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... I' ENGLYN T ANGEt. Dlrgreulon droin a draw-O I aneu, AGdy inga I ddwylaw; Lenwi fron 4th drylawnfraw, Gan Mora dyga wylaw.': s AS~i. S 7 GwlLym Fmxoo. . NERCQH TEUANGC YN Y DARFODEDIGAZTH.- ) GAFAZLAi poen yf ngwraidd ei bran, Y 'Digyu plwai hwnw; A gwaitb ei llwydien ruddiu yw i . - . Dyweyd amwensynhwnw Hi gwyd, acherdd, nadla ' wan, Gorphwysa yn beychlyd Gofyawyd iddi adt yr Qedd- 'Rwy'n ...


... L.ttt ~; TO LOUISE& Vell, we have met-nor have our eyes Revealed the secret they could tell; Nor blushing cheek, nor faintest sighs Betrayed the truth we knew EO well. A mystic chain between us lay, In airy lilks unseen and still: Tiom heart to heart its fairy way, Electric in its mighty thrill. A breath, a tone, a careiess note, 11ould vibratehin each magic 150tyd-t In airy circles surely ...


... ' L L IN E L L A U . I I I1 . 1 A ;.m n- Er cof a dyledus barch i ?? Barchedig ti Ddeon Cotton, Bangor, a gyfansoddwyd wrth edrych Si ar ei gladdedigaeth, y 4ydd dydd o Fehefin,' 1862, gan S heie fardd pedwar ugain oed. h Mae Bangof fawr heddyw fel dyffryn Megido hI Yn Nglyn Hadfad Bimnon; trigolion yn wylb H] Wrth weled daearo en tad a'u harweinydd, ti Oedd enwog ar lwybrau moesoldeb a ...

Literary Extracts

... gluravo ?? .: AtcIPsflOS HaptlnRees lies ohieilyinlanticipation5 not in fruition. We reach the goal to find the race not worth invning. We catch eagerly at the branch ladeb with fruit, and find it bears but alples of the Dead Sea, which fill our mo uths with bitter dust a nd Ashes. We- start in life full of genaerous aspirations and wonderful delusions,-all men are good'and sincere, all ...


... Er coE a dyledus barch i goffawdwsiaetl y Gwir Barclhedig Dcon Cotton, Bangor, a gyfansoddwyd wrth edrych ar ei gladdedigaeth, y 4ydd dydd o Echefin, 1862. gan hen fardd pedwar ugain oed. Mae Bangor fawr beddyw fel dyffryn Mofegile Yn Nglyn ?? 1ivion; trigolion yn wylo Wrth weled daesra on tad a'u harwoinydd, t Oedd enwog ar lwybrnu smoesoldob a chrefydid; I Y Deon parclhedig, liafaruis, a ...

Our Library Table

... . - . o - 0 .1tv w'-.3brarg X Alt. TwicE A WEEK, is the title of a new- Illustrated London Journal, devoted to entertaining literature and useful infornation. We are told that it is, as yet, only an experim-ent in English literature; and so it is, but such a one that gives great promise of future success, The illustrations are of the highest class, being the production of Phiz, and other ...

Our Library Table

... ?? (our Wivrarm gable. The northern MAGa for June,-the number completes the ninety-first volume-opens with a paper on The New Ex3kiition; -and we find BLAoKWOOD joining with his contemporaries indenouncing the ugliness of theibuild- ing in which that Exhibition is held. It is, says Chris- topher North, as admirable an example of plain, honest, unpretending-nay, dogged and determined- ugliness ...


... . 7 1 , . ? I -- (I IR#tfiyf? ? -. Well, we have met-nor have our eyes Revealed tha secret they could tell; Nor blushing cheek, nor faintest sighs v0 Betrayed the truth we knew so well, . k tnysX m Wwhensll1ru1 I&' aify lfukW jxnseen, and; at :: Yb! hbeaf te to heart its faity way A& I i:d its' mighty titellI- magic sound- a in aify citrc esee rely float, B' Itenob- ,gthe heart with ...


... Iev~ THE LATE DEAN OF BANGOR. If natiohs weep when Kings or Princes great, Who long have lived and reigned in eqvaity, Yield to tho still greater Sovereign-Death, And leave their titles, rirhes, splendour-all, To be possessed by others: If nations weep When dies the Statesman, who in hlonourfs path Has trod for years - whose theme Nwas liberty If nations weep when the brave Warrior falls, ...


... II- eWMati. THE AlAT D5EA1N 5JlO BANGOR.i If nations weep when Kings or Princes great, Who long have lived and reigned-in equity, Yield to the still greater Sovereign-Death, And leave their titles, riches, splendour-all, To be possessed by others: If nations weep When dies the Statesman, who in honour's path Has trod for years - whose theme was liberty If nations weep when the brave Warrior ...


... ,- U A A POETICAb' J 'PSODY. ir, [The following lines are intended as a grateful aeknow- i ledgement of the pleasure which the writer has enjoyeme during a brief sojourn in the pleasant mountain hamlet I named below; and at the same time, an intimation and .t invitation to others to seek for themselves the samd gsa. tifications: of course, in a brief, impromptu sketch like *t this, the general ...


... 1. , Lep1hdrp. L- CrT F - 1 ,Jlbibft Mlight hour Iny ihoughts ILM fdfrow thy boiuy stleet il in the far off sttliness Pictune a calms retrent. I see in ionc' siencillieg ~Us~iasdenep blue of the u'r3e,0M fy As they wohiper their sweet murmuring Around thy silent graves. No wonder that I love thy walls, With such a elinging love, That I see no sight so pleasant Where ever I may rove. Througis ...