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Liverpool Mercury


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Liverpool Mercury

Advertisements & Notices

... T RO UVWERS.9 & .-WAjTED igh ?? iares ,I BE L~UitNED MAL1. M tbefice!-Ad.4fl8 sting lowest oath Price and where to be soeenR. mer-t0r4= lto hims rerkin?. Oeeil mebr~s ad X IS Too UpA ITUEREI AGentzemanf CHABLNG a 6=9111 a ear ilo gioo' ?? P. t TURBcbea. to be pid for bS installments o 1pj~j AMdvetsQ'. lterc57nsytolse. ~lgbe~t d~be ~ %~ts ofLatin, ibre and the ASE .3. B~l) FRNITUE, STOL GODS. ...

Advertisements & Notices

... n 8r Uv -.6 fo bilft cirst; ;lt I4003, .i~ajC5MMfuXCATION B~2wREN LIV, POOL AND GLASGOW, OAZLING'AT GREENOOKL .y an - bwand aaRON ., fhese now stera ae s have . a . ?? 00MCH . did -eommnoudotne for uabloart. to and Steerage Pmerngem CAkt.DATZ ; * ?? (Chartered Veasl) ?? . Wu.. Co uu V R m DoOH, LrVERPOOL. HE .ON ?? Thursday, 1 P -. ARIEL ?? 10, at 5 P.M . HBRON ?? Torsday, 11, at 6 P.M. ...

Advertisements & Notices

... .1. BM' -to live awith tealy pel U P'0' terms11* Ro ?? A ao lb~O~ jncr of. T oere ?? obire to. end woo *and ls a ~ ~r~ed BTTINGROOM ?? ?? t1.1 andPT. Euet-ed IIA IN Add S.nBlltue.Adra X. .zSTGN-Ono two etleno m-ihavahdamoi ed SITnING OOMdanc Onfor 6s ah TeeI ae lstk- App7 ?? TOmmou LEtree at 4 i~r. 21mb26 JjgfTieoil o To ente ~I G ?? 0worat thie aphanroach. 1,d L~5onR the Bremse. oodi attedF ...

Advertisements & Notices

... SATURDAY EVESING CONCERTS, ,GONET HALL, LORD NELSON-STUT. EIGHTzEFTH SEAOx. ON BATURDAY 7VENING NFEXT. THE 22ND INST., FREDh1110 VMACCABS (ArITER A,, _,flENc- OF TWO TEADS) WI. give his GrAed jiww. Dramatic, and Mimcltc ESTEETAINMENT. BEGO ffE , DULL CARE, Olt TnR TRIA JUNCTA IS UO or MIIRTH, MTUS, AND MIMICRY, I bb3he will portr TwelTeMale ?? 3Dn eagunm, and Introduce now and original Songs. ...

Advertisements & Notices

... ATUIDAY -N G ONERTS. pOoNCBaT flJJ, izw NRLON.STRI.R EBTEES'rg SEASON. ONS ATiEDAY EVEN , NEXT. THE 1Tnv InT., BUSIL FAMILY, ,Who b eoeionslad the honour of Performig tfho hate eli ?? Psalge. Bole VC,- ?? . I ?? Mons. Al)OLllE. V2 ?? n ?? ?? CECILIA. pinfslote * . M- -adiUe ANTONIA. Vocall . . Mr. . SKEF. AcoevalFo~tt ?? ?? Mr. J. 8SEAF. 410on-BOd\y, M13d 81doGeallrioes. Bd.: Reserved Seats. ...

Advertisements & Notices

... FO . ?? YORK'.. *V-1111 ?? dt L110611 4, *1,0W cii their cespcolvn , r l erk~_ont Ie5frstlan tke . stm, seYvlf, and woll ;e class buil,,r i ?? Ike 0tcaht ?? elegn snm datio ~~~h15 ?? _TAtL CO. FOR DEMERARA. TO SAIL IN ABOUT 14 DAY8, The flne Barque LORD ELG IN; 311 toni Captain A. WELNS.-For freight or paege appl, to ?? . t1.. BOOKX.B & Co. Vo FRi111 Dll JANEIO. The eplenid firlass OD er Brque ...

Advertisements & Notices

... By OBDDE OF TilE ?'50TC1OAIEZ Mens9 hi t ni~t atS~S wO o'lock ilk the aftey. Oil t tre etetioROOM01, Nooth JOhn'street, Liver- (abCjec't to cClviltiors), V' ?? SOAP MANUJFAO. T081?. cnpsthg f ofites soreromsand buldinge, oif recent puolication, t stefully fraeuld. E[xSBES. WALKE~R & AAUKERLbEY viii StLI' by AUCTION, on ¶hursday next, the t, Aol y'uj Fdy, the 21 f0 instant, at Twelve o'clock ...

Advertisements & Notices

... CA U TI ON. ELKXINGTON & COMPANY, PATEWm or ww MOrao LTz equad Dpties niekding to purcha artlles of thet manufacture to matify hmees tbat their yarks we d i stmped everg beoe, such on belng uted. ey are uduo to offer bI caution In ?? m of pun bavling complained of icodbag repetd Wem urchase% to be of to ' anfot but which have Mreto be wdhoutthelb warranted Marks, thus- CoIDOw 1oub: ., RzoxN x ...

Advertisements & Notices

... Jr VERUPOOL CHARITABLE SOCIET Y Lb Pblio are most ?? informed thet withost ler immediateaid the ?? oi the ioCe7Y snuiceaea firm want of funds. [rht 54idvdas b df given the drst vweek of March tO244 lndlvihsals. ele 1 Donatiois tanbfkfulhly received by 3.r. A. Hamilton, Ricllmond bUildbPs, C(hapel-street, ?,r W. J. Tomlinson, 9, 1,uImford street. ,r Thomas ( hliton, . p hmserton 5, Fenwlckcst. ...

Advertisements & Notices

... NOTICE TO ADVERTISERS. Pub~lc ara eer esoothT informed *hat the EHAE for LNBERON In the DAILY A&M ROURY of small PRE.PAID AJVBRT1SE. MBNTS referring to Situations, Housesi and Persona Wanted, Proper to be Sold or Let, aertmenta, and &J the =llaneons 1 WantsP etthe Communnlt, is SIMPENOB; that the aharge f or THEME INSERTIONS Is ONE HELULNG - for SIX INSERTIONS (or an entire week) ONE SHILLING ...

Advertisements & Notices

... @iaiti4 & 1W(u~0R BtZ0. site Kellys the Buttemnan). WINED3, bPRIT8 a~r LIQUORB8 a., oi thore fntquality, ?? w ORTIF BRITSER TNSURANNES A1 COMPANY. IncorporatedbyRoYalCharterandAct e Parliament, The ANNUAL GENERAL NELMINCI of the NORTIE BBRiTIll INSURANCE COlMlPAY was held within the a ?? 84. Prros-otreet, hEdinurgh1 on flonday the or ol March, 1882, i termcs at the Conbatiuon of the J8B~f ...

Advertisements & Notices

... 2TFICE FIXTURES, Chaspostrect. .1';rjRS WALKER it ACKERLIGY I/I ltl SLL isyAtICrION, ThisDay (Fridby), thelfib atone o'cook precisloo on the premises. No. 18 i~t~ethe OVFIrIE FlXW .cormprisfing inaho. fibce desks mahegony office tabte, painted enclosed ;Sboltsioffice chairs and stools, ipartitionling, &s. ?? the morning of ealo. on'I useful HOUREfIOLD FUIRNITUR~E, Chimney eisocellent Cottage ...