Advertisements & Notices

... Now Ready, Nos. ?? price 6d each, of VOUNG'S NEW TRANSLATION of the Y HOLY BIBLE. To be complete in Twenty Nos., containing 780 pp. crown octavo. Specimens sent free, and Subscribers' Names received, By A. FULLEILTON & Co., 44 South Bridge. Highly suitable for School Prizes and Gifts. SYONGS OF LABOUR AND DOMESTIC k LIFE ; with othier MISCELLA'EouOs PmicEs, and a Series of Rniy.MEs for LITTLE ...

Advertisements & Notices

... ]AOY STRAYED, from 79 Middleton Plaoe, Gareigad .1101, o ?? e ei t l f' Sears old, ligt bo , bu eyes; W Oa ?? froc , iY t - §alrD ?? alt e tim l~ bonet~tJ~ ar*6ebtrefootoed. Any infoIteaoened5. o Iyaed by hie Bather, John Dotbont I of a (I RE WARD OF JO.ron will be paid to any b1 ;bTT ,ofh00ReWATWH!IN~lI9 A ( CH&IN, most ~jiJ br~gios cOLD ''i~er1a; the 216t Ult,, to.AMr. James, -Ad Imt by b a ...

Advertisements & Notices

... r ?? BE QUEEN'S ROYAL THEATRE.- T ig ererfortonecnos to commence at Seven ?? .- 7he ?? Vocalist and Actress, Miiss OSE HOW ARiD -SIr. II1. WATKINSS-Mlss LIZZIE WLMOOlE-Mies OLIVIA, SHART E-Mr. J. NEWTON,-TIIIS EVENING (Monday), Joly P ?? the perforinancee will commence with (second tioe) the ?? sans3iten Drams entitled TIlE PIONEERS Or AIEIHICA ; or, The Meld of the War Path.-Joelo, M r 91 ...

Advertisements & Notices

... -rCNO OF WLE THHATRw .r LaYlTongAR LROL The eatr hs A mueb aleaanve in anning an 1 ,~ti fr a limited number of nights with tho eloriated MR AND MRS. ALFRED WIGAN (L Lessees o the lloya Olymnie and St Jamvsn Thelat1U. TMI (TDIDAVI XVsNIxG. AND TO.MOZUOW (WEDNEScDAY). lSTASO 2-DJIILZr T1 Pedormanoe will comsmence wilb Tom ?? ewole brated Comedy, in Three ASIS entitl STILL WATERS RUN DEEP. Dun'iA ...

Advertisements & Notices

... inE .a Principal Street ed MohInument, Iliewsde W ROOMe 6fth Grrotid Floor, Furmae rohono ApyJ r 4il~, d,.Northusbral~t~*A O BELENT, on apppoved Secniy o ' 350 400, 500, 9600, L7 :22 eIMt'e, Apply to -ik CH.ABTBES, Solicitor 4br liewcastle m ,- -:A- SUMS OF 11ONEY -NW REaDy S TO BE LENT.-21,000, o; S6%; 500 o and glo, UPOn Land t 4oper cent. ai on aoes at 9 per cent- Apply to THoMAB W. WEL- p[ ...

Advertisements & Notices

... APPROACHING SALES BY AUICTION (Fon DETAILED IARTICULARS OF WHICH SEE ADVETISFEMENTS.) Day. Auctioneer. Place of Sale. Deseription. ?? JULY., 7 .Windsor ?? . Bricklayer's A}une, 1 llroeblerst. ~ ii~O e 8Becek ?? . 177, Queen-stret ?? Hams, Beaon, &c. S. .Webber ?? Globe 0 Hotel, Cawes ?? Yacht Dolphin. 8 Smitl a Davies Alhion Shipyard . Lighter, &c. 9 ,SLimhh&Daviecs Broad-strcet, Alrcsford. ...

Advertisements & Notices

... fuingof 0100CONUI, XLENFIELD PATEIT STARO, UB ED IN THE ROYAL LAUNDRY. And Pr;on-ncd by ER MsAJUS YS LAUNDRES13toek THE FINiESTSTA3RC HEAC B EVER US=D Gold by all Chandlers GroceM &o., faa. ~ELLFIELD HOUSE, EKIRKINTILLO6H.- .) A PRIVATE INS2TITUTION for the CURE end TRUAT. )ENT of MESNTAL and NERVOUS DlfORDiERB. Terms, and other pO'tIcu~flnr, many be learned upon applicatlon to Mr. S~cott, Il ...

Advertisements & Notices

... shiS&M COMUBNTCATION~ RETWHIM LIV=PEO0L AND NW~l OltLxSa~. 1DAN~D HT ?? Wil ir imedavouly radlepwtard from trhinpetr 1~ew'irene H. ?? Comlmand erehl, Adapted text h 84hriu ?? tareight Uonfo ant.l atosu Nei'dc - _ _-od rim ~ i( rl~lsint ?? for r.0 rea and~ OTfoNSTDT BullN Jelt the 18thJlt05u eed o t Ptrh F OP. 1r)R~T ADELAID3, AUSTRIALIA, Dilogor. Thu line a 1 Britlch-bullt olippur ...

Advertisements & Notices

... ELLIS & Co's PATENT A8211ALTE ROOPING FELT, In Rolls, 25 Yards long, 32 Inches wide. The best and cheapest Waterproof Roofing for all sorts of Sheds and Outbuildings. Sold Wholesale and Retail by ELLIS & CO., malufac turers, 23, Strand-street, Liverpool. E-4 Ps 0 ¢ Ps w :FQ UD pl Ei) hI, P. Po V 60 a 0 a.t 0S aS - d5 -oA ?? noz aD g0 CS Cs 04; M ESDAMES JONES ANDI) DON=IN, Mgl ZMilliners, ...

Advertisements & Notices

... INV.ESTMENTS FOR CAPITAL. SAFE AND VERY PROFITABLE. Paying 12 to 25 per cent. per anumia ini Dividends. -RITISH2 M'EtNEz SH \-RgES are tlle most profitable BD luvostulenhts iu thme wrld, paying', por cent. per aluls in dividtends, (47 SiOes, On as outlay of £401,000, paid in dlivi- dlend. tEl4tfl,00l) and ofton advauce many huit rdctls per cent. a Vfew otoiths after porlChase. CAPITALISTS ...

Advertisements & Notices

... S lsbay 2~11ffin. SALE CONTINUED THIS DAY. T ESALE, AT THE MILEWATER SPINT- THNING MILL will be Continued THIS DAY (Thursday), at Eleven o'clock, commencing with several articles frnssed. over yesterday in the Spinning Rooms and Stores, including Beams, Scales, and Wei.ghts,, Ca~ges for Bobbins, Hacke'Bncsad Ioos, and proceeding to Lot 168 in the Catalogue. 8677 GEO. C. HYNDIMAN, Auctioneer. ...

Advertisements & Notices

... PUBLIC MEETING of subscribers and friends A the Society for Promioting Uhristian Knowledge, .daloof ?? ?? ?? in Foreign 1'arts, is to be ,beld in the temporary Town Hall, at the offices of the Loca Board of Health, on - Wednesday next, the 9th instant; the chair to be taken by the Wordhipfud the MAyoR, at twelve o'clock, A colleotion at the door after the meeting. J 'Rev. T. CLARK, t ...