... THE COST OF ENIAMELLING A ADYI. ; The case of Leverson vr- Carnegie was heard' in the Ekohequer Court on' Thursday. Mr. Daviestwas coon- sel. for the plaintiff and it:. Karslake, Q. Cl,. and Mr, Raymond for the defendant; This was an action!to re': cover a sum of £.928 5: for- work. done for the plain- tijff wife, Who is known m.Miidame Rachi. in enamel. huig the wife of the def endlint. Mr. ...


... EXTRAORDINARY CHARGE OF POISONINGI At the LT-rn9llth Pa..- An-t.. T A1.1.. A a.. I__ At the Lanibeth Police Court, London, on Friday, Catheiine Wilson, aeias Taylor, who had been tried on the day before at the Old Bailey on a charge of attempting to poison a female named Cornell by administering oil of vitriol to her, but acquitted, was charged on suspicion with baving caused ihu death of Mrs. ...


... POLICE INTELLIGENCIL now STEZET. BnoT= Pnosiczurois.-On Menday, ClaiZea Afien and .crpj Allen, of Hart-street, Covent-garden1 appeared on a warrant obtained on the appligation ef Mess. Shaen aril Co., solioitors to the Society for the Protection ofa Women, and were bound over to answer on indictment at the next sessions, bail, If procurable, teibg accepted. It was stated that nearly all the ...


... 1M.-HYNLLETH. I MrUfl I INIJ.JL!J I J- I AN Ixqurst.-An inquest was held at the White Horse Inn, Machynilletbby Capt. Lloyd, ?? a respect. able Jury, on the 12th, on the boly of W1illiamI Wil- lials, aged 29 year.,, who met with a serious ?? Oi Saturday see'night at the timber yard of the Wel1h CoastRailvay, in the vicinity 6f this town, the particulars of which are stated in the acnnmpanyi.'g ...


... Li: iN He U L L. Bon1OUni PETTY SEssIoNs, Saturday, June 14,-Be- 4 fore Dr. Pierce, It. Parry, Esq., and IA. Owen, Esq., e Lieweni. a Obstructing the Railway.-John Williams, Isaac Da- ai vies, and Edward Williams, employed by Mr. Foulkes at r, the Graig Limestone Quarry, were charged by the Yale BE of Clwyd Railway Company with placing two trucks h across the main line near the Graig junction, ...


... DIAEDLIOAL MURDER OF A YOUNG LaDY. A murder, revolting Inthe extreme from the 'cold.. bloodness In which It w coimittedgand the brutal | reastent recelved t the hand of 'the murderr by his ioim,,wsoa perpetiatedat Fordhngbrldge, a 1 town In. the county of HantX, twelve mIleB from the cathedral city of Saisbury, on Sunday morninglast. The'particulars, are as ?? Ann Susan Hill. aged twentiythre, ...


... TY COURT. SAKTURDAY,-Bofore J. Tyrrell, Esq., Judge. BANK UPTS. Re GEonor PlINOAR, Paul-street, Exeter, grocer, and for- merly of Market Harborough, innkeeper. Meeting for last examination and disobarge. From the official assignee's abstract statement of accounts it appeared that the bankrupt's goods when in business at Market Harborough were sold under a distress for rent; while in Exeter he ...


... THE SWINFEN CASE. KENNEDY !. BROUN AND Wiry.-The Court of Common Pleas was crowded all Saturday morning, chiefly by the bar, to hear the arguments in this case, which stood over for further consideration from Thursday. The Court was, however, occupied until it rose in hearing other business, and no reference was made to the Kennedy case. THE BILSTON BANK CASE.-JUDGMENT. CROWN CASES RESERtVED. ...


... This case has been going on at intervals for the lasti month in the Court of Session, Edinburgh. Mr. Fraser! opened at considerable length for the pursuer. Mr. John Millar replied at still greater length for the defender, ex- pounding all the pursuer's letters to contain proposals! of being the friend or mistress of his client. Thea Solicitor-General was. heard on Saturday, the 7th inst., ...


... FRIDAY BaEAca OP THE BUILDER'S ACr.-Mr Thomas Giles, builder; was summoned by Mr Philip C. D. Bean, Elm Tree Avespue. for infringing the 96th section of the Hall Irppovement act, which requires all parties build- ing liouses to build the 'walls nine inches thick, whereas in the present oase 1te- defenadstt has erected a hone immediately adjoinigt the complainant's, with walls only 4J fochea ...

Published: Friday 13 June 1862
Newspaper: Hull Packet
County: Yorkshire, England
Type: Article | Words: 2747 | Page: Page 6 | Tags: Crime and Punishment 


... Tnu SUSMmER CIRCUITS Ots THE JuDGEs.-The Judges have selected their several circuits. Norfolk : is The Lord Chief Justice and Mr Justice Wightman. tI Midland: Lord Chief Justice Erle iad the Lord Chief sl Baron. Home: Barons Martin and Bramwell. o Western: Justice Williams and Keating, Oxford: o Justices Byles and Blaokburn. Northern : Baron Wilde al Und Mr Justice Mellor. North Wales: Mr ...

Published: Friday 13 June 1862
Newspaper: Hull Packet
County: Yorkshire, England
Type: Article | Words: 3502 | Page: Page 3 | Tags: Crime and Punishment 


... a - ?? TUnSDAY, JUNE 24. BEFORE MR. RAFFLES. DISMISSAL OF A POLIOE-07FICon.-A disreput- able female named Mary Ann MIEvoy was cbarge4 with stealing a puree containing 8s. 6a., the property of Nathan Prior, a commercial traveller residing ii Bbor-street, Everton. It appeared thae the pros4- outor, at five o'clock this morning, met two femalas in Ltme-streei, and adjourned with them to a Oli- ...