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Births, Deaths, Marriages and Obituaries

... roux OF t7PAMS COLLIUE llARTl'EBI r9Q.I I ~ ?? I.1 - -- 1 ! Wo re rrt ?? to annoince the somewhat elddon d C57tb ?? morning of James Collier zlartor, ?? of )rBghtez. New H114 Higher Broughton. Mr. iatcr tok rt intertit in the Royal InGrmiary, of vhch ho ?? for, 14 grei. HEo was incessant In his car and Indebittigalaain i effortato maintain andoxtenldthouse fulness of this institution. ...

Births, Deaths, Marriages and Obituaries

... BIRTHS, MARRIAGFS, & DEATHS. No~ ?? of Birth, Karrl! e. or Death Ma be la. sarted unles autitenticated y the name and addeesi of the sender. BIRTHS. ARMATRoNG-Feb. 28, at 87, Salop.street, Walton.roa, the wife of Mr. Williamt Armutrong,, miatter mariner, of a slllborm daughter. COM118y--maroh 4, the wife of Mr. William Henry co) line, corn dealer, Bury, of a daughter. VwAzS-laroh 4, at 9, ...

Births, Deaths, Marriages and Obituaries

... Nonoio ihhryfrtgo or floatli cn Lo instec) ?? gopr~l)y 1A1thcilCaulJ~. Artnounfoemellis of B11t6. wuut * oplti f.w vertlzementa.] MARRIAGES,. -On the Illb 1imb.. ab 2 Wally otnartcd)?La. the l ObetAd aweon. Ktq.. of Dra-odyr, Dr. r elde~ob d ?? ?? Jaw's Buttl Eai. a vwO4VCOO. by ?? ~~the Mt toe)1 .Ib LJcbneOurd . tbMRev. J.T fitker1 A, curate, hir. l- F city to a nAttirmi~~ttC holt ...

Births, Deaths, Marriages and Obituaries

... BIRTHS, MARRIAGES, & DEATHS. ,* No Notice of Birth, Marriage, or Death can be In- serted unless authei.cated by tfle name and address of the sender, BLRTHS. Harn-March 18 at 81, Lowtherstreat, WhitehVen, the wife of A. Eefder, Eeq., of a daughter. Ross-March 15, the wife of Mr. William Ross, 18, South Jobn-street, of a eon. 'ARIAGES. ALLiOo- DAVMqoRT6M&rch 20, at the Wesloyan Metho- diet ...

Births, Marriages an

... d Deaths , No Notice of Birth, Marriare, or Death ears be in. srortred unless ?? by ltba name and addroa. rt Of the ahrudr. r BIRTHS. ?? b 27, at S, Grange Vaie-terreeci., Birreeibeael, , too wife of Mr. Jubn Matbhison AssLon, o it a son. y CAPi ofR-eb, 28 at 7, IRiebeh nd-terrace, Breok-road, tht w ife of Mdr. Sanjuell Janesl CApper, of A so. Fntsgsr-Feb. 22, the wtife ef Mr. Fraser, ...

Births, Deaths, Marriages and Obituaries

... the 19kh tot., a tgton WMeIHO 4 HA by b* Rev t . RW11gs0at Wlla E6*wWLNO~t f Aneonychild of the Lato r ila Loogf rum- bee. none &ldtheit9LID, A AtS.Chad's Chercb, Rnad~o b th 11v.Mr. Garnett. JNMOA. eldest son Of Ur. Thor. toler. im~r nrchE0 flnlta., to ?? ah. Jeoflig tdoullah. OZLL~t)UF0~.'ODthe, 23rd I.At. ath Cthed'aL. bldth Rev 1. L W~tnrOM.A., fir. John Cepeland. ?? r ~10~.~-Ooo~ro~D. ...

Births, Deaths, Marriages and Obituaries

... BIRTHS, MARRIAGES, & DEATHS. * Ne Notice of Birth, Marriage, or Death can be In. serted unless authonticated ly the name and AddreM of the sender. BIRTHS. 11A5ScIf-March 26, at 7, Gteat Mfrsey-street, the wife of CaPtain Nathanlel C. Harrls, or Rhode Islaud, U.S., of a tOBWI-.March 236, at Brimstage, Cheshire, the Wife.Of Mr. J. S. Lewis, Of this town, of a daughter. M'MASTRR-March 26, at 29, ...

Births, Deaths, Marriages and Obituaries

... No totio 0 ~1rriago or Deahcnbei0x~d Io IAOPOc)Y aUth0Ot1Oj,, An0OUflC0Mt,!D l r.W* tS belxtfor anflC - -. -t~ ~ ateda. y h * - ?? the 18th toot,, at th ht0 rl h h 2T&WWOtuort IIIA.. hit. Walliam ShOm'celo OSa'(, X~h ~tWit~ o Alice. dati.Iter of Mr. Jameit ild-, allofII clY AtcOPK-tNALAN.-OD Lyle 19httt.alttl John'd' CZ11. J eteNglonUteor. -btoto.R K. BAIftMO, of Oath Hliit MDoy fout sorn oft ...

Births, Deaths, Marriages and Obituaries

... BIRTHS, MARRIAGES, & DEATHS. * O Notice of Birth, MarleI or Death can be in. ot unlem authentlcate. y the name and address of the sender. BERTHS. EV.&ze-March 2, at 7, Lavan stredt, West Derby-road, the wife of Mr. John Evans, of a son. ACmLUy-Marnlh 8 tit Leyfaeld, Knotty Aab, Mrs. d. mund Mackinlay, of a daughter. Moamoj-Maroh 8, at 27, Carter-atreet, the wife of Mr. James Morgan, of a ...

Births, Deaths, Marriages and Obituaries

... DEATH OF WM. AINSWORTH, ESQ. A general feeling of regret prevailed in Preston on Saturday last, on its benonung known that a telegram had been received annoucing the death of our townsman, Mr. William Ahisworth, which took place that day at Kensington, Lonldon. The deceased gentleman was the second son of the late Thomas Ainsworth, Esq., by Lydia, daughter of the Rev. Dr. Mc.Quahae, of St, ...

Births, Deaths, Marriages and Obituaries

... BIRTHS, 4U, aTqS. rt ** bo Dleta aa be b ; unlofathetsendcW. UN UAM W ldrsew .BIRTES ?? IS. at 106, typper pzdlrmtlrc~ %-11 of Mr. J. IL Oemerozn, 01 A daughter . t, tho KELAw,4-4ae1. ?? at Ol Ton Old Caiabe& the wife of A rchiba.dE , Esurgeonan1d :csdicW beo Wag on. 1~Jiar Cheser, y th fte. W 13. At the Oath-dral, )das, byhh the Uer. W. W Jobneon, K A lhd third amn of' RichardI lfei;e ~n~, ., ...

Births, Deaths, Marriages and Obituaries

... ?? . BIRTH. 'On the 27th utltmo, the wife of Joseph Gibbons, Esq., of a 'daughter. . MARRAGES.- : On the 26th ulc., at the Parish.Obureb, by, the. Rpv. D. F_ Chapman, curate, Mr. Jehn Lawrence, innkeeper of Klirkham, to Mrs. Mary HarrIson, of tbh town. On the 26c0t ult.,i at the . etish. Chuarchb, by the Re1v. D. V., Chapman, curatre, Mr. Joseph 0arnett, ghcr, toe Miss Selina Eglin, both of ...