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Births, Deaths, Marriages and Obituaries

... (No notloo. jj j:itinoennoonta ?? ut W r p m -d yf p u . a d v Wi~ ' MARRIAG WsesOuchIul 30~oN-SrAVIT01T.-On thu 27t'r ft.,t at S13 e !6t by the Rei.T . EL 13111. Mr. Jan06 Illmansn btfleltl d Bn1 AL-BlIctA~ffk'1-OU the ~ oL al. t I imoos Branoall, of Rainford minin cori nce V dydanibter o Ur. Ntan tflrcitall, of Creak, LiontoeL 'Coorob Cheatham HillUos. ?? W j8hwsoreeo hiLkO Bolnor Jo h9ny, ...

Births, Deaths, Marriages and Obituaries

... BIRTHS, MARRIAGES, & DEATHS. *, No Notice of Birth, uszrirae, or Death can be i. serted unless authenticated by the nams and addiree of the sender. BIRTHSE1. GRIFFITsS-Aug. 27, the wife of Mr. Thomas Grlftthe Oaston-otreet, Everton-road, of a eon Hzs5LB-Aug. 29, at ar, Plumpton-street, the wife of Mr. John Helsby, of a son. RAWSoN-Jaue 29, at Batavia, 1810 of Sava, the wife of Jamned Bawcon, ...

Births, Deaths, Marriages and Obituaries

... BIRTHS, MARRIAGES, &DEATHS. %* Nqo Notloe of Birth, Marriage, or Death can be tn. sorted unless anthenticated by the name ainh addroea of the uender, BIRTHIES, CUmaa-Arugoet 2. at 60. }Howe strest, Everton, the wife of llr. George Ihtler, of a daughter. EAne~oK-August 4, at tbe Woodlands Clifton Park, Bb konhesdi, the wife of T. 8. Hanoock, ie~q., of e soo, 2NaVn-Acg. 1, Mtrs Wfillha Neviu, of ...

Births, Deaths, Marriages and Obituaries

... BIRTHS, MARRIAGES, DEATHS. ~'No Natice of B Mt.3arriage, or Death an* be in. serted unless ?? the nacme and Address of the sendiv, BITHBS. Jar~xseAug 9.the wife of Mr. Johnson Jenksns, Elm fBank, Lowe lebiehgton, Cheshire, of a. daughter. MrR.OJIAR. , g 8, at 40, Bedford-itroet North, the wile of Wr,J.D hecier, of a daughter. liOB81TS-Aug. 9, the wife of Mr. John Roberts, OAol. keeper, ...

Births, Deaths, Marriages and Obituaries

... BIRTHS, MARRIAGES, & DEATHS. %* No Notice of Birth, Marriage, or Death can be in. serted enlesS authenticated by the name and ade1reat of the Sender. BIRTflS, MINETm-AUg.22, at 171, Derby-road, Bootle, the wife of Mr. John )INeil, cf a Sol]. WOairtArA-Aug. 25, In Sprizig-grove, West Derby, the wire of Mr. Henry Worrall, of a eon. MARRIAGE3. BnOWN-M'CLELLAND-AUg. 17, at St. Peter's, EvKrton, by ...

Births, Deaths, Marriages and Obituaries

... BIRTHS, XARRIAGES, & DEAT H S. ?? No NotUse of Birth, M ariag or Death can be In. sorted ounlew ?? b the name mate addres of the sender. BIRTHS. H11BoBY-Aug 25, dt SI, Duke-street, the wife of W. W. Roraby, of son. MARRIAGMS Bauaa'xr-Guaxvell-Aug. 24, at St. Mlobsei'g, by the Rev. *B. Carpenter, M.A., Mr. James Burnett to Ml. AnA Greaves. FRaUvAX-Oaostrz-Aug. 28, at the Old Parlsh Ohureb, ...

Births, Deaths, Marriages and Obituaries

... BIRTHS, MARRIAGES, & DEATHS. la' No Notlee of Birth, Marflaro or Death can be in. earled unlees ?? to name and aidr, of the sender. BIRTHS. GrUov -Aufg. 7, at 14, Price-street, Bitkenbead, Mm. Wila vr, off a son3. MA aLt-Aug. 12, at Coolstown, county Tyrene, the wife of Robert Magill, E^q., solicitor, of u daughter, SUAW-Aug. 8, at Cheetbam, Manchester, Mrs. William Eaclid Shaw, of a eon. ...

Births, Deaths, Marriages and Obituaries

... __ TH9, MARRYAmB:s, &DEk.y. * MN Notice of Birtb, larr'age, or Death n e Perted unleeas authenticsted by ;he eatne 3r r of the sender. 1BOLT(,N-AUg. 26, the wife of Mr. T. P. Bston ,. EseAt;i-Ang. 27, the wife of Mir. E. Eiavn, Fr~e.rik-Ie-treet, of a drivehter. I LUSDIK-AUg. 28, at TeViot Bank-., t-. t, Rev. P., ,l. Lundie, M A., o: a uaugolter. MrAR:1Acu1:. 1lARTCx-MORRIr-Avt. 26 ...

Births, Deaths, Marriages and Obituaries

... BIRTHS, MARRIAGES, & DEATHS. I- To Notiee of Birth, Marriage, or Death can be tn- serted unless authenticated by the name and address of the Hender. BIRTHS, ElLluxeTOf-AUg. 18, at 78, 01arence.street, Edge hb4 the wife cf Mr. 8amuel Billington, ef a son. KA&UA(-An g. 20, at 14, Wood-igove, Edgeia4nc, Ms. Alxaander Hamage, of a son. LonvanDY-Aug, 20, at 6, Devonsbire-road, Prince's Park, the ...

Births, Deaths, Marriages and Obituaries

... BIRTHS, M4RRIAGES, & DEATq %'No 'Notloe of Blrtb, Vkrrfage, or DBalt om o1rto4 un e t ra utb en tile t d by the cl te & an of ths saider. ~ BIlBTIIS, COOPsER-Anu. 1, at 'rove Vills, Fairkeli, tb Mr. 3. . Cooper, of a eon. FROBT-JU'y 80, at Rodoliff, Chester, Mrs. Tbea . Frost, of a daughter. HhwsON-July 27, at 3, Pronke termce, Mre. Samuel Hewoin, ote eon. EyiTE-July 16, at her residence, ...

Births, Deaths, Marriages and Obituaries

... .SINGULARMARRIAGF.. . We copy the following from the Dripgon oacszve of yeaterday amrr-g ws o Iar `Ihsis, lIhuraday) mnorning amrig ut ipr formed at the pariah aburch, Brighton, to unier a lady and gentleman of colour, whose previou i history gives to the ceremony a peouliar interest, chiefly to thowe who havo been so long and so deeply linterestei In the African race, and who have watched the ...

I-No notice -of Marr

... iage ?? c b aea olt MARRIAGES. BATES--GRIMSHAW.--On the 18th feat., at the Cathedral, ?? Urleasaw, boh of AdwAck BsDIUr-PowADSA-On the I4th tonl, a St Aele (IOhufech, DabtIl BURGESS--POWER.--On the I4th tonl, a St Aele (IOhufech, DabtIl C. trgs p s.,Leu. toons nniee , daughter of th aeM.Joseph r Noli Pwe.E, tlairee cataint OofSe 6tha Blflchnte.adofSwdiaiyWto. OhCLIv-nzuN-BOAMefw.O the InAtiS ...