Advertisements & Notices

... C H1kAP T R I P-S BODTHPOET,* SOARBRO' & H&RROGATE. FMn EXCHANEG STATIONl LIVE1FrooL e~MONA. ¶RURSDA- &1ATUBDAY 1at 10 ?? SOll a HPORT and BAMIK. Is. Age to l0. ed. RatN04g VrNFe day ?? Train aS 4 p.m, Wm o fo EOA1NGE STATION, on. WNIADAYS At 10 ain., SATUBDAYS at Is990 P.M., TO CAMHO' And a:A x Ifor One Montb TO MdAUOGATE a and d ther prindpa OatEddlab,2rgh W~asguw. Stirlig, Duokeld, ...

Advertisements & Notices

... BRpL9i AND NORTH AMERIOAN ROYAL MAIL STEAM.SH1U1.. Or NOTIOIE, . 0hg Stsan'trs call at CORK HARtBOUR on both Outward and OM~vrd PASUMto reoelvo and land Mails. Freiht by the Mail 13tesmess to Ha~llfaz and Boston, and to z~o Y.rak, S'tf per ton and 5 per cent. Vrimeae. Fhrrmeft; P&aR.Ls.-Poroola cotinn smples of Goods on hoard will be taken free of freight by the MailSteamers. Freight On other ...

Advertisements & Notices

... Xbut S OF WALES TREATRE, ?? LIEPOOL MS ALFRED WIGAN RAN % ba ounce bet heBRtRUTlT will kge a the hoDO i c YJtVENIff , hem 18th tiaufam. when T vi nted BD oiinl dumm i threae s ts, io PLOT AND PASSION. Ike of Otrantol Mler.} . Alfred WIgan yonehe.. D. PoII a * ?? paeilegntof Polioe ?? } . Pautl Giae I is first earnce In Ltve l i de Ce erOles(.Lto M Gloineci boihl0 G{eri d ChaaPinerli G ...

Advertisements & Notices

... IL S SILKS ! SILKSI cause. LAMER T (T, 0WI a large Parcel of FANCY SILKS SPI' ttCHECK SILKS. RI. 39. 6d. B XF.SL I. Is. (6 d. anr d , L . 8 a. Se a. OiVI1 It eI oC APE, Ln . 13Ii, . O t, and Li. 1 s. Ba. SI 5ROCA Y £1. M l OIJET. 6d. t eSil~CIRS SIL SILKS, inallthe ?? is, sA . s CQ d., ls. 9d., and Is, lid. Ditto is. 1L~d., 2s. 3d., 2s. Cii., 2s. lid., and 3a. 3d.. (LACES, verry wide, 3s. lid. ...

Advertisements & Notices

... B ILLIARDS.-Our readers admirers of |1 the game of Billiards, may probably be ;leased to learn that the celebrated French player, BERGE~R is exhibiting daily in conjunclion with Mr ROBERTS. at Savile Houee Lelcestersequare. The play takes plaee from Nine to Eleven in the evening, and the admittance is only Five Shiflings. Those persons who have never witneseed the extra- ordinary Performances ...

Published: Sunday 13 July 1862
Newspaper: The Era
County: London, England
Type: Advertisement | Words: 1041 | Page: Page 3 | Tags: Advertisements & Notices 

Advertisements & Notices

... NOTICE TO CORRESPONDENTS. All Coramunications, and articles of intelligenco, intended for publication, require to be authenticated by the name and address of the writer. Unless this is attended to, Corres. qondeonts uray rest assured that no attention will be paid to their commuunications. ...

Advertisements & Notices

... Steam Conznxutdatinu. TO ENGLAND via LIVERPOOL. JULY, 1862. The BELFAST STEAM-SHIP COMPANY'S Steamers BLENHEIM and SEMAPHORE, or other Stearsers dill Sail from Belfast and Liverpool every MONDAY, TVESDAY, THURSDAY, and SATUR- DAY (siless prevented by some unforeseen occur. testes), with Extra Sailings when required. From Belfast-July 1, at 10 Night; 3, at 6 Even.; 5, nit 7 Evon.; 7, at - ...

Advertisements & Notices

... : Z-ah h Auictfiom. S A L E T H I S D A Y. COUNTY OF ANTRIM. TQ0 BE SOLD BY AUCTION, ON FRIDAY, Al the 11th day of July, 1862, at the Auction ?? of Mr. GEORGE C. RYNDMAN, Castle Place, Belfast, at TWELVE o'clock Noon, the fol- lowing valuable Properties:- Lot No. 1, consisting of a CORN MILL, with three pair of Stones (two pair of them best French BunTs), Corn Kiln, and large Starch 'WorkIs. ...

Advertisements & Notices

... T SALE PRICE of the DAILY NEWS ALL OER ENelIAND) and at tite RAILWAY STATHONS~. V n. ii. SM 'ITH and SON Dow BELL the DAILY NEWS I' ?? Stations lit ttalI TH! IERPENOE per SINGLE COPY, ,ad ?? SUtlPLy all COT'UNTR Y BOOKSELLERIS and NEWS- AGENTS en such terms as wtill enfable them also to SELL, the DAILY NEWS ait the tuarked in-ice of TIIFEEP'ENCE lser si~NGLE COPY. 1511, Strand, F OR CALCUTA ...

Advertisements & Notices

... IEALTH AND HAPPINESS FOR THE NERY- I, ISAN2D DEBILITATED.-A single copy .~e V.ehital work, written by one of the most elai- toeiti e of the present dlay, solely for the gid- andbe~et~ f tatclass of sufferers whose afflictions tieeand who desire it speedy and a ,ftn el-.i onofenbecome the dopes of designing catC ?? ~ per such fnferers this work is intended, atop'l~ e~iaof cure in all cases of ...

Advertisements & Notices

... QUEENSLAND, BLACK BALL LINE OF BRITISH & AUSTRALIAN EX-ROYAL MAIL PACKETS jHIS Line of Packets is composed of the largest and most modern Steam and Clipper Ships in the world, and is the only one which hashad the dis- tinguished honour of a Visit from Her Majesty the Qun LIVERPOOL FOR QUEENSLAND, On the 25 July, and from CORK 30th July. r4Cc. The beautiful Clipper Ship Y.Dw PRINCE CONSORT, ...