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Daily News (London)


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Daily News (London)

Advertisements & Notices

... ruESALE PRICE of thle DAILY NLEWNSAL TA~ OEll E.NGLAND and at thle RAILWAY SL~ ONS. Mess .H. SMITH sod SON now SELL the DAILY IS at all the r~allway Stations at THREEPIN CH per SINGLE COPY, od,,eili SUPPLY all COUNTRY I;OOKSELLERS and -NEWS- AGENTS On such terms as will enable them also to SELL the DAILY NEWS at the marked price of THREEPENCE per soL COPY. ]S6, Strand. W EELY SEAM OMMUICATION ...

Advertisements & Notices

... T ESALE PRICE of the DAILY NEWS ALL T(IVEI, EN GLAND and at tlee RAILWAY STATIONS. Messrs. W. H. SMNITH and SON now SELL the DAILY NEWS litall the Railway Stations at THEREPIDNCE per SINGLE COPY, eid %fill SU-PPLY all COUNTRY BO0OKSELLERS afli NEWS- ADENTS On such tenns as wilt enable them eelso to SELL the 3)AIY NEWS at the marked price of TIIBEEPENCE per SiNGLE COPY.liii, Strand. *pLAK BLL ...

Advertisements & Notices

... IrESALE PRICE of te DAIL NEWS ALL To~uH YI NGLAND and at the RAILWAY STATIONS. ilessrs. W. Ii. SMITH and SON now SELL the DAILY NEWS ,toil the hiailway Stations at THREEPENCE per SINGLE COPY, ,ad Wi1l SlUlPLY ati CO1JNTRY BOOKSELLERS and NEWS- ANSonl sueh terms as wvill enable them also to SELL the ItAILY NEWVS at the marlked price of THRREPENCE per 61GBCOPY. 1S6, Strand. CIALCUTTA, callhing ...

Advertisements & Notices

... To be issued in Bonds amnounting to £2,185,200, ait 82j per cent. o The Bonds to IIa interest at 7 per cent, per annain, from the 1st of March, 1802, payable half-yearly In London Is The Loan to fie redeemed in 88 yease by all accamulatin~ g sink, i m ing. fund,.ad(.fa FD . The Bonds to be (Irawna by lot half-yearly, and BElcSatN.s The first drawing in July, 1802. Al :Agents iii Loecdon ...

Advertisements & Notices

... CASH ADVANCES MADE, without delay, by the LONDON INVEST'ENT COMPANY (Limited), BOA, M~oorgate-otreet, on deposiS of deeds. ?? of sale, or other ap- provedl security, repayable by easy inatalments. Deposits re- ceived on; such terms as may be sgread upon. Prospeciuses and forms scult free on appllcatiou. N.B. . U conmmnnmcatlonsors treated ns strictly ronfideatlaL. ANDREW JAMtES RtOBY, ...

Advertisements & Notices

... s1sica ugal Uttin idam Ratou S8tOfl ebec cona Rico ebec ante sbon ,ebec emel chee burg yelp darm ebec ,ucto .yres ebec ebec ante iuahl sbay does dera dras ebec lalta )utta York abec tistoll ourg avre dney' does ebea dam iqi!e sucis mcna nsey dama abors land abec heat ikirk kirk 'atal 'adlz aboni iand 1mrg tend daen tiga real treal alle dam lifax dam sno. lUsta. aubac Alian Id~eo- eim rara ssau ...

Advertisements & Notices

... oEWELL and Co. baving purchased the Stock of Mr. S. Burden, of Blrulon-street (who is retiring from un (neSe, at a discount of z8 l pCI' cent. off the cost rJice, are now SELLING the whole, consisting of Silks, Shawls, Cloaks, hosiery, Lace, Drapoly, ?? at' Comrptot lolie, Frith-strect, illl Old Cosmptoll-stLut, Sollco >N.B. l.atdies ?? for wirin elumates will tind this it favonii aible ...

Advertisements & Notices

... TEIE SALE PRICE of the DAILY NEWS ALL OVEP. ENGLAND and at the RAILWAY STATIONS. _fesrs . Hf. SMITH and SON now SELL the DAILY NEWS at aL the Bailvtway Stations lat TilltEEPENCE per SINGLE COPY, Sod will SrPrLY all COUNTRY BOOKSELLERS and NEWS- AGENrs on Such terms as wvill enable them also to SELL the DAILY NESS-S at the marked price of TIHREEPENCE per sjIGLE COPl. l1SC Strand. TwEVITT and ...

Advertisements & Notices

... STEEL SHIRT COLLARS ad WRISTBANDS. S Enameled White Collars, 1s. 6d,; Wrietbands, 2s. 6d.; free by pest, 4 etamsps each extra. Ali expense ceaes with flrst cost, as the wearer can wash and dry them ready tor use in one moment. -Sold by ~r. BROWN, lRosier, 38, Cheapside, E.C., and Enuka Shirt Dep~t, 104, Stranld, W.C. KTICOLL'S TWEED SLEEVE CAPE or N1 , WRAIPER (Waterproof) adapted kfor the ...

Advertisements & Notices

... G ,NTLEMEN desirous of extending thebusiness _ of FIRE and LIFE ASSURANCE ny be 1. s.,NTS, either puiblicly recognised or private, by adircssifl letters to No. 110, City of Glisgow Bank, ArgCle-sticet. . asg.CD Ci NTERNATIONAL EXHIBITION, 1862.e- I -I. Mssrs.TI. A, SI 'IPSOX cod (Co., ?? great inloiX CII of visitors an cohnoisseurs So this great metropolis, and flatter. pm ng themselves that ...

Advertisements & Notices

... T ESALE PRICE of the DAILY MEWS ALL OER ENGLAIND and at the RAILWAY STATIONS. ltsr.W. Hi. SMITH and SON now SELL the DAILY INEWS at aln the Railway Stations at TIIREEPEN4CE per SINGLE COPY. ina ?? UPPLY till COUNTRY BOOKSELLERS and NEWS.- AGEETS on such terms as with enable them also to SELL the DAIL NEWS at the marked price of THREEPENCE per BXLECOY 186, Strand. p'ALCUTTA, calling at MADRAS. ...

Advertisements & Notices

... EIE SALE PRICE of the DAILY NEWS ALL T OVER ENGLAND and at the RAILWAY STATION'S. Mesora. W . SMITH and SON now SELL the DAILY h'EWS * fhe ?? at at all TIRiTELPENCE per SINGLE COPY. nd 1ill SUFPLY all COUNTRY BOOKSF.LLERS and NEWS. AGFNTS on such terms as will enable them also to SELI, the BAlL NEWS at the marked price of THREEPENCE per SINGLE COPY. 180, Strand, (IALCUTTA, calling at MADRAS. ...