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Digwyddiadau yr Wythnos

... 1, t I ? I ??A - WmaW an ? -gv #I ?to *0. (ODDI W1TH OHREBYDD YT.UNDAI&). YR EXHIBITIO1. Yr oodd hi yn ffair wyllt wythnos i ddydd Liun diweddaf tua chymmydogaeth yr Exhibition. Yr oedd y pri'ate carriages a'r powdered drivers mewn livery, a'r footmen rnewn hosanau-sidan, wedi iffol bron bob copa. i wneud lie i gwinui dipyn yn llai gentee,-i'r cabs a'r omnibusses, a'r ceir, i'r market- carts ...

Published: Wednesday 11 June 1862
Newspaper: Baner ac Amserau Cymru
County: Denbighshire, Wales
Type: Article | Words: 8310 | Page: Page 4, 5 | Tags: News 


... ?? . (90*ge0*. In this detartmlent as a full aidd irS 'dedtif dplnioi Is accorded to correspondents,' the Editor wliqles it 10 be die tinctly understood, that beholds himself responsible fok finos. All letters should ?? by the nfame and address of the writer, not necessarily for ?? but as a guaiantee of good faith.] GOOSEBERRY CATERPILARS. To the Editor of the North Wales CUleronile. Sir,-For ...

Published: Saturday 07 June 1862
Newspaper: North Wales Chronicle
County: Caernarfonshire, Wales
Type: Article | Words: 1320 | Page: Page 11 | Tags: News 

The North Wales Chronicle

... t, ?? Rx;- ai I ik1. 0 4 Or 33ANGOR, SATURDAY, yuKE 28, 1862. Foi FORTIFICATIONS. at I the There was a _very long debate in the House of df Commons, on Monday evening, upon the fortifica- b,, tion question. Two years ago, thle House. resolved, nlet by large majorities, 268 to 39 on the first division, Po' that defensive works commenced at Dover, should oh be enlarged ; and that forts and ...

Published: Saturday 28 June 1862
Newspaper: North Wales Chronicle
County: Caernarfonshire, Wales
Type: Article | Words: 1129 | Page: Page 3 | Tags: News 


... NEW BATHS AT SILI WEN. ., JUNF. MORN. 1T. EVEN. E5T. r28 Saturday ?? 11 35 12 0 12 41 15 1 29 Sunday ?? 48 16 3 12 26 15 5 30 Monday ?? 12 33 16 6 12 52 15 6 JULY I- 1 Tuesday ?? 1 10 16 6 1 2)9 15 5 2 Wednesday ?? 1 49 10 4 2 10 15 2 n 3 Thursday ?? 2 29 15-10 2 51 14 8 4 Friday. 3 14 15 3 3 37 14 1 , Saturday ?? 4 1 14 5 4 28 13 6 I a* Bathing Time.-From two hours before until two e hours ...

Published: Saturday 28 June 1862
Newspaper: North Wales Chronicle
County: Caernarfonshire, Wales
Type: Article | Words: 1173 | Page: Page 4 | Tags: News 

Digwyddiadau yr Wythnos

... :g:Z= : \ ?? A_ 7n. ..TCAN. \ ! V. -REBSO-:S:. - E ICOyBWY.LYWTD Yn y FANER yr wy inos adiwedda8 am farwolaeth Mr. Slaney, yr aelod seneddol dros afmwythig:-hne dvra riodd yn ddiwyd anyn ffyddla*S itawn, P~ ev Voi'daef, tluig At wellhau amgylch aia'i y .dobarth;,,gweP4liol Vo'r deyroas. Y mae Mr. Rober'taon, y R~if*ay Contractor,' wedi dyfod i'r maes amn t arhodedd o: fad yn olynydd i'r ...

Published: Wednesday 04 June 1862
Newspaper: Baner ac Amserau Cymru
County: Denbighshire, Wales
Type: Article | Words: 8405 | Page: Page 4, 5 | Tags: News 


... I 1PBOYE mESNT Comsurssionans.-The ordinary monthly meeting of the Commissioners was held on Friday, the 13th inst. There were ?? Churton, Esq., chairman, R. Wynne, Esq., John Jones, Esq., Dolawen; Jas. Taylor, Esq., R. M. Preston, Esq., Jos. Lloyd, Esq., Rev. H. Morgan, Messrs. E. Roberts, C. Hambleton, E. Powell Jones, Wm. Hilditchl, D. LI. Lloyd, OwenRoberts, Wm. Owen, Richard Hughes, E. ...

Published: Saturday 21 June 1862
Newspaper: North Wales Chronicle
County: Caernarfonshire, Wales
Type: Article | Words: 2286 | Page: Page 11 | Tags: News 

Imperial Parliament

... 'M 'arliallient. ? loolit I4OTS0 OF LORDS.-FRIDAY.. The ~ouAt ot Lords did not meet on Friday. Doi a ?? HOUSE OF COMMONS.+,FRIDA- saki 0 Lord II. ~~MONTAOUJ inquired 'o 'what% grumin h so s, Froenh Gov~eromelit commenced to blockade the Meki-' T 1,call coast onl May ist, and why the fact was not notified i J by her Miajesty's Government be'fore the 17thi instant, o --Mr. LAYAliD said the ...

Published: Saturday 28 June 1862
Newspaper: North Wales Chronicle
County: Caernarfonshire, Wales
Type: Article | Words: 1905 | Page: Page 2 | Tags: News 


... etwdag. e cy first and last kish, usthe noek said to the guillotine DisHEO,- I am dished, as the roast pig said to.the. platter. A SLravic.-YoU've left me quite bare, as the chin said to the razor. It's all over with us ! as the passenger said when the coach upset. A MODEST 'REnQEST.--Live and let live, as the criminal said to the hangman. I'm monarch of all I survey, as the pig ...

Published: Saturday 07 June 1862
Newspaper: North Wales Chronicle
County: Caernarfonshire, Wales
Type: Article | Words: 1707 | Page: Page 2 | Tags: News 


... UAItl N tx& V U'Jt. TIE AnTttA, IIY VOLUNTZRaS.-Thig Corps, under the command of Captain l-laysvard, made their first ap- pearance in uniform,' on Thmrsday l:ist, and, preceded by their band, marched through the principal streets to the Morfa aud back. They looked exceedingly wel. Afire broke out in the upper rooms of the Itoyal Uxbridge Arms Hotel, on Thursday evening, which wats happily ...

Published: Saturday 07 June 1862
Newspaper: North Wales Chronicle
County: Caernarfonshire, Wales
Type: Article | Words: 1262 | Page: Page 8 | Tags: News 


... m -1. -I A j ? In this d epsrtmentae a full a nd free expression of epinion is accorded to correspondents ?? 'wishes ft to be dis- tinctly understood, that he holds h imself responsible for Done. All letters elould be aceolnpshfied by the naoe and addrbos of the writer, not neessarily for publication, but as a guarantee ofgood faitlil GOOSEBERRY CATERPILLARS. To the Editor of the Northb ...

Published: Saturday 07 June 1862
Newspaper: North Wales Chronicle
County: Caernarfonshire, Wales
Type: Article | Words: 1322 | Page: Page 3 | Tags: News 


... On Wednesday last, at noon, the remainstof the above truly estimable gentleman wrere consigned, amidst uni- versal manifestations of grief and sorrow, to their last restingplace in the old churchyard, Bangor. Early on the morning of that day, the old Cathedral bell tolled forth in mournful peals the approaching hour of interment. All the shops were closed, and business suspended, until this ...

Published: Saturday 07 June 1862
Newspaper: North Wales Chronicle
County: Caernarfonshire, Wales
Type: Article | Words: 1856 | Page: Page 5 | Tags: News 

Imperial Parliament

... ?? HOUSE OF LORDS.-F1BDAT. Some conversation took place respecting the notorious1 l proclamation recently issued by the Fedoral General a Butler, in New Orleans--In reply to the Earl of CAR- t NARVOIt, who inquired whether the proclamation was authentic, and whether the Federal Government had c disapprovedof ?? RunsELL said that Lord t Lyons had received intelligeice which conairmed the I ...

Published: Saturday 21 June 1862
Newspaper: North Wales Chronicle
County: Caernarfonshire, Wales
Type: Article | Words: 2186 | Page: Page 6 | Tags: News