
... I I - FY MOiDAIT4. Draw o borthladd rhwng diddytmdra A bodolaeth yma i'r byd, Y c.ychwynaia ar fy mordaith, Pan yr haul yn lion ei bryd; Ac ar dbnau afon amser, Cael fy nghludo 'n gyflym ?? 1'r ?? for jle'nofiea' F' enaid yn ei ddyfroedd mwy. Tybiais unwaith cawswn bwylio I'N dawel byfryd trwy byd; Ac buasai 'r net yn gwenu, A'r qwelon 'n deg o byd; Ond daeth gwyntoedd c roes i chwythu Ar fy ...


... PublIic Expenditure. *A Speech delivered in the House of Commons on Mir. Stansfeld's motion, June 3, 1862. By the Right Hon. B. DisRtARLI. LondonI RoaixivT HARDa- VVICICE, 192, Piccadlilly. We have reperused this great speech with unqualifiedade- light. It is a. masterly exposition of a policy which would tend more to the national benefit than anything we canl ex- pect from thle present ...


... A 'Al * - . Y 1 8 OT. . A CALL TO T'HE YANKEE BAR, GS Ali.- In diessen heiligen HaIen. W In this republican nation,s 'Where scruples is unknown, Si There's no investigation JI Of characters that's blown. ts All brethren here, T1 No rogues we fear, Al S'i smart we air, Ml We du not care. Li Our liberal institutions Lets Talent go a-head, K( No social persecutions, Fe For small misdeeds, to ...


... .. tr ?? -t w- 'AJ.LOVE SONG: i ?? ; ?? .. ',+riffOe tn ; .JfStarsetohee iare sunlights i, -lv e, WereI bear threek acrosS 11 sea Sae i1y faoics stil would be; t a r distant Odeas esruislfg,. , ?? Toil iS sweet, for tis fori thee. *Even ?? I see k tP. 1P. 9 . I ?? dear ival wone rewe bhall stryy *- ?? tbe r tver softly 1ong,* ?? 'Stars . Yle the daylightlours deasy., ' . Where ?? r birt h ...


... FASHION AND VARIPETS. I ~ ?? ._I TIlE QUErr. According to tihe prosert arrisugament, hier M1ajtesty will arrive at Windsor frora the IsIlr of Wighlt on Tusathe 22nd lest., and on ' thle ?? (lay proioeed oen lier journeys to Scotland;- but It io yvery probabla that thle Q'aleon ?? reack Windsor en ?tenday, tin, 21st, inat, in ?? Oe, Ils!r 1M0jostY wsill sle0ep tiva nights at tue ceetic. Ills ...


... I l;3FASHION AND VARIITIHS. Amongst the names of those invited to nice ils Excellency the Lord Lieutenant at the dejesnnr given by Dr. Corrigan, the President of the College of Phvalolans, on th;e Btb Instant, we accidentally omitted to mention the names of Dr. Power, Dr. John A. Byrne, Professor of Midwifery to tih Medleial 6chool of tile Catholic Ulivortlty; Dr. MySwIney, &c. Mr. 11, ...


... Un- th-r 1. nth- uor ho-* 1 Pr For travelling, there is nothing better than plain foulards to or alpacas. In tbe latter material, a drab shade is much liked; eal and, certainly, is a very convenient colour for tourists, who no always suffer more or leas from clouds of dust. Alpaca dresses W ara generally made to the redingote style, and closed down be the front with a row of steel buttons. ...


... I .ANNUAL SHOW I O nP THF NORTH-EAST AGRICULTURAL ASSOCIA- TION OF IRELAND, I, S 5. p a U C 0 5 r t t C 5 a t Ii a ii I 5 r ii 5 C Ii ( r t t C 51 I] e C S C a C V I V p V C 51 1? I' ii I C C I 1? 2 ii 1? Ii 'I I. ji: S ΒΆ1 ii I 1\ 3 I YESTERDAY, the annual exhib)ition of lire stock, farm produce, agricultural implements, &c., in eonnexion with the North-East Agricultural Association of Ire- l ...


... I PIANO5.-PPTRFOR5MACE BY MR. H. CARROLL, BELrAST. TBI owners of the various pianos exhibited in.Class 16 in the N Court, and iindei thcEastern.lome,. apper to~b anxious to~bring out the provincial profes- sore of music. With this vies Messrs. Kirkman, who show under the dome. one of thefinest, if not the, very'inest, grand piano,inthe Exhibition, ap- pointed Mr. Hobson Carrql0,(qf Belfast,to ...


... : i : 'PUBLIAMz, |F l[, ?? L ?? AMg T l 1.3 d TRI0~06 c the i 4i1~ -t~ i ~~i _i p1~h o ia g Cu scace2 OOidfl~bl*~lh wiib, 8VO74A I'Yi3titlan ?? rfo dhil. ?? besit MIMto 5 lat~~dfby wori 91vtbuia Whi-9 f-b fM~ f (irst S@'i ari iihi e ism 4spmiklen gth, 't ' p6 wsat2ot hrmtesV ~ h I ffr ?? t efi ?? |>baloak ib das3.' Thea t *:ne':d~bad itii' i er!. T e~'dertiF th scond t.ftia ye: al .N~aiaut ...


... SECOND DAY. When the dosos of the Town Hall were re-openod for the admission ot visitors yesterday morning, it was re- mm krld with much gratification that the splendid collection of flowers bad naufferee. but little from their exposure within the building during the previous day and night, and that they, for the most part, looked nearly as fresh as whel they were first staged. Those who had ...


... THE PRIMATE OF ALL IRELAND. To his rest among the saints of old That our stately primate must be laid In an ever hallow'd mould; That the good archbishop aleepeth well, Tongue and pen unto the people tell. Drape the great cathedral where he prayd, Let the bell be tolrd I Not for marvellous speech or musings grand, Not for martyr's pains! Those noble eyes Opened on a goldlen land. With him ...