Advertisements & Notices

... Wantle answerg Adie oueetins In the Daft~ Poet, mus do eo fit '.Addemcacpitailetter and number) Office of ?? that applicationl must b made by letter. and in no Ozer way. -Applyf~or addoree at the Doily Post Office, means that pereozeal ?? must be made at this Office. T CAIPITAILISTS.-Tho Advortiser ia desirous of meeting with Ta first-class WORKING PARTNER, to Join him In a First-class ...

Advertisements & Notices

... EL K I N G TO. N a 0o. E UVEWTORB AND FA,,ENTM ON TEM ELEOTRO.,.PLATh BlVMB WITHS AND YA7f ART BRONZITH, Pe4re rtVS0,%t!Ul1F to CSl tb A attention of varlise ?? 1Istohermanufaotureas which may be obtalnel in smsat in levy, both In bhyer aa'j Izrm their Kstab. C SEIIJBir.m LIVIE POOL; -om ?? - % - - - -I I t-otreet, 6ad 45, Komaorgtme DUL, ?? .OO1if 48pe JUmllhrieiA; 1118 etery and Showroows, ...

Advertisements & Notices

... ANTSB). au APPRfFINTICE to the Pawnbr'okioz aud in(1'litQtio- AoevteTI~at2, 'it. Jimaw's eer it ItlyiS 11ANTEtI. 'juu, reepectabl. eliria as A881iuTANT6 in a y? Photogranhic iLstabliehttont.-Apply, after five do'lock, to V7. Lee 57', Chburch strect. 2j2 VTA NTIOI. a ruei-nei'ble Youieg Man of goad chamacer as W LIiLAT PWI-IEF~ ii 'the Bai~sar. Great baerge' e'rsei2.jli W TNY~t,]. a ?? Oust for ...

Advertisements & Notices

... EFRES'R~NT ~ROOMS, WAI(EFIE LD and 1JLlE:Pis 'CENTRAL RAILWAY STATIONS. Breakfaste, Linebe,,, Djmodse Teas, Wines. an I' S ,it. HJ~E ALLI1ANCE HfOTE f, RES~TAju RANT~j and T IlNIUG-ROONM, 141, Briggate, Leeds. Merchanlts. Manufacturers, Conamerejai Gentlemen, andlothem- Leed,~s, Will find this esltablishment replete with diseotic; comfort. Dinners &.ily from 12 to 3. Tea and Coffee at any hour ...

Advertisements & Notices

... NOTICE TO ADVEIITISERS. m1-l E, CllARG E E OlR INSEllTI ON r HE IN TUB HAMPSHIRE TELE GRAPH AND o SUSSEX CHRONICLE, OF SMALL~ PRE1'AID ADVEIITISEMENTS, t (Yots e.reee'ling Fire Lines ihttLekqllJ b Is Now 2 s. O d. EACMI, \Vith the excojstiois of tihe class 'S I T U A, ?? I 0 N S W A N T E D, - The Charge for which is 2s. Country Advertisers can either remfit tho amount 1luect r to this ...

Advertisements & Notices

... MONEY. I FEW FEWTH OUSAND POUNDS ready to A5 be Advanced at 4 S per Ccnt., on SeUrity of LAND or BUILDINGS, in Sums to Suit Borrowers. Apply to Mr. JAMES ROE, Estte AgEntatot, Whit. Friars, Chester. ELKINGTON & CO., INVENTOIRS AND PATENTEES OF THE w ELECTROPLATE, an u SILVERSMITHS AND FINE ART BRONZISTS, u Desire respectfully to call the attention of Parties requir- ing Plate ?? Manufactures, ...

Advertisements & Notices

... Early to bad, and early to rise, Mtakes a man heilthby, Wealthy, and wise. THAT TIME IS IT? W THE LILLIPUTIAN ALAU.M CLOCKS, J. do SOLLA and SON, The original anod ONLY GENUINE Idarnfacturers, Depot. 14, LEINSTER-STREET, DUBLIN. With Gilt Faces, Os. Gdl. I2I! Porcelain Faces, 6s. Gd. ii ~IW Atiy, Number Forwaerded (to be left f1il called for) any Rafilwahy Station in Ireland on retcefvt of P. ...

Advertisements & Notices

... Early to bed, rnd early to tt, Malesa a man healthy, Wealthy, and is, HAT TIM I B I IT W THE LILtPUTIAlt AOl-eRM CLOCKI, J. do SULLA and SON, The orlelal unut O;LY GENUINIE hlslanfaetarort, Depot. 14, LEINSTERSTRBgT, DUBLIN, WVith Gilt Faces , fig, dII 1i PorcClain Face,, Ga. Gd. 11 W Ally Yllynibc' Foreiardd (to tibe kt IU ealfed ] r) oseti Railteia Stetfin ?? Irelanden 1'epeafF of P. 0. ...

Advertisements & Notices

... I I~CULR NOTESand FORIGN MONEY. - C trsciit5 t th CouiilettAmerca, c.Icanl have CIR- CULA NtT~it o £5ant £1 ceilpaybleat all principal town, alsoCOEEIN MONES, a the anlkiog-oilices, o0, ADAM PIELMNK and Co. 1N'i'ENAIO AL EX IBTIN,182 P ACEF TXCHAQGES OFreistES ades NO VOPENT ByRpIDAL VEppll, aikletity of er catyie CenI'OUSajEcra~'X Als Mear ANAQUE SPI TiMNNn Cof , RkLANkIQg, ?? Ecang modfest 7 ...

Advertisements & Notices

... BATHS of HOMBURG, near Frankfort-on- B The.Ilaine-SUMAEtR SEASON, 18t2.-Tho MTINEAL WATERS of TIIAOBUIIG, as evidenced by the analysis of the celebrated Professor Liebig, are stimulant, tonic, alterative, and aperient, They are of admirable service in removieg disorders of the stomach and other intestines. They stimulate these organs when the abdominal circulation Is defective, assist the ...

Advertisements & Notices

... NOTYUVri TO A0VEWJTISERS. The Pubia, ?? respectfully ithaed Use OFIARGlE for INBER'ION In the DAILY MER0O1UJ1Y of small PRR.PAID ADVERlTISE. MENITS referring to Situations, House%, nd Pnr.'Ons Wainted, P'ropdrty to be Bold or Ukt Apartments, and all the M soellaneous 1Wants of the Cormunity to, SIXPENCB; that the ?? for THREII INSERTIONS is ONE SHILLING - for SIX IN$ERTIONS (or an entire ...

Advertisements & Notices

... . .1IGHLAND COACHES. The GLENCOE & GLINORCHY.' TAIWET do INVBRAR&Y. and MAAR- D L QIS OF BIREADALB1 NB Coacbes are ,lOW now RirnMI D Lbetween GLAS W, TARBET. ELM UN, INV~iIOAEA. 11RRARNA1N. TYNDRUlm, OBAN, FORT- 'WILjLIAM INVERRNESS andKENIOPRE. livery in~ornmntlos at thee Ofices of James Wailker, Camlbridge Streets and-Andrew. MIennies, 124 ZArsli Street, Glasgowr Cab-6 donlan loons, ...