... YESTERDAY. (LI, ,i2' i John1 Rqttliff; arid T. C. S. Kymepricp,v1 (orre PS v,;Evlsqrs.) II:N1KINf T;1 AG N) oNfE 0OF iTS LLSBIf.VTIES.-Police- ii'iithll Stokes appeared to prove a case against a vell- dles~ekl youln malll, giving the nianre of William Dauqore, lvho0 sidd lie was at cab owiier from Hardvvick, nearl Mall chelstar. At a late hour on tho preceding niglht, the offieer founid ' ...


... - -1 I NQUE--- COROMER'S INQUESTS. * -EcORE ASIR WYBRRGE, DEiPUTY-CORONER. On the' body of Elizabeth, daughter of Frances Joneswidow, residing in No.1 Court, Elleuborough. street. ~On Tuesday night the mother of the deceasd, who Was, five months old, took her to bed, gave her' the breast, and fell asleep with her at the breast. She. got up the following morning about eight o'clock, and covered ...


... I C', ?? COURT.- I MkFORE JTAJZE8 RENIMDY BLAIR, ISQ. WEDNESDAY, MACH, 5G. BABNRuPOrMs.- Mary Oates, oowkeeper, Pazlia ment-street. Mr. Sandys appeared for the estate. Discharge granted.-Wm. Thomsaaon, wheelwrIght, Norfolk street. Adjourned to 2nd April, not beldtx advertised. -John Hornby, grocer, Oopperas-hill. Mr. Etty appeared for the bankrupt; not opposed, Last ?? passed and order of ...

Law Intelligence

... lab) I tgmcfe. C NOTICES.-THIS DAY. D IIOL1.8 COURTI, CHAiUCtRY-LANE.a AT 1o.-To lie mentioned: J. Janes' Will Cauoes, &c. i Jay v. Richirarusn-Ryde Conulniesojoers v. Isle of Wight Ferry Corn- ?? v. Louder, part ?? v. Powell ti -Deckett v. Rldge-Eddowe5 v. EddoweB-Cartier v. Carlile- vi Hepworth v. Iloward-Itiehardsofl v. Rtigby-Simons v. Cridland I -Wells v. W albou Bloxam v. Broom, YICE ...


... LAW. COURTS-YESTERDAY. I COURT OF ADMIRALTY. (Before Judge Kelly.) -The Margaret, of afwoy, ad JoRep tu Heuzey of Liver- ?? case terminated last evening at sit o'clock. It had been an action for master mariner's wages, brought for service on board both vessels, for a period comprising nearly four years. The defenco was that oa taking the accounts between the petitioner and the owner of these ...


... GUM. ar ?? . . -, (Before Mr. Commissioner WEST.) in the matter of JOHIN F. SUTCLIFI'E, cotton spineur, Skircoat, Halifax, who appeared for his last examination and order of discharge. Mr. Eddison, solicitor, represented seinc Manchester creditors, and said he wished to put a few questions to the bankrupt with regard to his furniture, plate, and papers. He observed that the balance-shleet ...


... PETTY SESSIONS REIPOIRTS. WOODERIDGE. THURSDAY 27th February.-'-Before F. G, Doughty find Charles ?WalfordEsqtp Arzegedlneendfsrfscfl.-Aifred Leech, 14. and Jes, Worliedge. lO, were charged. with setting fire to a sheep net, the property of Mr. Henry Itowe, at Ryke, on the list of Janeary. A little fellow earned blonry FIsho, need 12 years, said he Ta- membered, shoot six weeks ego, keeping ...


... I A correspondent of the Sheffidd Telegraph writes as fol. lows:- The Marquis of Westmeath, who will shortly Jigure in a divorco case In which a Sheffiold gentleman is a co-respondent is an old man of 77. He has been twice married his Art wifo boing a sister of the presont Marquis of Salisb~ury. She died irl 1868, and his lordship married in the same year a Mliss Travis, of whom the peerage ...


... STAFFOJFDSHIRE ADJOURNED SESSIONS, An Adjoulrned Quarter Sessions for the trial of prisoners was opened at the Shire Hall, Stafford, yesterday, before ?? EaIl of Lichfield (chairman), and T. F. Twomlow, Esq. (assiBtant-charrman). The calendar contained the namles of ninety-five prisoners, but the offences waere of ma ordinary description. The following gentlemen wore sworn on the Grandl Julry ...


... The March session of the Central Criminal Court was opened yesterday by the Right Hon. the Lord Mayor, the Recorder, Aldermen Sir J. Dnke, Sir F. Moon, HAle, and Mechi, Mr. Sheriff Cockerell, Mr. Sheriff Twentyman, Mr. Under-Sheriff Ferrer, Mr. Under-Sheriff Gammon, The calendar is a very heavy one, there being the names of 126 prisoners for trial in the first edition of the calendar. The ...


... MURDER OF A TAX-COLLECrOR. . :Xsvn~ n- war m1ar 11.N.utN JJF 0'I)BATH. George Clark was, on Thursday morning, placed at the bar, at Newcaotle-on-Tyne, charged with the murder of Mr. Mark Frater, tax-collector. Mr. Davison and Mr. G. Bruce appeared for the prosecution; the prisoner con- dacted his own defence. The facts, as stated by the counsel for the prosecution, were Ehortly these. Mr. Mark ...


... CONSOLIDATED CHAMBER. DUBLIN, FRIDAY. (FROM OUR SPECIAL REPoRTER.) [Before Baron DEASY.] BYRNE V. ANNE MAGUIRE AND OTHERS. Mr. TWIGG moved, on the-part of the Sheriff of the County Antrim, for an interpleader order. It ap- peared that the plaintiff had placed in the hands of the Sheriff a writ of Ji.fa. for execution Against the defendants, who were four of the Sisters of Mercy of the convent ...