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Glasgow, Lanarkshire, Scotland

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Advertisements & Notices

... ?? F UETL trEE QUESTION IS FPEQUENTLy 3 . ~~ASKED, r vouisi (sDtPrfes6J thet ?? col Sll &IChuaw H han othe~r Houses in M1fe Trade? ti7 The Answer is short and simple- WE G i NO COEDIT, and therefore run no rit, PI urleh eles us TO SELL ?? LESS PnosIT. W As usual, for the SPB.NG HSO. OUr Stock of el GBETLEM 'S and YOUTHS' READY-IADM CLOTSH 1G is VeStI lrge, and nt ablefor HOLIDAY P ...

Advertisements & Notices

... gown ?? 'S3oti£,3 We3 k.t~CO~fltTED. ?? g OUv S E S T O L E T. B Rcoms and Kitchen, vwllh Bath. 7 athedral Street. S. p 8 Rooss and Nitthenl vih Venetian inBhids, 133 ives Grahab St. p 2 Rooms and Kitchen, 127 Shamrock ree 2 Rams and Kitchen, 1a5 west Grahamu Street:' 2 joomas and Kitchen, with Bath. 4F RutbsrIen Road. Apply to Jam es Findl_1ay,, Jun., Factor, s ninSee- vrO LET, in 3Gawden ...

Advertisements & Notices

... public Astic _ IL S O NS C H A R I T Y. -Vj AL SR31oTbefore the Governors of Mr. WIlson'S abLjbeps,, of ~Ile55utbegonS'D~tha d t he Mantger _ tepatrons o 7~o ~t~Chsrlie Ill be Prewachd by the Rev. SLMES ' o e°f Mh'9. C IoIdawysrtf th o culrentt Twlve j el jobt h.'jolO p~c>¶ LD5 Aet~o b~oe ~made is for tb benefit of Mr. Wilson's t Ito ft~bLI~kt8°- th8 Fads are low, it is hoped will be liboraL ...

Advertisements & Notices

... \TsyYTfA R CHURCH, GREAT WESTERN l CfS who have sent it COMerI±TTIV' A l . o re of Coktittee, are ?? to e p ^S3AT. Otl_%1! ^ oi ub Fsedei kk Street. E °P5 11S in lead, oD Wedaesday, a Black SKYE tboro 1 S . in with long hair and ears, One ear Litt1 .P£ astaeafnd paws. Wihoever brings the same to wih .x~s o W ?? vill nscelvu the awove ; t 17- on, on Monceday Night, a Rough fenced Blroi4, black, ...

Advertisements & Notices

... ZYOTICL'C VI'i~E PROPERTY Non. 15 to 163 ocadcens hasbee PriVjtey, and WILL NOT BE EX- POSE t&ubic s en he ~d ost asA~dvertised. ~OERGE COAN& GALLOWA.Y. AKONY.MOUS LllIR. 1Ne'fefereXC Oto the ANONYMOUS LETTK seE t i r to MPberslon Street, the Witer will oblige by seneig a rdaraeitb5 through ?O5' } or addressed A: B. C. 4, Beaide~ffice. Strictestconienoc sway be relied upon. AN ...

Advertisements & Notices

... VT°O TOBACCONISTS, SHIPPERS, AND' To MEORTERS. A. PRIEDLANDER, 48 WokTE EAPONfR STEM, GLASGOW, Importer of and Wholesale Dealer In Foreign Tobacconist Fancy (loodls, and Finest British and Havanas Cigars, of wfhich he keeps e ?? contstantly on hand, begs leave to Inform his Friends ?? sto tha t he has Just OPENED, In connection withI the wall-beown old-establihed London H~ouse of L. ...

Advertisements & Notices

... POSTPONEMENT OF TIMR SALE. BE plUBIIC SALE: of AMERICN TIBE, ..advertised or te 2day, at Greenock, Is .oSTPONsED til furher notice '1amES SUNMTEN & COY., 145 St. Vincent Street. Gluagoew, 1th April, ltW2 FHE SALE advertised to take place at 9 Adelphl 1r Street, on 22d Inst, Is POSTPONE)D till thc 29th. P ARENTS or RV1LATIONS WANTED of JAMES LOWRIE, a Notive of Glasmow, and born either in ...

Advertisements & Notices

... 110nMD$ 6~tb5IViUEM ?? Un'S PCTORA BALSM OF HOREHUD. IOR'r EOTOd ?? the Patentee. n t This ?? still maintais its high positioeI ,Ihl celbraoi o ?? Of Coughs Col'dsIiunsa,& goblic estimatio. Fer the 5 remains wblbout a competitor. compes ?? h, n ec yms ad pnlmonary Ilof the Herb. with the elegancea .she wesl;kn lon of qualities of this preparation of it, bas todu Balnsam f chund the ...

Advertisements & Notices

... NEWEST FASHIONS. U'NGO LAUDER respeetfuuy lutimates.tbit M bis Buyers ave just Eeturned fromthe English, aket and that his Stock is now 2eplete with the Noveltiee f th M Season. O LIST OP DEPARTMENTS. , au BILKS. LA.CSS,M SHAWLiS. SEWED GOODS, - P ' MAN7LES, TIES FANCT DRESSES, HOSiEit, y STUFFS, GLOVES, PRlTl'.s. UMBRELL&S, SONNEETS, PARASOLS, MILLIxNRY, HABERDASHERY, RIBBONS, FLANNELS, ...

Advertisements & Notices

... 3 i i 3i . ?YON trip.S BA-uulol iS~tB 10 o 3caL~g sa 0u iderable amount of Fs~g5 as IE _ as 7l~g , PX Sby gE P, in a 'larde9r, %etweae Slsir J.0e 3-,yn. is5 7eeby l ewaroA so, th s sould they %r 2a~r%.alnthc4'_, xpanr. thy nl ed tA li ~risiNGs ftro NA 14 'Glesn Street, ' 'YV ?? of-rch, AN'.toRW ac OFT, ?? PaleleY P raeS i~ii> cloth j ot;.rt w iit t a rod hair in it. ,j %oea roo3tesk. troiesit ...

Advertisements & Notices

... I ,% b2 ,U tIOR-CON¶'fWE AT 382 ST. VINCEYR STazET, To-DAY (WEDNZSDAT), Sol APRIL. C PUBLIC SALE, BY AUCTION, OF BOUSEHOLD FURNITURE AD PLENISHING, (The Property of a Gentleman Emigrating.) 1 ORN' M'LEH.D will. Se, as. above, This Day J (Wednesday), at 850St. Vincent Street,.the PLENISHING ef Three Rooms and Kitchme, nll as prreouly adverised C On View from T-Sale at Twelve o'clock Noon. JOHN ...

Advertisements & Notices

... S TH Ias DiY. -; .0 U$TE-H D R - U R N IT .U R E- (The Prop of a Lady decesd.) So be Sold, at 2 Soah Streetr To-Day (Wednesday), - - 23dApa 182. - . Sale ben at Twelve o'cloc. P. BURN W CO., Auctioneers. -l9xebhae Place, 28d April, 1862 -ON VrEW TO-DAY, SAME To-MonRow. ENGINNEEXS AND MACHINE MAKERI'S MAVEINBRY TOOLS AND WORKING PLANT: Si&A& ENGMN AND BOlLEP. VAEUAABLE SELF.ACN- AND ...