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Advertisements & Notices

... FUNERAL EXTORTION AVOIDED by FExecutors and bereaved Relatives of deceased noblemen, gentlemen tradesmen, and others, sending in the first Instance to SHILLIM EER'S LSTABLISIDIENT, CITY-ROAD, near Pins. bury-square, or No. 12, North-street, Quadrant, Brighton, in- stead of employing their upholsterer, or the nearest undertaker, who, not nossessing the needful requirements, resort to the fune. ...

Advertisements & Notices

... REEK, RUSSIAN, SPANISH, PORTU- G GUESE, AMERICAN. FRENCH, and all other COUPONS now be ;emlng due payable abroad, are now being PAID, and drafts granted at favourable rates, at the Banking-office of debsro. ADAM SPIELIMANN and Co., 79. Lombard-street. f¶RCULAR NOTES and FOREIGN MONEY. Trovelters to the Continent, America, dc., can have CII- ULAR N~OTES of £5 and £10 each, payable at adl ...

Advertisements & Notices

... PUBLICAnO'NS. 1NEW NOTEL BY COL UREN MAYNE. ESQ. Now re dv st all the Libraris, in 3 voi, 'JHI{I DaE( E SS HE L f 0RT? T w By aCOL14ERN MAYNE, Esr. A thoughtful. bigt-tonod novel.-Poet. 'This noyel willb., r asin enl admi ed fir its ?? nrd aroesable echarter. It is ml eoeedigl ?? stot with many well-drawn and ?? ceeors. Observer. Hu.rsV amd Blakem Pu.ishqrR. 13. Great Marlborongb-street. ...

Advertisements & Notices

... D OYAL ENGLISH OPERA, COVENT.GARDEN.-Under the Management of MiEs LOUISA PYNE and Mr. WILLIAM HARIESON. LAST WEEK BUT. ON9 OF THE SEASON. FIFTH WEEK OF THE TRIUMPHANTLY SUCCESSFUL NEW ROMANTIC OPERA, BY BENEDICT. Oa 'Monday, March l0th, and during the week (Saturday excepted), Will be presented the new and original Opera, in Three Acts, entitled THE LILY OF KILLARNEY. The Libretto by John ...

Published: Sunday 09 March 1862
Newspaper: The Era
County: London, England
Type: Advertisement | Words: 5937 | Page: Page 8 | Tags: Advertisements & Notices 

Advertisements & Notices

... E1TZLER and CO.'S JOURNAL of H DANCE MUSIC for Septett Bands, or full Orchestra, contains the Moet popular MUSiC of the day. The following aer among the latest and beot numbers - BUR LESQUE GALOP.. 11 ?? CASarny, WINTER'S NIGHT POL.KA. ,, GATou D3 LorL. CIIIlES POLKA ?? ?? .. ?? HENsR FAS3132. FOUE IN-HAND GALOP - ?? ?? T. BEownE. SISTEB MARY WALTZER ?? MOSCA. FLOWER SPIRIT WALTZES ?? J. W. ...

Published: Sunday 02 March 1862
Newspaper: The Era
County: London, England
Type: Advertisement | Words: 4368 | Page: Page 1 | Tags: Advertisements & Notices 

Advertisements & Notices

... ROYAL ITALIAN OPERA, COVENT- GARDEN. Mr. GYE has the honour to announce to the Nobility, Gentry, G Subscribeis, andt the Public, that the OPERA SEASON of 1562 D will CO'MMENCE on TUESDAY, April 8. ti In coascisuence of thue U reat InternationialExlbtion appointed to take place Ii Ln A dons this year, an immense influx of strangers ol is naturally expected. When it is, howeser. considered that ...

Advertisements & Notices

... INE at the ST. JAMES RESTAURANT, D E nglish and French Cuisine. Spacionuslofty, and well-ventilated Saloons. ThE Choifcest Wines, at moderate prices. Dhjeilnrs A. la Fourchette. Lucemns from 12 to 3. Private Rooms, for large or small parties. Smoking and Billiard Rooms. .Antransce-69 and 71, Regent-street an 8 icdly NOTICE.THE MOST ELEATCOFE N ROOM IN LONDON, the decorations ?? copetd The beat ...

Advertisements & Notices

... -r GYAL NATIONlL LIFEBOAT INSTITU- Ak IO'N.-The ANNIAL GENFRAL MEETING oft' his lottt n will be held at the London T'averii DIshotsgute- 6boc,.tniTVE9DX~Y NIIT, the l0th ins~t., at TlWO o'0'ock gre- 464y. Tke Rigidh lion, the LORD MAYOR in the Obair. RIlCILUUD LEWIS, Secretary. 1U, .1 'Mr-grszt Adainhi, M4arch 17. 1-W.PO RT ANT S ALB.-WORCESTER VRCEJLAIN.-Mesors. KERiL and CO. be~ to inforns ...

Advertisements & Notices

... D ThR.CULVERWELL'S LAST NEW WORK, OURSELVES. Price la. by post ls. 1d.; of Mann, 39, Cornbill. DrwC ay be consulted daily till Twelve, at N The Post-ofiop Turrllah Baths, 19, St. Martin'e-le.Grand; and from (lie wb 9-% CUtVERWELL'S 1EW POST=OFFICE 28. till Five, and Ie. Sd. from Five till Nine; ;Sndaye, Is. till One., P An ESSAY on TURKISH BATHING, grades. 10suNINco OF TEE Pareso. The Use end ...

Published: Sunday 09 March 1862
Newspaper: The Era
County: London, England
Type: Advertisement | Words: 6118 | Page: Page 2 | Tags: Advertisements & Notices 

Advertisements & Notices

... T RE SALE PRICE of the DAILY NEWS ALL OVER ENGLAND and at the RA4LWAY STATIONS. Messrs. W. H. SM11TH and SON now SELL the DAILY NEWS fit an the RailwayStations at t THREEPENCE per SINGLE COPY, and will SUPPLY all COUNTRY BOOKSELLERS and NE'WS- AGENTS on such terma as will enable them also to SELL the DAILY NEWS at the marked price of THREKrPENCE per SINGLE COPY. 186, Strand. C ALCUTTA, calling ...

Advertisements & Notices

... T ESALE PRICE of the DAILY NEWS ALL T oV~ElR ENGLAND and -it the RAILWAY SCATIONS. Messrs. W. ff. S MITHI and SON now SELL the DAILY NEWS at al the R ailway Stations at TREIERPENOE per SINGLE COPY, aod wilU SUPPLY all COUNTRY BOOKSELLERS and INEVS- AGENTS onl such terms as will enable them also to SELL the DAILY -NEWS at the marked price of TED1REPENCE per SI.NGLE COPY .1 ISO, strand. C ...

Advertisements & Notices

... ADVERTISEMENTS. tHOStR; wI an, T LT 'O T ; ,A, FE PUBLIC-IIO10 (IL Buinesa n f any Deserlptlononl& Appto 3£t. YN , Mr 10, lpw, ?? th ldsephent id Watle, AckMnoledgedSto be ?? inpLorndon. Pblio-hosses. ?? Ln ad PConmtr-oemo 0., c o6,n Jo charge, a for Tegbsthacisg bud!e~. 'ndoasestsmi- , .- FRIE R. PADBL C-FROUlSE. ?? iT OfG lease. .Reut low, pnd all let oDff. Ary ons wti)h'2t?. 1i cash can ...