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Edinburgh, Midlothian, Scotland

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Advertisements & Notices

... , tltit) I i zs1 i Itt,t. Now Rcadly, Nos. ?? priee (f1 sael!, of XToIT NC'S NEWI T:RANc1SL.zTIN of tldc IL IHLY 1: ll-E. To be cosnplete in Twenty N. t., ?? Hg 760 pp. (cowns 0Ct0-o. SlIeCiL ns sci- f£12, and Subsallierto Mullces reccivcd, ]3v Al~l. ]DX.FU;(l 01201 ;u20lt~lc'.!X. G OD'8 (JI[OSEN liAST; on, IIAT 1rSHALL GJI WF; DO FOR ORIL 001POORER ]ititIIIIEu Y ? Isaiah Iviii. 6, 7 ; Luke ...

Advertisements & Notices

... Bjilfiiill610, 64tl~llS nub ilS _ ~ _ _ _ =_ _ _ J C H A It L E S 13 R 0 W N, NOM J aCLOCK & WATCH MAKER, S Begs to infoim his friends nud the public generally, -. that he lies opened thos hularge and comnodious pre- A mines, No. 27 LOTIIIAN sROArr, opposite the Caledonian I Rlailway Station. lie emblraces this opportunity of re- c n turning his sincerc thanks for the kill patrerragc be- S ...

Advertisements & Notices

... BIRTHS. STEWART-At 42 Be]giave Square, London, on the 25th inst., the Lady Octavia Shaw Stewart, of a daughter. HFIRsERT-At 23 Bruton Street, London, on the 24th inst., the Lady Mary Herbert, of a son. BAKER'-AtI Park, Stirling, on the26thinst., the wife of Leonard B]aker, REq., of a son. BLAKa-At Seton Castle, on the 26th inst., the wife of the Rev. John Chalmers Blake, of a son. .HuRsT-At 6 ...

Advertisements & Notices

... 3IEETINGS, EXHIBITIONS, AMUSEMENTS, &c. TUESDAY, June 3. Meeting of General Assembly of the Free Church-- Assembly I1ll-10 A.M. Afeetiug of Edinburgh Town Council-12 noon. Meeting of Leith Town Council-2 Surmmer Show of H1orticultural Society of Edinburgh -Experimental Gardens. Annual Meting of Ladies' Association for Female Edu- cation in India-Masonic lhall-2 ?? State Porl raits of HIer ...

Advertisements & Notices

... d btitatialY . WE 2 vols., cloth, imperial 8vo., price 52s, with 48 Engravings on Steel of Singular and Important Religious Rites, Temples, &C. &C., lr iE FAITHS OF THE WORLD; Al J Account of all Religious Sects their Doctrines, lites, Ceremonies, and Customs. Fy the Rev. ?? GARDNER, M.D., and A.M. POSTHUMOUS WORKS OF TIIE LATE 13EV. RALPH WARDLAW, D.D., tDITED BY IllS SON, TBlE RaV. 3. S. ...

Advertisements & Notices

... MIEETINGS, EXHIBITIONS, AMUSEMENTS, &C. MONDAY, JUNE 9. Meeting of the Leith Dock Commission-2 r.M. QuPen's Tbeqtre-All That Glitters is Not Gold, Scot'h Divertissement, ' My Wife's Dentist, and The Golden Farmer-7.30 r. N. Howard's Operetta-House- Mepti3topheles, and Don Giovanni-7.30 P. M. 'TUESDAY, June 1(. Special Meeting tof Edinburgh and Glasgow Railway Company, in 1lasgow-I P. ...

Advertisements & Notices

... 1TNGS, EXHIBITIONS, AMUbEMENIS, go. MONDAY JuNs 23. sigh Court of Justioiary-l0 A M. Annual Examination of the School of Art-National 1een'S Theatre- The Roae of Killarney, 'The Rifle and How to Use it, and The Irish EDi groat-7,30 P.=. JE ,,ard's Operetta-HouBO- The BootS at the Swn ?? Grand Tyrolean Ballet, and PJinee Amiabel-8 PsX TIuBDAY, JuR 24. Meeting of Town Council - Council ...

Advertisements & Notices

... This day, in crown 8vo, Price 7s 6d. A HANDBOOK OF THE, LAW OF A SCOTLAND. By JAMES LORI1WER, Advocate, M A., frofessor of Public Law in the 'njversjtyof Edinburgh. Second Edition, greatly enlarged, with full references to Authorities. Edinburgh: T. & T. CLARrp, Law Booksellers. SCHOOL PitfZES. r SCHOOL I TAMES THIN'S ?? frSH O i PRIZES are now comlpleted, by whicli he is enabled to pwesent a ...

Advertisements & Notices

... AUCTIONEERING BUSINESS FOR SALE. T I E T R U S T E E S of the LTATE MR 4 LTIIOMAS NISBET, AUCTIONEER, EDINSURaG, are rrepared to receive Offers for the GOODWILL of the BUSINESS which iwas carried on by him for maxiy years at 11 IIANOY'IR STREET, Edinburgh. Thhe Business is well known as the first of its kind in Scotland, and consisted chiefly in tbe disposal of Articles connected wvith the ...

Advertisements & Notices

... MEETINGS, AMUSEMENTS, &o. MONDAY, JUNE 30. ljankrnptty Examination - County Buildings - 12 noon. First of the Course of Swiney Lectures en Geology- School of Arts- 7 P. 31. Queen's Theatre- 'Island Home, Tue Devil in Love, and. IIThe Watcrma'- 7. 30 i's. m H1oward's Operetta5-HolIO-' Lurline. &-e.-8 P.M. J ME 'MLLER, Esq., FTCSE,&.&. JrfS l'oSargeiy/ in the~ 'olleye of Einbuipyh, wil ...

Advertisements & Notices

... This day is Pnblished, 2d Edition, in 1 vol., extra fcp. Svo., price Ss, u-lrzpX LST DAY OF OUR LORD'S PASSION. By the Rev. WILLijil DIMANNA, LL.D., Author of the Life of Dr C.nlmers. Edinburgh .EDMONsrOI( & DOUGLAS, 88 PArItcM Street. Now Ready, Nos. ?? price Ed each, of YOUNG'S NEW TRANSLATION of the 1 HOLY BIBLE. To be complete in Twenty Nos., containing 780 pp. crown octave. Specimens sent ...

Advertisements & Notices

... IJEETINGS, EXHIBITIONS, AMUSEMENTS, &c. TnrnsDAY, June 12. MIeeting of the Edinburgh University Conservative Club-1lDrnmmonl Street Hall-8 P.m. Queen's The itre- The Masked Mother, The Trumpeters Daughter, and TThe Lonely Alan of the Ocean-7.30 PrX BobwarTlds Operetta-House-I Don Giovanni, II Lallah Rookh, and Grand Ballet-8 P.m. FRIDAY, June 13. The Royal Archers compete for the ...