... TIHE ?NEA EMIIGRATION FIELD. ll1 RiIVER PLATE AND THE EXHIBITION. The niuihier of medals and honourable mentions awarded 1v lhe juries of thc International Exhibition to the pro- dswsts of tlse Republic of Monte Video, relatively to the e tnilt of thc collection, has excited surprise among those to whous that country is almost unknown, and must direct the pul~lic attention very strongly to the ...

Literary Notices

... Fiferam x1ofices. CA1Ens'S 3oUtNAL FOR JUNE. THE Boox OF DAYS ror JUNE. Edinburgh: TV. d R. Chaambers. Tim first article in Chamnbers's Journal for June is -The Rise and Fall of the Daily .Flambeau-a capital description of the establishment, progress, decline, and break-up of a new daily paper by a limited liability company. There is a remarkably good article on Emanuel Swedenborg, and an ...


... THE ROYAL AGRICULTURAL ExHIBmrTo.N.-Contrary to expectation, the pecuniary results of this Exhibi- tion will be a severe loss-it is said to the extent of several thousands of pounds-to the society. This result staids in painful contrast to that of theimeeting of the society in Leeds last year, and may be fairly attributable to three causes-namely, the great ex- pense incurred by the ...


... I I - FY MOiDAIT4. Draw o borthladd rhwng diddytmdra A bodolaeth yma i'r byd, Y c.ychwynaia ar fy mordaith, Pan yr haul yn lion ei bryd; Ac ar dbnau afon amser, Cael fy nghludo 'n gyflym ?? 1'r ?? for jle'nofiea' F' enaid yn ei ddyfroedd mwy. Tybiais unwaith cawswn bwylio I'N dawel byfryd trwy byd; Ac buasai 'r net yn gwenu, A'r qwelon 'n deg o byd; Ond daeth gwyntoedd c roes i chwythu Ar fy ...


... .. tr ?? -t w- 'AJ.LOVE SONG: i ?? ; ?? .. ',+riffOe tn ; .JfStarsetohee iare sunlights i, -lv e, WereI bear threek acrosS 11 sea Sae i1y faoics stil would be; t a r distant Odeas esruislfg,. , ?? Toil iS sweet, for tis fori thee. *Even ?? I see k tP. 1P. 9 . I ?? dear ival wone rewe bhall stryy *- ?? tbe r tver softly 1ong,* ?? 'Stars . Yle the daylightlours deasy., ' . Where ?? r birt h ...


... I l;3FASHION AND VARIITIHS. Amongst the names of those invited to nice ils Excellency the Lord Lieutenant at the dejesnnr given by Dr. Corrigan, the President of the College of Phvalolans, on th;e Btb Instant, we accidentally omitted to mention the names of Dr. Power, Dr. John A. Byrne, Professor of Midwifery to tih Medleial 6chool of tile Catholic Ulivortlty; Dr. MySwIney, &c. Mr. 11, ...


... THE PUBLICATION OF THE AWARDS. (From our Special CarrcsposedcNt.) LONDON, Friday Evening. The ceremony to-day was very much a repetition of that on the opening day. Of ceremony there was, strictly speaking, very little-nothing more, in fact, than a pro- ?? of dignitaries, officials, hc., through the building, who delivered as they passed at certain fixed stations copies of the awards to the ...


... Far- travelling, there is nothing better than plain foulart1% or alpire-is. In the I ttecr riraterial at dritth shiale is va!ry enoirh liked; rifld, certeinly, is at very Convenient colour fir touristst, wlio alI- 6enerally mnodi in thoe, and elo~ed leownis hefront with at rowv of steel hetisirs. Poular, lo hve, sabve ti he inl, a1 tearaininn N-inedr of nine rows of braid-li I ...


... POE TRY. S U MI M Et R1 I longed for Summer, its the failv stweet moaild Longs for her lover, wheut the lour is iassed Ho vowed to meet her ill theo Ie'y shade. I longed for Saluoier, anid 'tis Simmor sweet Brigiht snlihine treiibils on the sea nlid ushsoro, AnDI fey bees hliumi 'lid wild flowers at my feet. Josne, ol, thy doys were bitter coMl or vet I Raill ill the mluorning wl clu the suln ...


... DOWNPATRICK UNION AGRICULTURAL I- SOCIETY. i Iii irTHUBSDAY last, the Vannual exhibition of farming stock and implements given by the Downpatrick Union Agricultural Society waas held in the usual 31 place-the Old Brewery-yard. -The weather was a very favorable, and the turn-out of stock large, all things considered. If there was any falling off, it was in the number of exhibitors in the ...


... aI- Early in the season of 1861, a young lady, whom I must of call Anonyma, for I have never been able to learn her name, le made her appearance in Hyde-park. She was a charming le creature, beautifully dressed, and she drove with ease and .n spirit two of the handsomest brown ponies eye ever beheld. .- Nobody in society had seen her before; nobody in society ky knew her name, or to whom she ...


... EXTRACTS FROMI PUNCH. ! I TO THE PRINCESS ALICE. Dear to us all by those calm earnest eyes, And early thought upon that fair young brow; Dearer for that where grief was heaviest, thou Wlert sunshine, till He passed where suns shall rise And set no more ; then, in affection wise And strong, wert strength to Her who even but now In the soft accents of thy bridal vow, Heard music of her owss ...