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Edinburgh, Midlothian, Scotland

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Advertisements & Notices

... Mote~ &r. TLE PRICE LIST'. THE GRAND SALE OF FRENCH AND ORIENTAL CARPETS AND ENGLISH AND FRENCH CURTAIN MATERIALS AT K ENNINGTON & JENNER'S K must be one of high interest to the Public, on account of the Chatactcr and Quality of all thie GOODS, and the exceedjingly Low Prices at which they are being offered. In pursuance of the notice given in the Papers of Saturday last, KENNINGTON & JENNER ...

Advertisements & Notices

... PRO BONO PUBLICO. MEETINGS, AMUSEMENTS, kc., FOR THE WIEM. TnunslmrA, FE. 6( . Meeting of County Prison lBoard-46 George Street- Wombwell's Menagerie-Dellovue Cresent-Open all i day. Queen's Tlheatre-Pantomime of Cinderella or the Glass Slipper-7, 30 r. m. Fll1DAY, FRE. 7. Meeting regarding Lunalcy Act Aillendrlment-Royal Hotel-2 r`i. f Plhilosopmhieal Inistitution-Secodl(l lecture ...

Advertisements & Notices

... REIIOVINCT TO PRINCES STREET. UTNRESERVED SALE. F1 T IENNET, 11 & 12 Norone BlCDpoiE, Y I bego to alnulollne that lie will shortic remove to more RLEGANT and SPACIOTUS PRl.'.JTSES in PIIINICIE,8 ESTIIEI1T, WEST ENI), and it iS therefore QUITE IMPERnATIVE tiat thio WHlOLE STOCK SHOULD lli: CrlIr.D OUTr, in order to enablile him to Open his New Prelinscc kvt ENTIRELJY FRESTI GOODS snitable for ...

Advertisements & Notices

... PRO BONO PUBLICO. 3ETINGS, AMUSEMIENTS, &c., FORL THE WEEK. MONDAY, FRB. 3. 1alf-Yearly Dividend payable on Stock of the Clydes- dale Bank. 1lalf-Yearly Dividend payable on the Stock of Edin- -burgh and Leith Gas-Light Comllary. YMigh Court of Justiciary-10 A.M. Mleeting of Society for ?? of Imbecile Children -Queen Street 1101-2 r. . ,:Annual Meeting of Members of Scottish Trnle Protec- tien ...

Advertisements & Notices

... --fIETY FORh TIE EDUCATION OF 5; tl~l; cILE CHILDREN IN SCOTLAND. \P L X3 iMEETING of the SOCIETY will be * t Qe X STIIEET IIALL, Oil MONDAY, 3d -be l' u. the EARL or IIADDINGTON in the Chair. Th'v ev. Dean Ramsay, the Rev. M. Nichol- IC . -. T ;R ?? the Rev. Dr Gnthrie, K-n. r-i \ ;lcfed, Charles Cowan, Esq. of Logan t~. ?? roreor Laycoek, William Millard, Esq., of C 7l('.ea11 AylnlM for ...

Advertisements & Notices

... PI:II.(_S'IPIIICAL INSTITUTION'; viA TIIIS EVENING. CHlU i than MR CARIUITIIERS ?? Deliver his Third LCctire ilit ?? .i(litl.s I., ANts Clilli COMMONsI iALTI) ill ! QUEI!;,y, STREET HALL, TIlIS EVENING. ?? T)tLI CE, PRISON, ANI) REGISTRATION f.l,; I ASiEiSME:ITS. | ils I NoTICS ISi ttERiEl-Y IViYEN that all POliCII, PRISON I * ,11d AufilfRi')N ASSESSMENTS rvqlliro to ibe MiS r w 1 01s ei ?? -c ...

Advertisements & Notices

... MODEL COUNTRY AND CHURCHES. 1E ReV. J. B. BALME, from America, T %,ill give a LNCTURE To-NIsMIT in Rose St. U.P. CIocell, at IHalf-past7 o'clock. Collection at the Door. CUMNIERCIAL BANK OF SCOTLAND. AUARTERLY ENERAL COURT of PROPRIE| ?? the COMERCIAL BANK of SCOTLAND ill lie held in thle BAXE's OFFICE lhere, on TUESDAY, thel~ltli of Mrch mnext, at Ta'o o'clock Afteruoon, t t the Charter. ...

Advertisements & Notices

... GRAND CCJASION SALE, OF CA1WPETS ANDD CURTA, WORTH AND IIIGII COST,. [NS AT K ENNINGTON & JENNEIR'S, v ON MONDAY MORNING. This is a parcel of great amount, and includes GOODS of costly splendour, and also those of simple usefulness-from DOUBLE-WIDTH UNION D)A- MASKS at a Shilling ?? and SMALL MARLED TAPESTRY CARPETS at Eighteenponce, to REAL TURKEY, AUBUSSON, and MASULIPATAM CARPETS, which are ...

Advertisements & Notices

... TOT F ELCTT T LEO NA RD'S W ARD Th Commtiittee for promnotting the Election of Mn TAIhe be, t caution the Independent Electors Ti eigift tabling anty notice whatever of the Advertise- Ti 8pn.jg in To-days MO! THury, irons a party who T ?? 1t ?? to call thernselvoS tile Committee of Ti 00eX31d ! and wbo are self-collstitutcd. T coultinitteo Ioone. Ii hloxbrghi Place, Ti Edinburgli, Ilth ...

Advertisements & Notices

... EOa'v or RETUY5IS( TvwAM TO 8 AWD 9 \ aeT., C. &?2. N~ame of Firm- '11IE UNION BANK OF ~iCOTLANI'. NAME:, REi:VaigENCH, AND OCCUPATION OF PpnqoONs oP WHOM THlE COMP1ANY OIL PARTNERSHLIP CONSISTS. Aberdeen Banking Company, Aberdeen, Trustees for Abernethby, Janme, Pert yhill, Abordeen, founder. Adam, M-Ins Jane, widow of the late Thomas, (Qovnn. Afleclc, John, Union Bark, Paisley. Aitchison, ...

Advertisements & Notices

... ?? iG'ZC, il1T1LI(,OQ METlIN0G, AMUShEN'MT9, &c., VOR THE WERK. 1Flm ow, Fu.11. 28. Afeeting of l Edin!)muergh Eatt i Il Church Prealytery nt P euloltello for ()rdinatioll of the Rev. Mr W.i1lace. ?? *f the Partners of Weo'tern Bank of Scotland - e1eli.tlmtnts' Hall, (6Iasg:sow-2 P. H. Pililoeo l I i-,l Ilitoition-litior l Sond Leetdaro by Prinuilal T'ollnelo on Williami of Orange'-Queen ...

Advertisements & Notices

... ?? ~~t GRAND OCCASION SALE OF CARPETS AND CURTAINS OF WORTH AND HlIGH COST, AT I(ENNINGTON A& JENNER'S, Em T O -D A Y. This is a parcel of great amount, and includes k GOODS of costly splendour, and also those of simple usefulness-from TAPESTRY BRUSSELS CARPETS at Eighteenpence-H1ffpenny per Yard, to REAL TURKEY, AUJIUSOS , and MASULIPATAM CARPETS, which are worth, in ordinary times, from ...