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Belfast, Antrim, Northern Ireland

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Advertisements & Notices

... THIS DAY. INDIAN CORN. ra 0 BE SOLD BY PUBLIC AUCTION, ON X FRIDAY, the 1st AUGUST, at Twelve o'cloek Noon, at the Stores, No. 9, ALBERT SQUARE, on account of whom it may concern, about 120 Tons YELLOW INDIAN CORN, partially Heated on the voyage of importation. HUGH C. CLARKE, Auctioneer. ;Belfast, 29th July, 1862. 4238 COTTAGE AND FARM AT DONAGHADEE. To be Sold by AUCTION, on MONDAY, the 11th ...

Advertisements & Notices

... WEEKLY STEAM. COMMUNICATION * LIVERPOOL.AN]) QUJEENSTOWN, FOR NEW YORK. Tons. j - ~~Tons. City of Lo~ndon, 2,60O ta,2,1 City of New York, 2, 560 IEdinburgh, 2,197 City of Baltimore, 2,367 anro,1,874 City of Washington, 2,380~ Glasgow, 1,92 Cityy of Manchester, 2,109, ?? 4 THE LIVERPOOL, ~EW YOR IK, AND ~PHI- TLADELPHIA. STEAM-SHIP, COMPANY'S lull-powered Iron Screw Steam-ships are intended to ...

Advertisements & Notices

... £8 REWARD. E IGHT SEAMIEN HAVING DESERTED FROM the Finland Barqunc TIOVO, Prince's Dock, Belfast, the above sum will be paid to anyone giving such information as will lead to their apprehension. A proportionate sum will be paid for information leading to the Detection of any of said Men. Apply at the POLICE-OFFICE; or on Board, to Captain R. AHLBERG. , Belfast, 31Ht July, 1862..496 VESSEL FOR ...

Advertisements & Notices

... §Rteam (58111munication. : T G Sl AkND Via& LIVERP OOL. ~T O N~A. U, G.UBT, -186.2. ?? -, ?? The,]BELF!AST iSTEAk-SRIIP-C~hP-1Y' steamers 11BLENHEIMh and: ?? EMAPHOrE,0 or other Steamers,,wili Sail from BeI.ast ?? every MONDAY, TUESDAY, THUP.SDAY,andSAT R. DAY (unless prevented by aome.-unforeseen occur- rence), with Extra Sailings when required. From Belfast-August 2, at 7 E1van.; 4, nt 4 ...

Advertisements & Notices

... GREAT INTBNATIONAAi EXfIB fON. ClEEAP EXtif $A'§ ?? via tJMORMC Bh) 1easi29'rPA` RAd'XII)LAND RAILWAY.~' [ ?? o. i ?? Through Eeiiraj9i Ticqt,, avalble ONE : MONTH, are ihssud FROM' BELFAST TJOWLOI)ON, :i Fvery Evening,;at .7.5 }3r 9(on lths 12thi; and 4th), . in connexiofi .3Trf4a 51om.Xorecambeat 6.8,5 and 9.30 A.M., . arving in ondo aS 3.40imid .6S P.M., with ?? eL , l -a on UiJ I ay ...

Advertisements & Notices

... GREAT MONTHLY SALE AT MR. KING'S VETERINARY REPOSITORY, 108, DONEGALL STREET, ON WEDNESDAY (FAIR DAY). M R1. KIN G BEGS TO ANNOUNCE THE 1g]L usual MONTHLY SALE, at his VETERI- NARY REPOSITORY, on WEDNESDAY, 6th August, at Two o'clock, of Horses, Jaunting-Cars, Tax-Carts, Gigs, Phaetons, Saddlery, Harness, and Stable Appointments. Particulars in Catalogue of Sale. JOHN CRAMSIE, Auctioneer, 4306 ...

Advertisements & Notices

... UPLAND HAY. A LARGE QUANTITY OF HAY ON SALE, at BALLYWILLIAm FARM, nearDonagh- adee. Apply to NICHOLAS DELACHEROIS, Esq., Donaghadec. 4256 GRATUITOUS INSTRUCTIONS IN SINGING. H ERR MALMENE BEGSTOOFFERA Three Years' Course of InstructiOn in Sing- ing, gratis, to any Young Lady gifted with a good l voice and natural abilities; particilars to be known 1; on application. A Private Pupils are ...

Advertisements & Notices

... :::m damminm ucatian. ^T0 ENGLAND ia ]FLEETWOOD, To from BELFAST EVERY EVENING, at' 7.15§ OCLOCK (Sundays nd casualties excepted), by. the Roya I ai Steam Ships PRIN:CE ALFRtED ., - ROYAL CONSORT, and PRINCE PATRICK. BETURSIN EVEFRc EVENNG, at or ajtir 7.30o',locd Trains leave Fleetwood for Preston, Manchester, Liver. pool, Leeds, Birmingham, and London each, week day a7.15 and 9-T0 a-m. ...

Advertisements & Notices

... MIDLAND RAILWAY. F (GREAT INTERNATIONAL EXHIBITION. JIELFAST AXD LONDON, VI1A MORECAblBE, EVERY EVENING (Sundays excepted) at 7.5 P.Ms. c - AVERAGE PASSAGE, TEN HOU77S. I TR ROUGH EXCURSION T I C KE T S ARE r T issned from BELFAST EVERY EVENING, 5 available for Return from Ring's Cross Station by I qny Train on arty day, witijin ONE CALENDAR 1 NONTH.I First Class and Saloon, .. *. . 50s Od. 3 ...

Advertisements & Notices

... SALE THIS DAY. GREAT MAONTHLY SALE Ar MR. KING'S VETERINARY REPOSITORY, t 108, DONEGALL STREET, ON WEDNESDAY (FAIR DAY). ET. K KING BEGS TO ANNOUNCE THE Ar-usual MONTHLY SALE, at his VETERI- NARY REPOSITORY, on WEDNESDAY, 5th August, at Two o'clock, of Horses, Jaunting-Cars, Tax-Carts, Gigs, Phaetons, Saddlery, Harness, and Stable Appointments. Particulars in Catalogue of Sale. JOHN CRAISIE, ...

Advertisements & Notices

... VIA LIVERPOOL. - r INTERNATIONAL EXHIBITION. C HEAP EXCURSIONSB'BEL-FAST. TO LON- C DON and BACK-with liberty to break the S journey at Liverpool, either going or returning, until o: further notice. From BELFAST every MONDAY, TUESDAY, D THURSDAY, :and SATURDAY. For Hours of r( Sailing see Monthly Sailifig Lists. By the Belfast Steamnship Company's Steamqrs to Liverpool; thence 5: per London ...

Advertisements & Notices

... BOROUGH OF BELFAST, TO WIT. T CHARLES LANYON, MAYOR OF BELFAST 9 do hereby give Notice that Mr. GEORGE AGNEW CARRUTHERS, of 47, Arthur Street, Belfast, has been appointed Election Auditor, or Auditor of Election Expenses, for the Borough of Belfast. for the year terminating 31st August, 1868, :under the 17 and 18 Victoria, c. 102, a. 16. Dated at the Town Hall, this 6th day of August, 1862. ...