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Advertisements & Notices

... FUNERAL EXTORTION AVOIDED by FExccutoro endi bereaved Rielatives of decuaosod noblemen, gentlemen, Irtiioesneen. astil others, sending fits the lirst intistiiec to aHILhLIB5ERIS lEiilAhISIH`lIEN', ('l'TY-IOAD, twor Fins- irysuror No, 12, North-street, Quadrant, li1 igitton, in- sta fepoying tiullr uphlosterer, or the neat-eot undertaker, who, not possess lg, tits lisediol reqlairellnents, ...

Advertisements & Notices

... LAW LIFE ASSURANCE SOCIETY, FLEET STREU, LONDON. Established 1823. BE invested Assets of this Society exceed FIVE MI;LLONS STERLING; its annual Income i5FOUR HUNDRED and NINETY-FIVE3 THOUSAND ~pU to 31st December, 181, the Society had paid in Claims upon. ?? Assured , ?? ?? ..4,329,378 Bonus thereon . . ?? ?? Together 5,444,676 The Profits are divided every fifth year. All participating ...

Advertisements & Notices

... THfE SALE PRICE of the DAILY NEWS ALL OVER E? NGLAND and at the RAILWAY SPATIONS. Messrs. WV. H. SMITH and SON now SELL the DAILY NEWS at all thle Rnilway~tstisiils at ist a teRTI6iiEEPENCeE per SINGLE COPY, anwillci SUPPLY all COUNTRY BOOKSELLERS and NEWS. AGEN1I'S on such terms as will enable them also to SELL the DAILY NEWS at the marked price of THREEPENCE per SINGLE COPY. * 180, Strand. 7 ...

Advertisements & Notices

... PROVIDENT CLERKS' MUTUAL LIFE PASSOCIATION. Established 1840. Every description of Life and Annuity business transacted daily. Annual Income . ?? . 47,000 invested Fund. 100,000 WY. T. LINFORD, Secretary. 15, Moorgate-street, B.C., June 1, 18G2. T.EGAL and GENERAL LIFE ASSURANCE Li SOCIETY, No. 10, Fleet-street, London, June 10, 1862. The Proprietors of this Society are requosted to TAKE ...

Advertisements & Notices

... IETROPOLTAIN and PROVINCIAL BANK (Liiiatcd), 75, Coruhilil, EU.. ?? Capital1, C700,0)0. C1101BENT AtCCIU NTS Jopiwd Will h arsns Introduced to the Bauiz., i~d bitivrest ait two icr CCt. villwed on -oBtl ie if itt hII annv ibvlow cL0 1 iale II,u p5 cvnt. if drawsns be ow The agonc'N of cc-unils and foreign Banks, andi the London business of prosici iiis illreo odrtakvii ol molderate trites. ...

Advertisements & Notices

... ONSTER DOG- SHOW, ISLINGTON, will / e nely close THIS DAY (Saturday). Admission, ONE G open fr~oa Eiaht o'olock in the Mlorning until Ten in the bcnrst BILLIARDS. ArJLE HOUSE, LEICESTER-SQUARE. JogN ROBERTS (the Champion) and ALFRED BOWLES atch of 1,000 up, for 100 a side, on Tuesday, July lt, Mr pillP a lga t, B.300 pointe in 1,000, and the best of Seven (dames of S to de fo. r f025 a side. ...

Published: Sunday 29 June 1862
Newspaper: The Era
County: London, England
Type: Advertisement | Words: 881 | Page: Page 3 | Tags: Advertisements & Notices 

Advertisements & Notices

... T ENGLISH OPER~A ASSOCIATION (Limited). ,nceworatsd pflrstient to the Provisions of the Acts for the ttegnietion ?? said other Aseooiatlouo, 185081857,1858, Whereby t aele~d~' iabliy i ~ti~i9 imiedto the amoasat Of capital ~o coin hars o 52eac, o whchSUM 21 per Share is pai ?? 1 Pr Sare i8 to he calleed up at ntlv~e f ot ee thn hre mntsand by Paymnscort PRIVILEGES 0' SHIARtEHOLDERS, hl older ...

Published: Sunday 15 June 1862
Newspaper: The Era
County: London, England
Type: Advertisement | Words: 1398 | Page: Page 9 | Tags: Advertisements & Notices 

Advertisements & Notices

... ADVERTISEMENTS. TSOSS WISHING TO LET OR: TAE A P?1ICL110tOUSE, OR Business of any Description, should apply to Mr. MONB, V 10, Nowlington.causeway, opposite the Elephant and Castlo Acknowledged to be the best meditum in London. Publi-heuses &c.-Town end Counatry-from 801. to6,000L No charge tor evit,4'.e a ,is',res Fueln.e. .tr E*MPLOYMEINT OF TISE AWD CAPITAL. BOOX}(E:EPEllS Clerks, ...

Advertisements & Notices

... e ANTIQUE LACES.-We have just received . SrENom abroad a large COLLECTION of rare POINTE IY ddALENCON, Volant of Guipure, Pointe d'Angleterre, &c., in addition to our already extensive Stock of Antique Lacee, as well as Modern, for Trousseaux, including Bruxelles, Tunique, n Volants, Scarf Shawls, &c. (principally designed for our house), and real Black Lace of every ?? ELISE, 17(1 Regent ...

Advertisements & Notices

... R. CULVERWELL'S LAST NEW WORK Its ObigtonHap Nes MARRIAGE. nits 0Gligatloal Happinees and Disappointments, Removal of Sterility, Prcaplaety, all Urinary Derangements, and Heaithy offsprings secured.- terila ,, by post 13 Stampse, 18 scaled, Meann, Coinhill, and AutlOlr~ Great Miarlborough-street, W, R. CULVERWELLS NEW POST-OFFIOE 26. till Fivadla6dfrmFvtl Nine Sunay le. till Quc, An ESSAY on ...

Published: Sunday 15 June 1862
Newspaper: The Era
County: London, England
Type: Advertisement | Words: 5669 | Page: Page 2 | Tags: Advertisements & Notices 

Advertisements & Notices

... sR TIONAL ~EXH BMT1.ON.f1862, CLASSXXXI! LOCKS, &e& ,STEz TO LICENSEiD VICTU ALLES r, WINE, ALE, AND BEER MERCHANTS. OBBS'S CELEBRATED MACUINE MADE LEVER LOCKS, 2 ed for all purposes. from the Barytill to the Wine-cellar, and in every sdapf dirm io which lo1S caa b9 applied. Price 2s. fd. and upwards ,te all OBBS'S PATENT PROTECTOR LOCKS : l reccrmended to the Trade whero reliable security ...

Published: Sunday 15 June 1862
Newspaper: The Era
County: London, England
Type: Advertisement | Words: 307 | Page: Page 7 | Tags: Advertisements & Notices 

Advertisements & Notices

... RAYMALRET THEATR, 156th night of OUR AMERICAN COUSIN. AN Monday, June 1'8, adS during the week. to cernmence at U roven, lvith the comedietta of MR3. WHITE. After which, at eight o'clock precisely, OUR E;ICAN COUSIN. Mr. Miss H. LindlelY. To be ?? by a new Spns biulal, LA CONTRABANDISTPX in wahich Senore Perea llena, 8enor Mtoragas,FPnnnY Wright, an h op oballet will appear. of fice opent ...