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Advertisements & Notices

... T ESALE PRICE of the DAILY INEWS ALL t OV5ER ENGLAND sad akt the NAILWAY STATIONS. Messrs. W. U1. SMITH and SON now SELL the DAILY INEWS St all the Railway Stations at THItFRENf'~CE per SINGLE COPY, and will SUP~PLY all COUNTRY BOOKSELLERS and NENNVS AGENTS on auth terms as will enable them also to SELL Ith DAILY NEWS at the marked price of THREEPENCE per SINGLE COPY. 18O, Strand. FOR CALCUTTA ...

Advertisements & Notices

... IRCULAR NOTES and FOREIGN MONEY. 1 51V6''L t E ?? America, NOIV calN have CIEn- Cr lI Al;ltl;N~tEof £1 and £10 each, ztlil lpaable at all lirjeeirs towasilel [ ?? rc FOE ttI~iN I a thoxtilel;F l Bie tug-oltfces, 19, ADAM SPIELIIANN and Co. TNTERNAT ION AL XHIBITIONIY1862. MONEY XCUANE ObEILS ar NOW OEN byspecial SI'1 ELIIAN N sod ?? Itulliod , ?? Offices, S,,stiirrl itraile at thes Northrn- ...

Advertisements & Notices

... Vrigim. Wrao.H1 Mode3rd 37 ,7lndeutps Y0TH W1INKS.,l~ Mr- --rg Oesons rvbheeht t'eflbtitoek an eondet De8U i ioroe toe enable hiioe frm isedfor the retion losb~e 09rem.i the e ar. ter p ?? hs d o - bllt.a 14-OONTB luAdTaTAlthUDE&PAB PET at ?? UMA pIANAU~,Ma. Ga-eO View. * OaxscnAfler 29th, theletl atd'S ex avgana.EtDYI p.bZolee. pewaobr;sl Wodtenee andr.Ees0~e n ^fitO-Iwadd~ n the musicnil E ...

Advertisements & Notices

... Now ready, price la., Post free ls. Id. T HIE SUMM3{ER EDITION of WRIGHT'S B1 sAcrIN BECCBD, containing a correot return of all the pteiog and Stecplecbaci t *hat 'hare taken place this year down to the daY of pabit~atin, fully indexed; Nominatlone and Acceptances for all Bcee to come thtu year, with the Entries for the Derby, Oahs. St. Leger, ei Erect Xorkebice Stakes far 18iB, and a erase of ...

Published: Sunday 03 August 1862
Newspaper: The Era
County: London, England
Type: Advertisement | Words: 633 | Page: Page 3 | Tags: Advertisements & Notices 

Advertisements & Notices

... M Moss' exeln an unfr -sre.-Eo~ E r MuRR&Ifs ewcdlknt 4nd unziforn; ?? CHURCHMOAN. HISTORICAL CLASS BOOKS FOR ADVANCED SCHOLARS. These Works are designed to supply a long-acknowledged want in our School Literatare-Ho1svoaRIS on Volumes of moderate size, adapted for the UPPBB and MmDDIE FOaMS in SCHOOLS, The following are now ready, The STUDENT'S HUME ; a History of England, from the ...

Advertisements & Notices

... 3A RC of1 the DAILY NEWS ALL GrE ENGLND ad I, the RAILWAY STATIONS . w. II. S titnd SON now SELL the DAILY NEWS Ital l I t fE E NU per SINGLE COPY,I i lan srl'IPLY all coUNTIIY BOOKSELLERIS COnl NEWS- C la~ I oil s tc Crile as will enable them also to SEFU ?? p~f gwJ'IS, at the nmaiked price of TH1CEEIENCE pert 6LE cui'Y. iso, Strand. ALOUTTA and MADRAS.-3ontbly Steam Ucemmon~nicajtion between ...

Advertisements & Notices

... T ESALE PRICE of the DAILY NEWS ALL HOVE~R ENGlAND and at the RAILWAY STATIONS. Messrs. IV. HI. SMIITHI and SON now SELL the DAILY NEWS at aln thse IallwayStistions at Till,1EEIEN~CE per SINGLE COPY, raid will SUPPLY all COUNTRY 130K-SELLERS and -NEWVS- AGENTS on such teens asa will enable them also to SELL the I DAILY NEWS at the marked price of THREEPENCE per SINGLE COPY . 189, Strand. OR ...

Advertisements & Notices

... Camad, Cm I _, T. i, ?? -'iiib£ O ~ ~ O An ft ;PilW ?? =p-o elI * ?? zth!et-0 eo C N'TTALMO4ondh Mgth. addaIO ~V~thlmbg e and Qa ?? ,po orpa.Olt o lP O merod..e.eln p~frAeeoxad01r~~, 00 too-and oyto CAvAI and PltltSE..I~ Sep KouOo~r, ?? 4O . tadfnbntfind ?? Steam and o Aoo ISI&n 1.4'n 'tophl0t,11pbotls ,o gt.hiok Pkelgeof 0thbfOa~suha?00em'lIPTe fzto -othePrhuO ?? ORROntm celebrated lao one ...

Advertisements & Notices

... Nowr ready, price is. Post free Is. Id. T' HEf SUMMERf EDITION of WRIGHT'S R BACING REC4ORiD, COntaintug a corrcot return of all the BnDisg and Stecplecbaela.ff that have taken peace this year down to the y of publieation, falv indexed; NoFuminations and Aeceptanocee for all Race to comns this year. with the Entries for the Derby, Oaks. St. Leger. erd Great Torkebibe Stakea for 10x3, and a ...

Published: Sunday 10 August 1862
Newspaper: The Era
County: London, England
Type: Advertisement | Words: 918 | Page: Page 3 | Tags: Advertisements & Notices 

Advertisements & Notices

... WER MAJESTY'S THEATRE. H1 FOUR MORE REPRESENrATIONS AT CHEAP PRICES. In consequence of the extraordinary success of the Farewell Nights at cheap Prices, and in nsweer to most numerous0D solicitationls forthi ceotinunasee lor a short time longer, ike Lessee begs to announce POUR MORE CHEAP NTGHTS ON Monday, August 11tb; Tuesday, August l2th; Thursday, August, 14th; and Saturday, August 161h. ...

Published: Sunday 10 August 1862
Newspaper: The Era
County: London, England
Type: Advertisement | Words: 6070 | Page: Page 8 | Tags: Advertisements & Notices 

Advertisements & Notices

... To as PAIIBNNTgD N3XXT MONTH AT TH11 FREEMASONB' HAIL, GREAT QUERN-STREET, LONDoNr. TSTIM1oNIA!L to F. LEDGER.- Several FrIelade, Gentlemen of the Drams, and the Prees, have met and resolved to present Mr Feansazxo Lmnasa with a Testimonial for the honourable end Indepenodent spirit lax Which be hoe1 Conductji THS ERA. Newspaper for the last Twenty years. The following Resolutions waro agreed ...

Published: Sunday 03 August 1862
Newspaper: The Era
County: London, England
Type: Advertisement | Words: 1562 | Page: Page 7 | Tags: Advertisements & Notices 

T ?? E tD 21 F 0 R D

... , IL OXFORD-}STREET.X Verdl's IL CORSABO, bjy iss Russell. Mies Towvneley, Miss Morley i Greene, and Albert. Coedrtor, MNr JCNGaNsS. Cemic-Mise Cardoiua tb Patkes; Mhesrs W. Randall, Ramsey, Neweombe, Hughes, BEgens, and of Unsworth (tbe ?? me). The Miraculous STECKEL EVERY EVENING. Hall. 6d.; Balcony and Stalls, Is.; Private Boges- lOs. 6d. WJESTON'S GRAND MUSIC HLV T W H0LHBN. H LHOONb Open ...

Published: Sunday 31 August 1862
Newspaper: The Era
County: London, England
Type: Advertisement | Words: 5360 | Page: Page 16 | Tags: Advertisements & Notices