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Dublin, Dublin, Republic of Ireland

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... FASHION AND VARIPETS. I ~ ?? ._I TIlE QUErr. According to tihe prosert arrisugament, hier M1ajtesty will arrive at Windsor frora the IsIlr of Wighlt on Tusathe 22nd lest., and on ' thle ?? (lay proioeed oen lier journeys to Scotland;- but It io yvery probabla that thle Q'aleon ?? reack Windsor en ?tenday, tin, 21st, inat, in ?? Oe, Ils!r 1M0jostY wsill sle0ep tiva nights at tue ceetic. Ills ...


... I l;3FASHION AND VARIITIHS. Amongst the names of those invited to nice ils Excellency the Lord Lieutenant at the dejesnnr given by Dr. Corrigan, the President of the College of Phvalolans, on th;e Btb Instant, we accidentally omitted to mention the names of Dr. Power, Dr. John A. Byrne, Professor of Midwifery to tih Medleial 6chool of tile Catholic Ulivortlty; Dr. MySwIney, &c. Mr. 11, ...


... |- l His Excellency the Lord Lieutemant enter- tallied thle foliowintg goests at dinner on Friday, thu 25tls inatant:-0 oneral Sir George Brown, General Lawrenson, Colonel Douglaq, Captain Keith Fraser, Colonol Liltztnayer. Colonel Lowe, Colonel and Ifra Htaiues, Mrs Brown rigg, Colonel Whitmitore, Captain Bttackett, A D C; Colonel Lttngdau, Caolonal tnililivygramn, 16th Itubiours; Colonol ...


... FASUION AND VARIETIES. 11cr Ma~jesty, with the Royal Family arid aeito, will airive at Windsor Castle on Tuesday, the 2 tnd instant, wberier they will etay Only one flight, as on thle fel.. lowing day they will take their doparture for Scotland. 11cr MaJesty the Empress of Austria's ap. peariinco Is Ihat af a dlilcat a ivalid-pialo, and much euffar.~ Ji~g. Shte coutnot walk without support, ...


... I 4AHIJON AND) VARIETIES. i The Dhuke of Cambridge, after inspectinly the Lormota Me(1 ?? an F'riday, Comtplimelnted'li thon in1 thiar t1l1CIVIIIy, M11 rtgriltL I ho areallijoas (of time tuoater. With 1 u to HIMci ialovtmnoitb, lic would isay lucy wtoi dmottwi Iha b1. t 1.8 lind scon; and tiader Ilia friend Lieatotlatit. COlOr o WKNOl lie Wa1 oil o MVjya a thar lnumbers rind aLnl- vjetdtWI ...


... I FASHION, AND VARIETIES. I , It is expected that her Majesty will again visit Winas6r on the 21stilly fern few days previonstoher departure for Scotlund. Tiho Qacun Will reside at Balra0al until tile middle ot September, when her Majesty intends v'isiing Germany. On or about the 15th of October her Ma- jeely will again take up her residence at Windsor Castle for the winter ?? Journnl. It is ...


... FASHION AND VARIlETlES.. I Lady Emlally Peel is still at Ems, anid is rc- coveting from her recent Indispositioit. On Icavlg ERns ILadly Emily will go to Glalvo, wolhere sbe will be mHL by Sir isbart ltel, who departs for Swltzerland aifter the plorogFi- tLoi, of parliament. MIr. arnd the MAisses L3noh Staunton have left thelir residelice, at Brary, for London. We are happy to be able to state ...


... I I TIllr Buxtiric STATun.-Whoever erects a noble statue In a public plaeo dcea mnoh to educato the public t6ote.-SEalrrd9Y Jkecfea0 The Archbishop of New York visited on yes. terdey Mir E. 1 Selemon well-known Optical Estabilallment, 19, Nassau;strcet, and selected somen of tile spectaclos and sclentitlic Instrunellts, oer tile unrivalled conotruetlon of wiich Air, Solorneels has bjeal b0 ...


... TutR HOMnF AND Fooaxoiz REIviow (Wihimrsm easel Worpale, Lonsdoyi).-The Rmnibler, which originally up- peared as a monthly, changed to a bi monthly, and now comes forth as a quarterly, with neew title. In oant- ward form it resembles John Murray's, while in matter it ie quite on a par with the ablest of the quar- terlies. We have heard persons object to comt- muniques in high class ...


... I FASHION IAtN VAitlETIES. The Duke of Devonshire had an evening party on Tuesday, at Devon bire louse, P'iccadilly, at which a ery mu>nerons circle of tbo boading nobility coueregated. Tho Duka lias cards of invitation out for a ball on Tuesday next. The Countess of Bective had a soiree at her reildenice in Grafton-atreet, Londou, on Tuesday night, When nearly 400 of her ladyship's friends ...


... TJIE EXHIlBITION--THE AWARDS. . . ?? . ?? ?? .I The ahtenu'anve at the Great Exhi:itiom on the rv anti ?? f l l7ze3 may be roughly estimated at It Q)Cic. 1't D;I-; ,f a Cambridge addres'ed the comn- ai''ic:,ers Lora }'almer3 on, hu.irl Russell, Mr. Glad- .one, arnr v htr nien:beri of th a cabinet were preseint. Tie cle'cheus wv, re naa ie frai the dais ill the harticul- departinent. The ...


... FAi-111ON AN\D VARIETIES. I - . . . - I Ub e dihtrt bution of bride. cake on the occasion of itho anrrti-hga of tit' l'tiocooo Atliea litas boots on itso moot tibetifl scale postisble. All tin TO) at peroanagoo ltrnottt ait Itol nicitlde g lioo a Nviola vitho sent to them, and inhale ealcas3 oct a so at to 1 ttn Qotoi no aT to Aiteatlt, eta! others of tihe I Teati f yntl foniti), ?? were ant ...