Advertisements & Notices

... T HE SALE PRICE of the DAILY NEWS ALL TOVER ENGLAND and at the RAIIWAY STATIONS. Messrs. W. H. S& ITH and SON now BELL the DAILY NEWS Sta R ailwa3 Slationls AtI it allt aiITEEErENCE per SINGLE COPY, ,ad will SUPPLY all COUNTRY BOOKSELLERS and NEWS- AGENTS on such terms as will enable them also to SELL the DAILY NEW'S at the marked price of THEEEPENCE per BO>'GLE COPY. 186, Strand. C4ALOUTTA, ...

Advertisements & Notices

... D R. CULVERWELL'S LAST NEW WORK, OURSELVES. price Is., by poet Is. Id., of Mann, 39. Carnhill. On Speroosisrobma, Syphilis, Stricture, Hremorrholds.,4Gtte, 40. Marriage Impediments removed, and Healthy Offsprng eeared. Dr. C. may be consulted daily till Twelve, at Thhe Poet-office Turalsh Bathe, 19, St. Mortip t-le-Graed; and fromt OUR till Nine p m. at 3, Great lrlbeoiougb-stuletri W. D-R. ...

Published: Sunday 19 January 1862
Newspaper: The Era
County: London, England
Type: Advertisement | Words: 6191 | Page: Page 2 | Tags: Advertisements & Notices 

Advertisements & Notices

... VOTICE, T H.B. SIt TATION I the M ?? Firuk, Green- ] .3 ek-Nol: Xe, 17-llAS BlI FLnE lJP, 13 Pwty who, on Wedneday, took, by mistake, .W a *GR19M MLXMMBRNL~~ v th he9owner's name upon ILOM 113 St. Vilucet Street, is requed to row- it. - - XLWRZGGAN. MAN AMISSING.-NICOL WATSON, ?? B Man abo3t 5 feet 7 Inches, And 19 years of &ge stout, a rd U ?? of an eje, went gas -cm this place on slat ...

Advertisements & Notices

... Xeni'n ltrl l .oticefi. N THl EANGELISATION OF ITALY. tTBLOC MEl'TI\,G, in connoetioni with ItE A the ITALIAN EVANGELISATION SOCIETY, Ore ,r lichld in tile QURENa STIEET IAI,,p o; I(NDAY the 27thl ,Tanuary, at Two o'clock P.M.- il OTle lion. LORD BENHOLME in thc Chair. bur , following Gentlemen ale expectr(l to take part Tvi eeedings:->Rev. Sir HENRY XrELL-VOOD MUN- per ; psile~t. , 1ev. Wua ...

Advertisements & Notices

... NOW READY. DEDICATED BY PERMISSION, To The RIGHT HON. LORD VERNON, A RECORD of RIFLE SHOOTING; Containing the PRINCIPAL CONTESTS in the COUNTY of DERBY and the TOWN of BURTON- ON-TRENT, during the Year 1861. Price ONE SHILLING. Orders received by Messrs. BEmHosE and Sons, Iron- gate, Derby. WORKS BY REV. CHARLES BULLOCK. NOW READY, 8 vo. extra cloth, large type. E S Y R I A N L E P E R. T ...

Advertisements & Notices

... Parties aniveweflg Advertisements in the Daily Post, must do0 so InI the following imanner:- Address (capital letter anid unuber) Office of the Daily Pest.mneasus that applicattion5 ausst ba, made by letter, and in no ottior way. 'Apply for address at the Daily Poet ofInce, nicinen that personal application muset be made at this Office. S DAILY or RESI1DEINT GOVERNESS -A yeoln~ RLdy, A ...

Advertisements & Notices

... ST:RANGERS' FRIEND ~QEL ESTABLISHED) 1795.-The Treaeuanren thankfally asetelde h rderrenationed, further DO2(ATXONd:- Tbe IOUatL f iv~er rpoo .. 8 The a- ?? HIt n 0 2 James Lawrence. ?? IC0 0 Jamjes Cox. FO 10a00 lt~n~re. eon cd Bary *10 0 0 Wilcliamlauy Icq ?? 800 Wrleht. BrOamnleweftrect ?? 5 )0 Mm~cm. Wright. cruaaley, auMdCO. * 00 Edgar Gertetn. Foi ?? 500 Melald Radcliffe ...

Advertisements & Notices

... STRAW (WHEAT5, RE, OR OAT), O Ftrat-rate QuaUty, BtOGHGT, for PAYMFtNIT on DELIVEBY, by Cart or Barge B at, .LoYS PAPER RI ILLS, Bow-bridge, uEssex, near London. DISPENSART FOR DISEASES or TaS SMNF 21a, CG;Lrlotte-Streot, FltEroy-5quXr0. vOR the Cure of Scorbutic and other Eruptions, Bingworm, BsIA neop, ulcers. &c. President-Hey. Canon Dale, M.A., St. Paul'&. Treasurer-William Ewinge. Eoqa ...

Advertisements & Notices

... ,1 To Bulders.-Cricket PavOifiD TE2NDERS are required for the erect~io n PAVILION for the Ch rist Church Crichol trsernOd, accordance with the amended plans, which cla be pris - application to the undersigned. The beildiis ac6pted cipally of Timber, and the person xhoso t i thc bia ildd nill be required to contract for the comp f l ing by the 26th of April. eadorse( Tenders are to be delivered ...

Advertisements & Notices

... ON SALE THIS DAY, at MARSHALL and ' SNELGROVES, Vere-street, and Oxford-street, the STOCK IN IRADle of Mr. W. H. FOLEY (late Messrs. Burrell, Son, and Foley), estabislied ?? hafa century, Thls Stock hba been purchased by M. ana S. for cash, at a large re- dunction, and consiste of Silke, Shawls, Cloaks, Fancy Dreises in Droguets, Winseys, Reps, Bartges, Muslins, &c.; Embroideries, Lue, Ribbons ...

Advertisements & Notices

... Edinburgh Wool Sales. 41 B GCIRDWOOD respectfully intimates that wooLs and SIhEtP' SKI S intenluot Lor FEBIRUARY S, E may now be forwavrded. I Leith Wool Sales.b rR Stbscribenq r'spoctflllly in1t1imate, tlil t fi 11 WOt LS aind oi1Ebr SKiNS jitruIdcd for irext SAL t zay ]lov be forwarled. ADAMI & ?IPGRE0l01, Wool Brokers. ~A s USTRXRLA & NEIr ZEALAND. . ...

Advertisements & Notices

... NOTICE TO CORRESPONDENTS. All Comirmunications, and articlos of intelligence, intended for publiction, requiro to ho authenticated by the name and addrcss of the writer, Unless this is attended to, Corres- pon.11iits amy rest asnsured that no atteution will be paid to their commuonications. Paragraphs relativo to ''prcsenl1ttiolia' mnivst bh paid for as advertiserncuts. ...