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Belfast News-Letter


... . Ti Hlandel Festival was brought to a close on Fri- Tax Handel Festival was brought to a close on Fri. day by the performance of Isral in Egypt, the lnagnjicent. ohoruies of which made it a work peen. liarly fitted for the Crystal Palace. An immense audience assembled. T'ne simple recitative, Now there arose a new King over Egypt, sung by Mr. Sims Reeves, opened the oratorio most ...


... THE INTERNATIONAL EXEIBITION. WASHENG MACHINES. t ? BRADFoRD's washing machines ara situated in the ? Eastern Annexe. Originally patented in 1857, they ? have since been considerably improved, and they re- f flect high credit upon the ingenuity of their inventor. The perfection of machinery being, after all, to ,j approaoh. as nearly as possible to human work-for a which it may be substituted, ...


... . INVENTIONS AND MO6DELS. THEa invention of a compactly folding umbrella does not forbid the same creative faculty to which it owes lati its portable form from planning a dock. There is bee Mr. Sedley, the inventor of a chair which obeys every ME movement of the reclining form by the agency of a nec crank plcdwthin convenient reach of the right ciii hand. 'This chair is to be seen at the ...


... [FROM AN OCCASIONAL 60 Pol'mESO 0T.] | LoNON, SATUnDAY. WRtsaNTyzrn week bas brought its thousand to th di 3; Great, Exhibition, who. otherwise might have lived 1 and died in the more; distant parts of the country without ever having seen London.. To your readers E in Ireland the Whitsuntide Holidays are unknovn ; but here in Eugland. they are- looked forwaidto diii ing the whole year as a ...


... -- FASOR NEXT WEEK. - , _ ?? u,1 ?? -m _, _ - H ?? ?? - ANTrM.-Cushendall, Monday; Mounthill, Portgle. none, Tuesday; Belfast, Wednesday. ARNMAaa.-Loughgall, Tuesday; Armagh, Middleton, Thursday; Crossmaglen, Friday; Poyatzpas, Tandra- gee, Saturday. CAvYN.-Swadlinbar, Monday; KingsconA, Taesday; Belturbet, Daura, Thursday Dermy.-Draperstowmciross,- Friday; Coleraine, H1il lowen', Tryadd, ...

Court and Fashion

... .. Olourt uO - f, asIjim. . r I 5 c -1 I f I I I1 THE COURT. WiNDSOr. CASTLE, JUNE 13.-The Queen, accona- panied by the Princess Helena, drove in the grounds yesterday afternoon. Her Majesty, with Princess Alice and Prince Leopold, wvallced and drove this morning. The Rev. Professor Seclgwicl arrived at the Castleyesterday. Her Royal Highness Princess Alice visited the Duchess of Cambridge ...


... IRISH POPLINS AT-THE GRE NT E EXHIBITION. [FROM A COBiREOPONDENT.] AMONG the numerous trophies of Ireland's advancji,, industry shown. at the great fair there are fewv which willa elicit so much exultation on the part of visitors from the Green Isle as those to be foumi ihl Class 21, in the South-East gallery. The people. of the North, of- course, feel especial interest in the position which ...

Literary Notice

... .riferaq XlDfia- B1aLE sLr. I O- FOR THE USE OF SABnATn-SCnOOL TEACHEHSr PAR.ENTS, A?SD OTnPUIS. By tle ROV. JAMss MOllGAE, D.D. Belfast: IV. 31Comb, High Street. : WE are glad to-find that this admirable and useful work has reached a second edition. In a prefatory note the author says that he has long felt the neces- sity oi'a VeniraZ course of lessons concisely expressed by way of ...

Court and Fashion

... ,Court and tast)IDT. : VICEREGAL COURT. DIUBLIx, MoxvDAY.-His Excellency the Lord Lieu- tenant and suitc attended Divine service in the Cha- pel Royal, yesterdary mornring. His Excellency the Lord Lieutenant held a recep- tion on Saturday, at the Viceregal Lodge. There was a Ycry numerous and disting'ud attendance. Thag PaRocc or' WA.xzs.-Thursday forenoon, the Prince of Wales, upon his ...

Court and Fashion

... .Court anb ffasizan. -I THE COURT. WiNDsor CASTLr, JurN 10.-The Queen, accom- panied by their Royal .Highnesses the Princess Alice and Prince Leopold, drove out yesterday afternoon. Major-General Seymour was in attendance. Her Royal Highness Princess Alice, attended by Lady Churchill and Lieutenant-Colonel the Hon. Dudley de Ros, went to Holland House to-day, andvisited Queen Marie Amelie. ...


... n -^A BlIBON SAW. a A saw, similar to that now in use at the Woolwiah dockyard, is also closely inspected, and the perfect manner in which the most intricate patterns, or even n flowing letters, may be eat out by its operation ex- it cited great surprise. It, is, however, in the great facilities which it affords for cutting out patterns or h moulds that the value of this excellent machine con- ...

Court and Fashion

... - 5Gltr n -- oll.X m, I. VICEREGAL COURT. His Excellency the Lord Lieutenant held the first reception for the season at the Viceregal Lodge on Saturday. His ExcellIenoy the Lord Lieutenant, and' suite,. attended Divine service at the Chapel Royal on Sun- day morning. The sermon was preached by the Rev. Wmi M. Brady, B.D. Wm. M'Cormick, Esq.; M.P., has arrived at the Gresham Hotel, Dublin, from ...