Births, Deaths, Marriages and Obituaries

... DEATH FROM OHLOROFORW, On Wednesday morning, at ten o'clock, much ex. citemnent prevailed at the east end of the netropolla, In conseqyence of the exhumation of the body of a Frenchman named Plerre Pelcher aged thirty-five years, from the Tower Hamlets cemetery, Bow road, by the warrant of Mr. John Humpbrels, the coroner. It appears that the deceased, about a fortnight since, had been In the ...

Births, Deaths, Marriages and Obituaries

... mIHS 80178.-Mdy 28, at 37A, Upper Grovenor-atreetk the Ludy Cecitta ?? i2, at Manchester, the wife of Captain Fredetick Bndd,. Royal Marle a Light Infantry~. -May, 28, at Mo11nfton parsonage, Oxfordablre, the wife of the Rev. T Cox.-Mat 18, at Plymouth, the wife of Captain Glauvilie, Boys!Arl ley-ay9a~ Peel-terrace, Liverpool the wife of the Rev. A. Gore.- yag 22 at Swanage, Donse% the wife of ...

Births, Deaths, Marriages and Obituaries

... . Alt Marr iajes sent from a dist ance must be aslhlentieatccl bps th . ?? oJ crne of our Agents, or btthhat of a kasion core-s , penaden1t. Ann ncemenea of Birits ore eibject to a csarge 01 Us2. 6d. each, anld must be properly aestfleeaicatcd. - at~tx afle0. - ADUoavr-DUlTHOIT.-May 29th, at St. Leonard's, Shoreditch, bl the R. R. ft. L. Brckinan. the Rev. Robert Jarris Abbott, iscurn. bent of ...

Births, Deaths, Marriages and Obituaries

... BIRTHL ,S Fointis-At No. 7 Ainslie Place, on the 30th ult., Mrs Forbes of Calleudar, of a son. NeICILS-At No. 2 Sussex Terrace North, Lonlon, on the 22d ult., Mrs W. P. Nichols, of a daughter. LITTLE-At 33 London Street, Edinburgh, on the 30th nilt., the wife of Mr Andrew Little, jun., of a daughter. CUTLTARD-At North Lodge, Elgin, on the 30t0 nlt., Mrs Culbard, of a son. HIAY-At 14 Thomson ...

Births, Deaths, Marriages and Obituaries

... BIRTHS, MARRIAGES, & DEATHS. ** No Notice of Birth, Marriage, or Death can be in. sorted unless authenthcated by the name and addrou of the Bender. pLark, te $1 t16 'e Stanhope-strset, Txeh park, the wife of MrS'w e I PIi&Clark, ofa Boa. MA&RR[AGES. BR6WN-FOsREHAw-May W9. at St. Paul's, Blackburjz, by Om Rev. oenry Weldy Marycb*reh. M.A,, incumbent, Francia, eldest son of Mr. Francla Brown, of ...

Births, Deaths, Marriages and Obituaries

... In to, BIRTHS. 're, At 16 Albert Street, Towrnhead, on the 31sat ultimo, Mir. k, J Tn Sorimogeour; a son. 4t 96 Vorth'Hanover Street, on the lot instant, Mrs aoh Martin; a daughter. At 2 Newton Place, on the 3Set ultimo, Mrn. Georg Thomnon; a'daughter. At Woodoroft, on the 31st ultimo, the wife of Mfr. J'ohn )oV 01appertonk g a son. At S5 -Charlotte Street, on the S0th ultimo, Urn, Alex. ...

Births, Deaths, Marriages and Obituaries

... BIRTHS, MARRIAGES, & DEATIS8. ,, No Notice of Birth, Marriage, or Doath can be in. sorted unless ?? by the name anrd vadress of the Dendex. BIRTHS. DAvims-May 30, at 120, Fal1d-street, Everton, the wife of Mr. George Davies, of a son. Mo fofay 28, at 0, Pobnet Anne street, Everton, the wle ot Mr. Thomas 3orse, of a son. FoTer-May 30, at Brotherton, Eincardineahire, N.B., the wife cf Hercules ...

Births, Deaths, Marriages and Obituaries

... BIRTHS, MARMIAGES, AND DEATHS. BIR THS. C(i I'E.-)1a3 210, It Soutielll, thOI wife of ClptAliI1 P.. Cootc, I' \ . of ;i sIll. lFliliF:I.-Mla1 ?? ?? l'pper Ifmuilton-tecrine0, St. Jlohil'dwood, mrs. S. F'isim-, ofi a1dllbt TI. 1, -MaL1y 30, at AilolsfileI,0c, E]ilbiurgl, the wlfe of WV. I(, rif,o, K.pof a sm,. KYSASTO1'l.-My I'q , tii ?? ?? W. iKyeIostol, Esq., of Black- :&I(tll 'Nh-31vx :.o, ...

Births, Deaths, Marriages and Obituaries

... BIRTHS. GnTrnn-At No. 1 Gayfield Place, on the 31st ult., Mrs John S. Grubb, of a daughter. GrBsoN-At No. 13 Hermitage Place, Leith, on the 31st ult., Mrs M. C. Gibson, of a daughter-still- born. CoNnAN-At Cheltenhnam, on the 290th tilt., the wife of Major-General Conran, of a son. ScorT-At No. 4 Blomfield Street, London, on the 29th nlt.., the wife of Patrick Scott, Esq., of a daughter. ...

OB BIRTHS. ta- At Oa

... kvaie Bouse, fHlihead, on the 3d Int ant, Mrs. W. Ia- Bell Lecb; a eBon. ed At 41 Park Terrace, on the 3d instant, Mrs. William lis 3i'Ewen a daughter, a I At 280 Duke Street, on the 3d Instant, Mre. Alexander of Donald; a son. at At 3 Berkeley Terrace, on the 2d Instant, the wife of N. ad Labone -esq.; a daughter. ily At 103 HlospItal Street, on the 2d instant, Mrs. Gavin of Cullen 6 eon, Dn ...

Births, Deaths, Marriages and Obituaries

... nI III- 11 Marriages sent fromn a distance moat be acuthcnt-icated by tic I- asignature of one of our Agents, or by that of a knocn corres )r po~Ldentt. Announcenento of Births are subject to a chargd or 'as. 6dc. each, aldC mcust be pcroperly authrenticated. .0 Bihtli.t e Braco ?? 3rd, at Carltosn Grove, Leecls, Mrs. John Hciucccr. of a f 0. C11823 rd fflarriagrg.s r3 BELr-B;RCI.-Junce st, at ...

Births, Deaths, Marriages and Obituaries

... B11 tIETS. Jnne 2, at Loinster-5treut, Mrs. C. Berkely Nolynoul, of a June 1, the wvitf of Willam lomry Gray, Esq4f of Dewilg.. ton, coury Woatiteath, of a daughter. May 30, In LHLiS, the wile of flaudal MICarthy,Esq, InnlAnd Feesnue, of a daughter. Nay 27, at linallead, Somerset, the rife of Lieuteuant- Colonel (Gaye, Royal Horse Artillery, of a daughter. May 28, at Loword, RoxburgahIlre, the ...