... . INVENTIONS AND MO6DELS. THEa invention of a compactly folding umbrella does not forbid the same creative faculty to which it owes lati its portable form from planning a dock. There is bee Mr. Sedley, the inventor of a chair which obeys every ME movement of the reclining form by the agency of a nec crank plcdwthin convenient reach of the right ciii hand. 'This chair is to be seen at the ...


... PUBLIC AMUSEMENTS, &o., THIS DAY. I FM Public Mluseum, Wl1iam BroWn-street-Publlie. Days: ofndays. Wednesdays, Thursdays, and Paturdays, ?? a.m. till dusk. On Tuesdays and Fridays the Museum Is closed (except to students for oleaning, arranging, &a. Duriln Easter, Vhltsun, and Christmas weeks the Mnsertm ls open daily, except on Christmas Day. Free Public Library, William Brownastreet--Open ...


... (Firom Le Follet') For travelling, there is nothing better than plain foulards or alpacas. In the latter material a drab shade is very much liked; and, certainly, is a very convenient colour for tourists, who always suffer more or less from cloads of dust. Alpaca dresses are generally made in the redingote style, and closed down the front with it row of steel buttons. Foulards have, above ...


... TIHE INTERNATIONAL EXHIBITION. The first visitor to the building on Tuesday was his Royal Highness the Viceroy of Egypt, who evidently retains in this country the Oriental habit of early rising, inasmuch as he arrived at the building at eight o'clock, when the doors were not open. No intimation whatever had been given of the intended visit, so that none of the officials were there to receive ...


... THE LUGOIE, AND OTHER POETS By DAVID GnAT.' t(rolm the Athenasem.) The autbor of these poems, a Young Scotsman of bumble pseentage. died In the December of last year, at the age of 24, The partul:cI of his caraer, which we0gather lrvm the prefotorg notice and the memoir, form another mournful ebapter in the story of literary ambition. With a keenly alive to ?? for sympathy, and mor- bidly ...


... TilE INTERNATIONAL EXHIBITION. The attenda te at the Exhibitioll Oln Mondily last (Whit Monday) wis not so great as had been anticipated. The turristiles weve again oit of order, so that the actual number present wa1s not ascertninted, but it is thought that over 60,000 vere piesent. The five o'clock return gave 57,365, and the final return at seven was 58,682. of swhom but 'd75 were aseson ...


... ,- U A A POETICAb' J 'PSODY. ir, [The following lines are intended as a grateful aeknow- i ledgement of the pleasure which the writer has enjoyeme during a brief sojourn in the pleasant mountain hamlet I named below; and at the same time, an intimation and .t invitation to others to seek for themselves the samd gsa. tifications: of course, in a brief, impromptu sketch like *t this, the general ...


... AGEDLIO BEDON TB Er jLIO AM ENa COLT N,AT DhIURY LANE. o~ uI ester, haVi, g virtually die. ?? fo'mer has orened Drury Lane ejrucstt the aottin an'ogerneat of we ho ~ e made familiar etith the ~0 ?? ; prettrdo, through the report of 1 s~~hjj rflufna. Mr. Webister Is ?? i. 'pli reElMr. Bouciclault'Es withdrawal, COY t ~n~ sto publishc ia 1h th AdelpiA play- 4i,1Lcrb1 of tile affair. We do n,. ...


... THE EXHIBIT[IN Or DOGS. Gentlemen of the rertiracious class, so well represented by Mr. Andsell in hia excellent piatara of Buy a Dog, Ma'am, a charming engraving of wh'ch has just been pnblished by Messrs. Pores, have found a formidable rival in the North of Eugland Exhibition of Sporting and Otter Dogs,' the sezond ?? of which commenced on Tuesday in the ?? AgriContural Hall, Islington. ...


... LITULTMMoELLANIL A ?? whose ruling passioii is not: aiiityl is mps- nor to Siy man of equal cultes. - Tws lcan who,, 'thout pressing temptation, tell a lie, wil, without pr s temptatien, act ignoblyand ntesly* EOSnnrsxYI is' ken of remnembrance;m sweet ea, white or pik;:r - -and love;, purple or dark.,rose colour, respect an dhi. A A BVEL - h, cf Westminster, -tells Us, that iin the year ...


... LITE TY MSCELLANA. A ?? COusu-A druariea fellow applied for a situation in a liquor stora to test ?? Paiper. SHEFtIDSAs answer to Lord Lauderdale ws excellent. On the latter saying he would repeat some good thing Sheridan had mentioned to him, Pray don't, my dear Lauderdale; a joke in your mouth is no laughing matter. JAPANusn SAxr-E N.-The folovwing mEthod, by vhioh ide people, ...


... (FROaI OUR SPECIAL CORRESPONDENT.) In wrriting on the Exhibition I have felt the difficulty, which I presume every correspondent has felt, that the subject is too large to be treated of satisfactorily in a few letters. Occasionally we have to grumble at the want of topics on which to write; and here when we have a topic of several acres in extent, and every square yard of it occupied by a text ...