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... (FROM OLr. OWN ?? | The following appeared in oar Evening Edition of yesterday] :PARIS, MonDy EvNieao. The Marquis de Lavalette, it is now announced positively, will lease Pari, for Rome to-morrow. I thlinlk it likelv, however, that lie will, if ntoces- sarv, wait a few hours for a conferelice 3With Prince Napoleon, who is, hl'verer, expected tlis evenhillg or to-nuorrow. Geseuril Molntebllo ...

Published: Wednesday 04 June 1862
Newspaper: Daily News (London)
County: London, England
Type: Article | Words: 865 | Page: Page 5 | Tags: News 


... HORSE-WHIPPING and ]M:AN-WHIPPING. There are few homes where some animal, from a horse to a chirraping-bird, does not form a part of the general household in this and most civilised countries; cruelty to animals, then, especially those usually denominated Domestic, has always met with universal execration, and those who have been accused of inflicting torture on a dumb creature have generally ...

Published: Sunday 01 June 1862
Newspaper: The Era
County: London, England
Type: Article | Words: 1161 | Page: Page 9 | Tags: News 


... IW O K.~THE LETTERWRITER, YAOTS FOR EVERYBODY, ON TEU OML AND DMULWUY OF BREWD. To UE ~yra..8~,~-erlhtme through the medium of your ?? ta, callt the~ attention of your reaers an th pulicgeny~lytoasnbleot which do- sevethird10 onidra~obut=blh Is not pngenia 'kaouL lallude to the ao 6f parllmet, passed In the reign of William Iv.';to repeal thd seves sthnn force relatlag. to',the sale' of ?? ...

Published: Sunday 01 June 1862
Newspaper: Lloyd's Weekly Newspaper
County: London, England
Type: Article | Words: 1174 | Page: Page 8 | Tags: News 


... THlE AMMCA2? CONT3ST. The Now York correspondent of the Miorning Herald writes as follows from that city, under date )ay 18:- W'Norfolk captured -the Merrimnao blown, up I' Such were the cries of a thousand newsboys on Sunday last, about midday, as they traversed the streets in all direc- tions, and tealing tens of thousands of extras. I rised my window, calld over a boy, and purchased an ...

Published: Sunday 01 June 1862
Newspaper: Reynolds's Newspaper
County: London, England
Type: Article | Words: 880 | Page: Page 1 | Tags: News 


... PROFESSOR SCOTT AND MRS. OLIPHANT'S I L.IFE OF EDWARD IRVING. TO THE EilTOR O' THE DAILY N'EWS. Sis,-1Trs. Oliplhant's letter in your paper oE May 30 seems to require but little observatios from me. Others must determite, with the facts now before them as admitted by herself, whether they were best represeuted in. a biography assuming considerable solemnity of tole, by what I shall best cill a ...

Published: Tuesday 03 June 1862
Newspaper: Daily News (London)
County: London, England
Type: Article | Words: 1871 | Page: Page 3 | Tags: News 


... RAIL TVA Y AND PUBLIC COMPANIES IN PARLIAMENT. On Tuesday the conimlittee on the West Cheshire Company's Bill passed the preamble, but so far only as related to a portion of the samle, and giving thelm facility and accommodation clauses calculated to effect tho objects sought by other portions over the lines of the London and North Western noted Great Western Rtailways in the parti- cular ...

Published: Thursday 05 June 1862
Newspaper: Daily News (London)
County: London, England
Type: Article | Words: 935 | Page: Page 7 | Tags: News 


... THE B.IAZILIAN AND RUVERt PLATE I RMAILS. SOUTTAMflPTON, JnILNE;. Thle RIoyal Mtail Couipallby' stenotslip Oneiela, Captain 'ii. A. Bevis, svithi thwe above mails, has arrivedL here. Shlu loft Beilos Akyres on April 27; Monte Video, 3(J; Ittio (lte ono, Mar 1); l ialila, 13; PrIntilibico, 15 - St. Vinlcenlt , 2;2; ,iuld Lis- bion, 30. She brings 1-i; passegers, antd 9,283(i. ill specie, with 1 ...

Published: Wednesday 04 June 1862
Newspaper: Daily News (London)
County: London, England
Type: Article | Words: 593 | Page: Page 5 | Tags: News 


... AFIFTH EDITIOON. ?? VJ ' ~ tN 8UaX T OD.mNO' Aw~va W2XLY'NZW8A#0w khb% LATESTW ELECTRIC N.EWS; ;s ' n s tUL': ?? OR&MM'1''. i C;r. 3fzeoa ;I1DSpanshe-- mbssador.~ s* :ioTihe ne se~ th1a aJ' i'oteh..beca|e°e'' 1w Mxican',fS. ?? 4U .reno b to ,ha English and tolshgornments Me. o nduct of MOn a titing that .ehIIW- 1a odcoider hrleaedfo 'lie h a _oso th eovt6n of Londed lithei .traiddIdrecl with J ...

Published: Sunday 01 June 1862
Newspaper: Lloyd's Weekly Newspaper
County: London, England
Type: Article | Words: 384 | Page: Page 12 | Tags: News 


... (FsaGM OUR OWvN CoRRESPONDlEM)II 1Irlie following appteared in our Evening. Edition of SC Yeterday] PARIS, SUNDAY EVENING. Thle hoirstingf of a bubble bank has been the themte of at lol(g dijutissioii thins week, before the el Correctional Tribuinal. Tule priincipal delinquent, H Or. e rre by ])tinte, disappeared best autniltfi, andt( H- li~ts never sitnce beenl heard of ;but four of his ...

Published: Tuesday 03 June 1862
Newspaper: Daily News (London)
County: London, England
Type: Article | Words: 1821 | Page: Page 6 | Tags: News 


... MONDAY, JiNE 2, 8 ILK. ?? I J). , NURM ?? 20.0490 47, W. 2; 9 n 2 _ AERnDxKI .3,4 6i 1.. .. 49 S. 3 (4 c _ i LXITH ?? 0,029.9 4S 47 1B. 1 8 - Io BluIhllMcK ?? 30.O 4 50 bsi 1. 1 7 15M 1 ABDSoIbsSAO ?? 5J0 54 S. V. 2 5; * I PoRTRUI ?? . I's S. W. i 2 1 I OAL;WAY ?? 30.0 59 . S.W. 4 91 o 3 iRIEL1S . ?? 239.7 1.0 47 E iY 3. 3f -O 3 SUAROA 1oWUG. 30.05 3 1 49 E. 1 15 2 ]IELIGOLAND.. 30.00 57 ...

Published: Tuesday 03 June 1862
Newspaper: Daily News (London)
County: London, England
Type: Article | Words: 486 | Page: Page 7 | Tags: News 


... RiEYNOLDS'S N. WSPAPEIL ; SUNDAY, JUNE 1,, 186.' SATUR)AY'S EDITION. THE BERHELMY ALLOT., V1TORY.-TH U _ OUSE OF dordwons AND THE PEOPLE. Behold a wonder,-smost amirecle? -,The HEuose-of Commons hasdone a-iberi thing -A moton in favour of the ballot has been carried by a large majority I 't -is almost sperflueoas to stite that ihis act of juiatce bas been the result of a mere accident.: The ...

Published: Sunday 01 June 1862
Newspaper: Reynolds's Newspaper
County: London, England
Type: Article | Words: 1533 | Page: Page 4 | Tags: News 


... ,INX£3X5 NEW agfr NORE . - n eet orator as follows from NOw BSpu~v--- an e121to dty in New York; The oon xci ting wholly left to the er u w,jil rhe men swvarmed into the '611 ad rt the corners of dreets to read erams in the extra edloist of the nsawsboys kept up a continuoua tad dis- ?? news ?? and drove a proe orning till night The uproar which proclanation of theirwares, espeolaly ,d the ' ...

Published: Sunday 01 June 1862
Newspaper: Reynolds's Newspaper
County: London, England
Type: Article | Words: 744 | Page: Page 5 | Tags: News