... The Commission for these Assizes having . been opened ,on Wednesday, the civil and criminal business was com. minced yesterday morning. Mr. Justice Crompton pre sided in the Crown Court, and Baron Channell at Nisi Piits. Tie following gentlemen were sworn on the Grand Jury for the county e-Viscount. Elmly, M.P., foreman; the Hon. WV. J. Coventry, Sir T. E. Whinnigton, MLP., C. Ri. cardo, F. D. ...


... STAFFORDSIIRE ADJOURNED SESSIONS. YESTERDAY. The Courts opened at nine o'clock yesterday morninfg, the Earl of Liclifield presiding in thei first, and T. PF Twenelow, Esq., presiding in tlhe:econd Cosirt. I COAL STEALING AT WEST Bsomawaid. -David White, a boatman, 29 years of age, was found guilty of stealing a quantity of coal, the property of Meiisrs. Weston 'and Grice, at West Brdm;&ich. ...


... IHAMPSHiRIE LENT ASSIZES. TIhe colminlisioli for holuling the Lent Assizes for this COuntl ywV s opened on TlinrdsiyN at the Shire Hail, Win- ciester 'iTheir Lordships the lion. Ml. Justice Byles and the I Ion. Air. Jlstice Blacikburbn arrived atit Winchester by rail at 3.25 panu.. and were meot by the High Sheriff, his chaplain, and a body of the connty police, whllo, as usual on these ...


... VENTRAL OiLINAL £1 U L7RP-YESTERDAY. OLD COURtT. [Before the CoeiiioN SERGEAhT.] TH1F MACYLEBONFJ ?tlURDEtR.-HitIVry Qu4a1, 22, deerribed as a dealer, T'!omnas Cox, Wfiduo D'olton, and IYonmas Wadeh, the three Limt -mentioned prisoners having been brought up by 7rnbras from tbe House of Correction, Coldbath-tlelds, were jsiatly charged upon the coroner's ?? witb7the ?? murder of John Winactt. ...


... WISHAW-FEwUAnY 27. sMALl' DXBT OCURT-ACTION #ot DsAMGEGS The onlycase of public interest to-day wam Prenite v. the Mesmrs. Seddon, coal masters, in wbinh the pursner dclaed £S as compensation-for Injuries received in defender's pit 'by an exploeion of. re-damp, he having being confined to the hone and unable to work for nine weeks. From the testi- mony of the pursuer's witnesses and his own, ...


... BELFAST POLICE COURT-YS~S~DAY. [Before W. S. TnAcv, Esq., R.M.; W. T. B. LYoNs, Esq., J.P.; Dr. MuaxEy, J.P.; and J. W. S. MPCAawo, Esq., J.P.] ASSAULT. Mary Clougherty was charged with having com- mitted an assault upon Harriet Flynn, her half- sister. Mr. Seeds prosecuted. The complainant deposed that on Wednesday night the prisoner came into her bed and assaulted her. Witness was kicked by ...


... BELFAST POLICE COURT-SATuinmAy. (Before W. S. TRACY, Esq., R.M.) John Hughes was charged by Constable M'Nicholl with having worked a horse which was incapable of doing so from disease. The prisoner had previously been twice fined for working the same horse. His worship imposed a fine of 10s and 10s costs. Thos. I Parker and Michael Breen were each lined 10s and costs for disorderly conduct in ...


... OXFORD CIRCUIT.-RrcADI-o, FEB. 28. MURDER Or A GIRL AT WINiDSOR BYT HERt FATHEB.-REN- TENCE Or DEATH. John Gould, aged 39, who appeared in the garb of a labouring man, wae indicted for the wilful murder of his daughter, Hannah Gould, at Windeor, on the 30th of December last. Mr. J. 0. Griffits was couneel for the prosecution ; and hir Gerg Russell was retained by the under-sheriff to d~ ...

Law Intelligence

... 't a W el, att lillmict. C.I COURT OF SESSION-TUrsD&Y. FIRST DIVISION. INTEIlOCUTOR ItY J.()ltD ARDuIIL.AN IN CONJOrNED ACI-IONS-YELVClTON V. IONGWORTII OR YEL- VERTcrO . In this case, the proof on both sides has now ?? led -ndl closli; and with one exception, the First l)ivision has given judgment on all the ob- jectiinns nnd appeals occurring in the course of tile proof for Major Yelverton, ...


... LAW COURTS-YESTERDAY. COURT OF PROBATE. Rolkeranm v. Rotheran. -This case was resumed at the sitting of the court. Judge Keatinge charged the jary at length, arol in the course of hii oboervations said he did not think that there was any reason to complain of the conduct-of Mr. Gerrard, who bad given his evidence with perfect candour, and appeared to have acted fairly shroughout the ...


... TEE LATE EXTENSIlE AND MYSTERIOUS ROBBERY AT HUDDERSFIELD. V.V!f T> A t\ fl f - T . .- - r-r ,r - ?? EXTRAORDINARY DISCLOS.URES. Last Saturday, a case of somo inportance, arising out of the robbery of watches, jewellery, money, &c., said to have occurred on} Tuesday, the 28ith January, on the premises of Md. Walter Love, pawnbroker, Hi-ih-stieet, Hudderefield, came on for liearing before .Geo. ...


... MURDER AND SUI IE I OR 9riday morning, Mr. Hlumphreys opened an In. qu at the Lord Nelson tavern, Nelson street, Old For road, Bathnal-grean, touching the respective deaths of Mary Ann Mobbx, aged twentysiz years, and Louisa Mary Mobbe, aged eleven months, who were discovered on the morning of Wednesday last, sit No, 13, Nelsonplace, near the chief entrance of Viotorla-park, The utmost ...