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... OPENING OF TEE NEW COUNTY COURT AT BtRKENHE3AD. The now county court which has been erected at tbe corner of PJlgrlm-strest and Ghoster-streeb, Blrkenhead, was opened for public business for the first time yesterday. There Was a large attendanoe of suitors. Upon the judge, J. W. Harden, Esq., taking his seat upon the bench, Mr. Joseph Craven addressed his honour in the following terms : -Allow ...


... A HOUSEd BURNT DOWN. An extraordinary riot (says the Shrffefld Iade. pendent) took place ?? as theWord- send Cemetery, resembling In its origin the attask upon the Medical School in Eyresatredt many years agO, For some days rumours have been afloat that bodies of persons Interred at this cemetery had beea taken up and sold for dissection at the Medical Institatioa. The matter seems to have ...


... COHONEWS INQUEST: : BEFORB P. P. 6UntnY, BSQ., COROM. On the body of Robert Pritchard, 61 years ot ago, who lived in a cellar at 79, Horubl street. On Thursday morning he left home, telling his wife that he was going to Mr. aile's offioce, n Dale-street. He had been ill for eose time, and was in a very weak state. As he w crossing Tithebarn-street he was accidentally run ovsr by a lorry, and ...


... The annual general session of the peace for this county was held on Thursday, at the Court-house, in this town. Mr. T. Greene, vice-chairman, occupied the chair. There were also preeent :-Messrs. T. Bi. Addison, George Artingtatll, T, L. Drier,; W. Onirow EB F Fenwick, C. U. Jaen ndW.. R. od;Dr. Brouglitoni, the Rev. J. S. Birley, and th Rev. T. 8. Mills, COUNTY EXPENDITURK.-The accounts of ...


... THE NEW JUDGE. Yesterday, Mr. Sergeant Wheeler, the newly. eppointed omuetyrcourl; judge for the liveipool circuit, formally took possession of the seat vacated by the transfer of Mr. W. A. Hutton to the Preston cirouit. The learned sergeant was introduced by Mr. J, K. Blair, the senior judge, And Was ?? received by a large number of the professional goes. ti lseen practising in the court. Mr. ...


... DREADFUL MU-- RDE I I On Saturday morning, one of the most barbarous murders on record was perpetrated half a mile from~ Waterloo a village about eeven'rmiles north of Ports. mouth. T~he murder was committed at Pa place called Billet's Etables, on the oamddean-road. .The mur- derer Isai young gipay, named Edward Lee, aged 26, rather tall wel built, and -by -no means repulsive. looking. The ...


... THE VOLUNTEER COURT-MARTI, AT LIVERPOUL (Pmem the Londois RevimsoofJune7.) There has been a great run of late upon osetb. maetlal. We have had a military investigation of some notoriety at Dublin, which la'ted, according ta a recent article fs tbho Corsnhil Mcarazine, Ionger than, the oucoucs dtdrts of Palmer, binethubt Madeline Smith, and ±Xurb, all taken together. Th case ia the 11th ...


... BRoRE mX P 3r. OuRy. On the body of Robert Jones, boatswain of the barque The Oobh, now lying in the Clarence graving dock. On Monday evening, he was passing along a gangway from the ship to the quay, when he stumbled and felL to the bottom of the dock. He was taken up insensible and conveyed to the Northern Hospital, where he died the same evening from injuries to his head,-Verdlct, ...


... || WBDRESDA Y.-(BeforeMesers.R.Pdderan4G.Sida .) DISORDsRLy SOLDIERs.-Two soldiers of the 32nd Reqt named Hancock and O'Donnell, were charged with havin created a disturbance in Blelock-street, on the previous In ht -P.C. Goulding said that at a late hour on Tuesday ?? hh Was called to a disturbance in Blelock-street. Whe. l got there he found the defendants drunk. Hancock said tohrim l Have ...


... I I EBJORE MR. P. P. CUERY. On the body of Jane Hall, two and a half years old, daughter of James Hall, a labourer, who resided at 9, Back Milton-street. It appeared that the deceased was scalded last Monday and died on Tuesday. About two or three o'efock on Monday afternoon, the mother of the deceased, In going to tte top of the yard to see if she oculd see her hus- band, took the deceased ...


... I DISTRBESSING SUICIDES. - I DISAPPOINTMENT Atrbu .UM L-AA inquest was held in Leamnlngton, on Friday evening lasc, on the body of a young woman named Jane Pettifer, aged 21, who occupied a respectable position In the town. The case exalted od6nideaible interest, there being a rumour that the deceased had been seduced by an officer in the 2ad Wa rwckshire Militia. The evidence went to show ...


... n or-- DRSOIIE P. P. oulemYJ XSQ., 0ORON ER. On the body of Honora, wife of John Atkins, a pensioner, residing at 29, Great Orosshall-street. The deceased was much addicted to drinking, and fre.- quently complined ol pain at hor heart. She died suddenly on Satarday evening, just after she had been cleaning her house, A poaf-mcrtem examination showed thab death waa the result of aneurism of the ...