul be sent to us i eci a-, ans\ ,mollth ' comlsI)ictrons. 17lintever j:ipo; bltlOII rt be ;rcco~llpiijcd with tho ?? , of ti C u5 ritei, fut ecessarily for publi- !!3i ?? 1 i.rruitee of h is good faith., ...

Advertisements & Notices

... bile -- ,ite APPROACHING SALES BY AUCTION Ling (FOB DEVULED PIRTICUL&MS OF WIVBCH StE AIDVBRTISE.ST8.) Sim. Day. Auctioneer. Place of Sale. Descripuoas oned IN- SEPTEMa1EB. and 22 .1arvin & King wilton-terrace ?? ,Furniture. d $2 Stheringtoa ?? Soal Farm, Steep , Farm Stock ,eta- 2 Austin ?? Closewood, Purbrook.,. Farm Stock. LbUC. 23 ?? Brouugham-terrace Furniture. ty of 23 Smith & Davies ...

Advertisements & Notices

... PORTCHlESTEl. DisTiras iN LANCASnium.-'Ilie following contributions have been made innthis village in oid of the distressed nerativcs in Lancashir: -CAolected after n serion at c Surhli, 71.;Dittoby n riend and sehool childr en, 131. 1s. ?? after semon at Wnsloyan thaplpC, 21. 7s.f ; Ditto by friends, o.r1s. Arti lceoof clothing 2 ewt. The larger portion ot' he above has been senlt to the ...

Advertisements & Notices

... E6AiffPBHIRE LIBRARY. ORDNANCE,-ROW, PORTSEA. ?? the l.AIIREST LIBEtARY in the County. It 1 sitnis npwas of 12,000 volumes, with commodious Rleadlilig Rooms, liberally furnished with tho l'aILIODICAL L1TEItATUBE OF TltE1 DAY. MAGAZINES, A-ND l0liVIEWS, The Daily nnd Woekly Newspa pers, and snp died with all tho Now Books thom Mudie's London Library. The tormis of Hubscription are as follows s ...

Advertisements & Notices

... NOTICE TO AD)VERIISEMS. ElE CH1ARGE ORl INSERTION T 1N THUl HIIA.?PSHIRE TELE GRAPH AND SUS SEX CHRONICLE, O SITAIL PIREPAID AI)Vl'I'ISEMENTS, (Not exrcecding Pilm Lines ill Leue1thJ IS Now 2s. Cd. EACM, \With tho exci'ttion of the class 'SI'lJA lON TA T EI), 'IS I T l; A T I O N S wV A k 1'1 T'he Clisige for which is 2s. Country Advertisers ca, cither reilit the amount dhl cct to thi ...

Advertisements & Notices

... A DVERtTISEMESIĀ£ 61.! Doxvs.-'orewicit Union Life Ofice.-A quinquennittl haills has beest declared by the N\orwvich Union l.ife Ollice of the sunm .f 1113,1701., in adidition to the extsstttg isisneancecs. It was statef at itie getteral mineeting that the sunas istsred atiounited, %wth tire bunuecs thereot, to 5,L70,000!.; the prernitnus to 1i3,S201.; the capital acceumltated to 2,027,8031.; ...

Advertisements & Notices

... FIlSHINL WANTEI) IN HANTS. loWiM TACK, CHUB, nid PERCH FISHING. WVANTED Als ti (permanently) tor a Single Rfod.-Apply to Piscator, v. J Sassexr Adverliser, Lewes. Mi E:NTLEMEN desirous of extending the business of Haul1 . FIRE and LIFE ASSURANCE mnay be appointed Al I AGENTS, either publicly recognised or private, by ad- Grou dressing letters to No. 1,150, City of Glasgow Bhank, Ju Argyle ...

Advertisements & Notices

... Itt - - ro GUARDIAN FIRE AND LIFE ASSURANCE si- No. 11 OI.AIIt Lm)'nov, E.C. USIAIII.ISHU-ED 1821. r T1' IE ?? TM1N'T.-Assurltnces in force it Christ. te L Ills, 1850 4,730,0001. t. Income, 207,0001. per allinni. surnce fun1, inde. p pendenit of the Company's capital, 1,t18,0001. On the participating scale, 80 per cent. of the profits ro s divided anmong the assured. co I i nvlitd lives ...