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Liverpool Mercury


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Liverpool Mercury

Advertisements & Notices

... :1V1i11 ,wrtjI1N)OR ?? 11releryr nd Glove,. t.egio I .,eotld. and 57, I onidocu-rosd 10jall P iile'A N ~Ae i(S WANT5101 jiaanoy eoreBal.- .7. IPt. 'Rbeats.Warwi-k Hi ?? 7J ,1O ~Pa) aloo Ml ttib.Apply to) Mrs Jonee, jt.-itrNTD au expiaenoed ASUStA.NT. -Aj toH0w. Woral 145 and 157. Wiveer-streeli, tAl0o-fAtilTA T--WANTitu. a attady 2yo~u3 ?? Manag a Btranch ?? to, Mr. ~ d ~ozstre, t. l0jet2i an ...

Advertisements & Notices

... acF, OF WALES THEATRE, P cLyIONyoQUARF, LIVERPOOL. L Mgz-mar. A. MmeNDRAo . GREAT ATTRACTION FOB THE sgllITUNTIDE HOLIDAYS. eat of Mr. JOHN BROUGHAM for a limited ?? in bin new and oreinal p Ieee.entitled sm;, Wjlit FIRE. atimitid by the Fre and the t10 lb, wkeet briliant cobtedy of the day. p!biiC iQ ?? WbLLiAMB . H0U ?? xtnavaea LiaratPLAooHY TO H PIUNOlE8, TFI PEB. l ilS TROUBAltOUR. fre ...

Advertisements & Notices

... E L E I N G T 0 N .& CO E I INYVENTORS AND PATENTHEE OF TIE BLEOTRO-PL&TH. OILVERRMITHS AND PINE ArT BRONZISTS, 3eaire respectlnulY to cai the attent5on of Dartles requiring Plae to tb er Manufactures. whlrh may be obtained ia grea variety. both In Sliver and EleotrL-P ate from thelr Estab. 25, OHUROH-STREET, LIVERFOOL- no.DON 22. lesent-etreet and 4, Moorgaie atreet. ?? Oollege-green. ...

Advertisements & Notices

... NVA~g~p.M ?? Mg~dtogedI, SitAt.0ion ` 'having bad ' eergaa'experience lio Tuition Adreiresai~N.EN~lAEMENT. tle teachan Rnglsh, droeog Feoct nd herudiments Of Gernman. 5~are~reres ive~-AtdresT. G., No.2Bx et AND ?? Lad who bas Icrof er PIS.Ters fr ethe aoofplthme so _=WlITD.-The Advertiser Is desirous of JJ~u~o~a~lIGFREHOLD PlIOPRRTY In she town. or mai hosespreerrd. outies not objeoted to,- Z, ...

Advertisements & Notices

... ,,a ?? NOTICE TO ADVERTISER&. The Publie arrr~inc`4 ta am rw w Wt DAILY M1F.RO1U~y of mrieal PRB&PAID ADERtTISE& MENT8 referring to Situations, HOURes mud Pmronit Wantedp,- roe to be Sold or L AparItmet, Sod £t O6IianeuC0U 4Wan* oftbe JdmmounltY Is SLXPEI{OB; that the ?? THRE INSERTIONS InONE S~iLLING - for SIX INSERTIONS (or an entrewee) NESHILLING anid SIXPENOSz; end tat o T~r~AYS nd ...

Advertisements & Notices

... OBIENTAL OR TUtISeH BAT H' ,9 MULB STRE. NEAR PLH&RHi0a OPEN DAILY, SUNDAYF XXOBETED. Dr. Barter, the greatest living authority. ?? of tl-A Turkieh :Baths- Itndtbe bth bbihly tonlo and tho rutu with Ue14 to rut the weak people In often, as I find that the aotion of temuperaturle Is fvou0able to growth and bnutrltton. Dr. Barter bee. witth great suecoees, introduded the use of the Tnrkish ...

Advertisements & Notices

... NOTICE TO ADVERTISERS. The Public are respectfully Wnormed that the CHARGE for INSERTIlON In the DAILY MERCURLY of small PRE-PAID ADV~laTISE- MEN~T$ reforrlng to Situations,' Houses, and, Perrone; Wanted, Property to be Sold or Let Apartments, end all the M~soelaneond a *Want' 0? tlo Commnunity, is SIXPENCE ; that ffhe nbarge for THRER1 INSERTIONS is ONE SHILLING - for SICK INSERTIONS (~or an ...

Advertisements & Notices

... BRITISH AND NORTH AMEOAN ROYAL VA STRAM.SHIPS. W NOTIOR. 4. Thb 8tal'5r15 call at CORK HARBOUR on both Outward and Jo2newmrd Pames4 to reeeive and land Mis F eRgh21 ?? the~ Steaesto naiu anu ost B DnO to gsr Yort, AB pOT ?? and 6 Der oeUt. Dprmage, pAIJrERN PAROF.I-Peroelo coneaint nuple of Goods on dwill be taken free of freigtk bylbhe Ma1l Steamer nelght on other t1ar ba ecb eah And1 Upwars ...

Advertisements & Notices

... T'S1TORe to LONDON will find ever V ACOOMMRODATION at the aI LION, ON EE. ILAE11 FARRIXGDONSTHRELT, ned nr6 Breakfast. s.6d. H3jylO S UUTEPORT FROMIENAD:E-Nos. 1 ?? 2. SUTLEJ TERAOE_..WbUe thanking thaed Mios J9iNES b~e to inform ethem nn d ttheir Mleneds the above are elevated and renewed throughout, and refurulehed suit- ofie to the ettuatlo. E1ach row contains geood dining, draw bra. sndt ...

Advertisements & Notices

... gIt;CE OF WALES THEATRE, P CLyTTONSQUABlQ, LIVIBRPOOL. F ] ,E=s-MR. A.Bg rgmlgow. siCOND WEEK OF MP. JOHN BROUGHAM, B 1l ppear to This Night only In his celebrated -rish 6 baraew, of Captain Iurphy Mogulr. B ST gOCr8OFWI~ BROUGUls NEW BB BlUXEQVEEXl'AVAGA3~2A THIS (TUESDAY) EVENING JUNE 17. frlyfo00 will commence with the brilliant Comedy of °7g i TIl SERIOUS FAMILY, Ch% C0Tq er& ?? - ?? IMr. ...

Advertisements & Notices

... I. BE BR N H respectfly noxoe 1th es SALEo MAGHINg ,&o.ateabv u18. 1802. ?? andsm Pa t Ironstone ansi rich re~Dinner. Desserli, Tea and Breakfast to. cal etylea In Decsaters, Tucb era, Vase B M . aRlAN Ornmns C 1 ,,jit~tbo ~rd.Tusa.the 24lh. and Wednesday, .tcat k eoen o'clockc each day, at the Hanovr strees, Liverpool, anvaluable STOCK of CHINA, hit, ASTHEN~WARV, FABIAN~, &a. ec Sr~iOS ormS ...

Advertisements & Notices

... ---THE PFEOPLE'S NITEBN4ATIONAL EXHIBITION F.XOURSON, COMPANY. oNjE BHILLING PER SHARE. OX RAILWAY anid ?? TICKET guaman. tollsiely ie bhares entitling the holder to a p~v~DAYS TRP TOLONON CHDUBCH. '~,irg ne dmi~l~f ino te Ehlblioo aulabe h ~ws~n Tainfro th ton fr ?? SV gie tl the Jihil HU BEi PitOPLNWS IN'TERNATIONAL T gxHIBIITiON EXCURSION COMPANY. ONE SHILLING PER SHARE. Ol lj AYand ...